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1-12 of 498 products

  • £4.50

    CDP Chapel Booklet

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    An A5 booklet with the liturgies (including the melody line of the music) for Morning, Midday and Evening Office plus the Meditations for each day of the month from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In. Also available are Braille, Large Print (18 pt) and Giant Print (24pt) versions of the words of the Office and a separate booklet with the words of the Meditations from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2.
  • £4.50

    CDP Complines Booklet

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    An A5 booklet with the liturgies for the night office of Compline for each day of the week and the melody lines for those parts of the Complines that have been set to music. Can also be purchased in Braille, Large Print (18 pt) and Giant Print (24pt) versions. Accessible versions are words only.
  • CDP1_The Journey_Begins
    CDP1_The Journey_Begins

    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins

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    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins is the first in a two-volume collection of liturgies, prayers and meditations from the Northumbria Community, inspired by ancient Celtic Christianity, but reaching out to bring inspiration and comfort to all today who seek to be still and to find spiritual truth. As a companion for the journey this book offers meditations for the events of life, and liturgies for its seasons. It also provides a two-year cycle of insights and daily reflections with accompanying scripture readings for use in morning and evening prayer. This is a rich treasury that is loved and trusted by individuals, ministers, families, groups and communities across the world. See a sample CDP Book 1 sample
    Celtic Daily Prayer is also available as an INTERACTIVE E-BOOK published by HarperCollins and available for a variety of devices. It can be purchased from:
    Amazon here  
    iTunes here
    googleplay here
    kobo books here
    The e-book has app-like features and includes the Daily Prayer and Compline liturgies, the Meditations for the Day from Book 2 and all four years of Daily Readings from Books 1 and 2. Please be aware that currently the introduction to the theme for each month is not included (we are looking into that). The e-book does not contain any of the communion liturgies or prayers for times and seasons, rites of passages and other themed prayers and liturgies from either Celtic Daily Prayer 1 or 2.
    However, also included within the e-book are the Scriptures for each day’s readings in full from the New Revised Standard Version Bible and music from the Celtic Daily Prayer CD - ALTHOUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MUSIC FILES WILL NOT PLAY ON ALL DEVICES. Devices that will support the music files include: Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.  
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    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In

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    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In is the long awaited companion volume to Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins, also reissued in a new binding. It contains a further two years of daily readings together with a new set of meditations for each day of the month plus prayers and liturgies that speak into real life as we have experienced it. With the exception of the Daily Offices and Complines, which have been re-issued with melody lines for those parts where a sung version exists, the material included is new. Here you will find additional resources for the Times and Seasons of the year and for Rites of Passage. Here too are liturgies and prayers for the significant events and decisions in life. For those seeking fresh resources for corporate worship there are four new Communion services, an Advent liturgy that could work equally well in either a church or home group setting and fourteen new ‘Follow the Example’ liturgies with suggestions for occasions when they may prove helpful. Beautifully bound in a specially commissioned hardback cover with ribbon markers, this book is built to last. Just as well as we anticipate it becoming as much a part of our journey, alone and together, as its treasured elder sibling! See a sample:CDP Book 2 Sample 
    Celtic Daily Prayer is also available as an INTERACTIVE E-BOOK published by HarperCollins and available for a variety of devices. It can be purchased from:
    Amazon here  
    iTunes here
    googleplay here
    kobo books here
    The e-book has app-like features and includes the Daily Prayer and Compline liturgies, the Meditations for the Day from Book 2 and all four years of Daily Readings from Books 1 and 2. Please be aware that currently the introduction to the theme for each month is not included (we are looking into that). The e-book does not contain any of the communion liturgies or prayers for times and seasons, rites of passages and other themed prayers and liturgies from either Celtic Daily Prayer 1 or 2.
    However, also included within the e-book are the Scriptures for each day’s readings in full from the New Revised Standard Version Bible and music from the Celtic Daily Prayer CD - ALTHOUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MUSIC FILES WILL NOT PLAY ON ALL DEVICES.
  • £6.75

