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Charles Ringma


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7 products

  • ChristianCatechism

    A Pocket Catechism: Keeping the faith in the challenges of the 21st century

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    We are living in an age of confusion and uncertainty. This has also impacted the Christian church. It is important, therefore, to get some ground under our feet. And we will need more than only a Sunday service. There are things we will need to do ourselves to strengthen our faith. A Pocket Christian Catechism may be of help. It contains the basics of the Christian faith, such as prayers, creedal statements, and reflections on the work of Christ, as well as the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the church, the sacraments, and our engagement with the world. Like taking part of the church into daily life and work, this book can be read while on public transportation, having a coffee break, or going for a walk. If used regularly, A Pocket Christian Catechism can nurture one’s inner being. What is held in one’s heart gives solid ground to one’s feet. About the Author  Charles Ringma has taught in universities, colleges and seminaries in Asia, Australia and N. America. And he has worked in urban and overseas mission for several decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, is a Franciscan Tertiary (tssf) and companion of Northumbria Community, Brisbane. Besides working for justice, he plants rain forest trees, grows vegetables and pens books on Christian spirituality.
  • £14.00

    A Fragile Hope: cultivating a hermitage of the heart.

    We are living in challenging times. And it is easy to escape, pine for the good old days, or unrealistically dream our way into the future. Instead, we are invited, in this book, to face our troubled world, to identify our inner struggles of faith, and to voice our anxieties and pain. And most importantly we are invited to wrestle with the God who so often seems absent. Living with a fragile hope, we are called by the gospel to nurture an inner life that responds with faith and courage to the brokenness of our world and the woundedness of our inner being About the Author  Charles Ringma has taught in universities, colleges and seminaries in Asia, Australia and N. America. And he has worked in urban and overseas mission for several decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, is a Franciscan Tertiary (tssf) and companion of Northumbria Community, Brisbane. Besides working for justice, he plants rain forest trees, grows vegetables and pens books on Christian spirituality.
  • £14.99

    How Long, O Lord? : The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace

    The task of reconciliation with God, ourselves and others is an integral element of the mission of God that has been entrusted to his people and leads us to be peacemakers in our societies. Dealing with the grand vision of peace and reconciliation, this book unlocks the biblical story of reconciliation and challenges churches to widen their scope of mission and become a healing and restorative community. With a particular focus on case studies from the Philippines, this book gives insight on the work of reconciliation in different parts of the world. Dealing with themes such as repentance, forgiveness, partnership, and multiculturalism, How Long, O Lord? offers a thorough, academic investigation of the ministry of reconciliation that will be useful for pastors, counsellors, and scholars in various contexts.
  • £10.99

    The Art of Healing Prayer : Bringing Christ’s Wholeness to Broken People

    The Art of Healing Prayer aims to help both clergy and laity to develop a greater understanding of those who come seeking healing, and to become skilled in praying for such people biblically, imaginatively and sensitively. The authors recognize that this is a costly ministry, requiring counsellors to find time in their own often busy lives to guide others, and necessitating that they continue to be open to the gifts of God's grace. However, it is a ministry that often results in joy and transformation, as those healed from long standing inner woundedness become sources of goodness and healing for others.
  • £7.99

    Sabbath Time: A hermitage journey of retreat, return, communion

    'A serious health breakdown in my thirties, where I spent over six months in recovery, made me aware of the need for greater balance in my life. Yet since then, I have continued to do too much, say “yes” instead of “no” too often, and I have struggled to set aside time for rest, prayer and reflection. But finally, after a year of thought and planning, I decided to take a whole six months off...' From the Author Preface   Description  Being left alone to embark on a reflective journey is a great gift – particularly in our age, where remaining connected is such a driving expectation. Charles decided to take a whole six months off and to spend much of this time in a hermitage on friends’ property. To enter a space of disconnection is both a scary and an exhilarating experience. And to 'down' tools and be still without an agenda of expectations is wonderfully open and freeing. It is also walking into mystery. Who knows what might happen? About the Author  Charles Ringma has taught in universities, colleges and seminaries in Asia, Australia and N. America. And he has worked in urban and overseas mission for several decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, is a Franciscan Tertiary (tssf) and companion of Northumbria Community, Brisbane. Besides working for justice, he plants rain forest trees, grows vegetables and pens books on Christian spirituality.
  • Seize the Day
    Seize the Day

    Seize the Day

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's faith-driven resistance to the Nazis during World War II resulted in his execution. Multitudes have been inspired by the hauntingly powrful words of this man who was willing to die for his convictions. In this collection of 365 meditations Dr Charles Ringma allows us to experience the power of Bonhoeffer's words in a way that challenges us to live out our discipleship daily - combining personal spirituality with an active concern for those around us. These daily meditations on Bonhoeffer's writings may make you uncomfortable. But if you are willing to wrestle - as Bonhoeffer did - with what it means to be a follower of Christ, you'll be empowered to seize each day.
  • Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen
    Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen

    Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen

    Centring on the writings of Henri Nouwen, this book has 180 extended reflections on 20 themes written as a set of "conversations". Charles Ringma's collection leads the way to a place of intimacy with the God who loves and sustains. Equipped with these resources, people find courage to continue their journey and the strength to serve our world.