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Jesus Christ – the alpha and the omega
Lent & EasterAs we pass through the weeks of Lent, our gaze is drawn ineluctably to the Son of God. The crucified Christ fills our gaze as we move closer to Easter, but in order to grasp more fully the scope and significance of his supreme sacrifice, we need to embrace and believe in the whole Christ, Alpha and Omega, rather than focusing only on isolated aspects of his life, such as his teaching or his example - or even his death and resurrection. There are two journeys to make in this book. The first takes us on an extended exploration of the person and work of Jesus Christ, from the word present before the creation to the Messiah reigning in glory at the end of time. The second journey is one of devotion and discipleship through the events of Holy Week, a journey made in the light of the earlier exploration and enriched by all that we have learned as a result.£7.99