    The Jesse Tree Pack

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    Create Your own Jesse Tree at home this Advent with this delightful and richly rewarding resource for individuals, families and churches. Originally published in Celtic Daily Readings (now out of print), this month of readings is presented as an A5 booklet beautifully illustrated with newly commissioned drawings by Francesca Ross, and accompanied by a set of 31 double-sided card ornaments, featuring Francesca’s illustrations, for you to colour, cut out and use at home on your own Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree readings are named after the depictions in stained glass or wood that have been used over many centuries to bring to life the characters who are part of Jesus’ family tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. In many homes and churches it has become an Advent custom to use a small tree branch as a Jesse Tree and hang it with pictures or ornaments representing the people, prophecies and stories which anticipated the coming of Christ. Some churches have a special Jesse Tree service, during which the whole series of stories is recalled, and the ornaments added, one by one. At home it is probably more beneficial to take one reading, with its accompanying Scriptures, per day, adding the ornaments as you go through the month so that, rather like the pictures in an Advent calendar, more and more appear as Christmas approaches. Some of the drawings and readings remind us of the people who make up Jesus’ family tree. Some instead are rich in prophetic significance, or mark the feasts of Stephen, the ‘holy innocents’ and John the beloved. They remind us of the covenant that Jesus, the promised Messiah, invites us all to enter into with Him. The Jesse Tree can become a much-loved focal point during December that can offset and pre-empt the onset of an increasingly commercial and secularised Christmas. We hope these readings and ornaments will help you to share in this age-old practice and, by providing a focus for prayer and memory and a spur to the imagination, enrich your Advent as they take you on a journey through image and Scripture. 
  • £2.00

    Small boat, great big sea Communion liturgy from CDP2 – A5 booklet

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    An A5 booklet containing the Small boat, great big sea Communion liturgy published in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In Suitable for use by groups and churches wanting to share together this powerful liturgy, inspired by the story of Brendan and his companions answering the call to risky living. 10% discount when 5 or more copies are ordered in the same transaction.
  • £4.50

    Communion Liturgies from Celtic Daily Prayer

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    A 60 page booklet containing the Communion liturgies from both volumes of Celtic Daily Prayer: From Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins - Communion liturgy From Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In - Around the table: a family breaking of bread - Small boat, great big sea Communion - A Celtic Communion - A service of healing with Eucharist   Ideal for use with Community and home groups, Churches and chaplaincies, looking for fresh resources for their times together. 10% discount on orders of 5 or more booklets.  
  • £4.00

    Availability and Vulnerability: A way for living

    The Rule of the Northumbria Community with an introduction by Trevor Miller, one of the leaders of the Community. A new Way for Living that offers hope in the changed and changing culture of today's world.
  • £5.00

    Celtic Daily Prayer Colouring Book

    To compliment our Celtic Daily Prayer Books 1 & 2 Great for holidays, retreats, quiet times and calming restless minds, this colouring book contains seven of the section divider illustrations drawn for the Northumbria Community's Celtic Daily Prayer books by Francesca Ross. They are each matched with a meditation from the books, surrounded by a knotwork border especially designed to go with it.
  • One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book
    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

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    This book has been designed to guide you through a day long creative retreat or quiet day whether it be at home or away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities, some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice.'
  • £4.00

    The Heretical Imperative

    Trevor Miller, one of the leaders of the Northumbria Community, expounds on this vital (but difficult and challenging) part of the Community's Rule which exhorts us to 'take the heretical imperative'. He discusses the 'Inductive' method of approaching our faith (comparing it to the 'Deductive' and 'Reductive' approaches) and outlines five practical ways we can live this out in our daily lives.
  • £4.00

    An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Celtic Saints

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    Edward C Sellner has recently published a revised and expanded edition of his important work Wisdom of the Celtic Saints, which presents the stories of 27 of the most important of the Celtic saints from Ireland, Scotland, northern England, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. However, this is currently only available in hardback form and the author has permitted the Northumbria Community to publish his excellent introduction to his book in this booklet form, making it more widely accessible.
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