The Voyage of St Brendan: Journey to the Promised Land
Celtic Sites & SaintsThe Voyage of Saint Brendan – Journey to the Promised Land (Translated from Latin by John J. O’Meara) John J. O’Meara has here translated one of the most famous and enduring stories of western Christendom, the Navigatio Sancti Brendan Abates, written in Ireland perhaps as early as the year 800. While the routes of Saint Brendan’s journeys remain a subject of controversy, the tale itself is of great interest – a strongly integrated text which derives from several centuries of Irish literary tradition. The Voyage of Saint Brendan presents the late Professor O’Meara’s translation of the only scientific edition of the original Latin text, with his introduction, and is illustrated by the relevant woodcuts from a German version of the tale, Sankt Brandans Seefahrt, printed in Augsburg in 1476.£5.99