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Your selection (9 items)

Item Description Unit Price Quantity Subtotal  
Even though the day Even though the day A5 poster £1.50
£1.50 ×
Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury: Stories and wisdom through the eyes of great painters £9.99
£9.99 ×
Cranky Beautiful Faith £12.99
£12.99 ×
Your Breath: A4 signed print £12.50
£12.50 ×
Celtic Daily Prayer - music CD £10.00
£10.00 ×
Times and seasons: Greetings card £2.25
£2.25 ×
Aidan, Bede, Cuthbert: Three Inspirational Saints £9.99
£19.98 ×
A Northumbrian Office Dance Edition £4.00
£4.00 ×

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Subtotal £73.21

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  • £2.25

    Blessings: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • Home Tonight
    Home Tonight

    Home Tonight: Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son

    Prior to writing his great classic, The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen suffered an enormous personal loss and breakdown that took him away from his home in the L'Arche Daybreak community for a period of seven months. His thoughts were intense, raw and deeply private, and ultimately revealed to him the passionate drama of parenthood, filial duty, rivalry, anger and unconditional live on display in Rembrandt's painting. On his return from solitude, Henri held small private workshops on his revelations that were recorded in audio. The material of those extremely personal talks has now been formed into a unique work. Home Tonight brings to light Nouwen's lectures on the Prodigal Son in a powerful guide for spiritual reflection. Providing exercises, suggestions for times of solitude, questions for pondering, simple prayers, and aids for personal journalling, Home Tonight leads readers to commune with God through spiritual listening. A practical guide for the inner journey home, this important book will give those who adore Nouwen's works the chance to hear his voice anew on his most popular topic.
  • £10.99

    A Celtic Liturgy

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    This compact liturgy provides alternative services and prayers for many occasions. It includes: Prayers before Worship; Early Morning Prayer; Morning Prayer; Evening Prayer; Night Prayer; A Service of Marriage; In Praise of Creation; A Funeral Service; A Service of Healing; Prayers of Intercession; A Celtic Calendar of the Lives of the Saints; Selected Psalms, and an Historical Overview. A tried and tested prayer book in an attractive new design.
  • £0.65

    The Aidan Compline

    , , , , ,
    A Trifold A4 card containing the words of the Aidan Compline from Celtic Daily Prayer. Part of a series of 7 cards each containing the words of one of the Complines. (Also available here is a perfect bound A5 booklet containing the words of all seven Complines, along with the melody line of those parts of the Complines that have been set to music.)
  • £3.99

    The Creative Pilgrimage Activity Book

    This little book has been created to inspire the would-be pilgrim, as a companion for the travelling pilgrim and as an introduction to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Included are prayers and activities to help you focus on your journey whether your pilgrimage is part of your inward journey or a physical journey to a sacred place.
  • £0.75

    Calm me O Lord: A6 postcard

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    These words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and and A6 greetings card.
  • At Home in Exile
    At Home in Exile

    At Home in Exile: the journey towards a new paradigm

    The numbers of people attending church are declining. Churches are closing and the influence the church once had in society is waning. The natural response is to immediately look for solutions to the problems. However, finding appropriate solutions depends on a correct understanding of the problem. In 'At Home in Exile', Peter McDowell shows how the experience of exiles in the Old Testament can provide a way for the church to understand its current experience of marginalisation. The feelings associated with the three stages of the exile experience resonate with our current experience. The first stage is entering exile, and has associated feelings of shock and denial. The second stage, being in exile, has feelings of anger and depression. The third stage, departing from exile, is associated with acceptance and integration.
  • £2.25

    Hollow of His hand: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'May the road rise to meet you...'
  • £9.99

    The Art of Advent: A painting a day from Advent to Epiphany

    Join Jane Williams on a journey from Advent to Epiphany, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world's greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with nearly forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye.

    'A brilliant foundation for parish and small-group discussions, both during Advent and through out the year'

    The Most Revd and Rt Hon, Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

  • £12.50

    Come to Me: A4 signed print

    Words: Matthew 11:28 (New American Standard Bible ©1995) "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Background: Artist Mary Fleeson tells us that...'Jesus offers rest to those of us who are burdened with the weights of sin, fear, worry and the absence of purpose. The loads we carry may be hardly noticeable at first but if not released into Gods waiting hand have a habit of becoming heavier until their weight affects our every movement, slowing us spiritually and eventually crippling our effectiveness as the human children of our Heavenly Father. When Jesus spoke the words it was thought that He was addressing the Jews who were burdened and trapped by the complex and numerous laws and traditions but it is an offer which He makes to everyone today. Often the things in our lives that keep us from loving God and each other completely are burdens of our own making and are tightly bound with our human tendency to sin and then to hide from the God who can reveal those sins to us so we end up carrying a burden of guilt and fear. To God our burdens are tiny and light. He wants to relieve us of them. It may take some effort and courage to recognise and release our heavy loads but it is worth it to be able to stand upright and skip onwards (metaphorically speaking) in life without constraint.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • £9.95

    Timeless Beauty: in the arts and everyday life

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    Once people were instinctively tuned to the beautiful. In those distant days before the advent of the motor car and the washing machine, the electric toothbrush and the wheel, craftsmen and musicians, masons and poets, painters and dancers simply did not know how to make an ugly thing; they could not close their hearts to the light of heaven. For them countless numbers of them beauty was as necessary as the air they breathed. It gave dignity and meaning to drab and impoverished lives, and inspired great (but often brutal) civilizations in which people lived creative and useful lives. Beauty is the nourishment of the soul. It is something that gives us dignity as a species. John Lane calls us to awaken to the possibilities of a culture that recognizes the importance of beauty, and to acknowledge that we are only fully human in contact with the beautiful.
  • £2.00

    Wings and Waves Celtic Cross: Greetings card

    Square greetings card with Celtic knot work design by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £14.99

    The Artist’s Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom

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    , nature, solitude, artists, creativity The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner, author of Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire, invites readers to discover and develop their creative gifts in a spirit of prayer and reflection. This twelve-week course draws on the insights and practices of Benedictine spirituality to explore the interplay between contemplation and creativity. Sumarised in the phrase 'pray and work,' The Rule of St. Benedict provides the inspiration for Christine Valters Paintner's newest exploration of the mutually nourishing relationship between contemplative practices and creative expression. Artists of all stripes and stations in life - poets or painters, potters or photographers - will discover how traditions of Benedictine, Celtic, and desert spirituality can offer new sources of inspiration for their work. Themes like 'Sacred Tools and Sacred Space', 'Creative Solitude and Community,' and 'Nature as a Source of Revelation and Inspiration' are enriched by Paintner's perceptive discussion and enhanced by insightful quotations from well-known artists and writers. Ideally formatted for faith sharing groups and parish retreats, this guide offers suggestions for grounding both the creative and the spiritual life through three basic practices: walking, lectio divina, and journaling. The Artist's Rule is supplemented with online resources, including guided meditation podcasts, video lessons, and discussions.
  • £0.65

    The Cuthbert Compline

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    A Trifold A4 card containing the words of the Cuthbert Compline from Celtic Daily Prayer. Part of a series of 7 cards each containing the words of one of the Complines. (Also available here is a perfect bound A5 booklet containing the words of all seven Complines, along with the melody line of those parts of the Complines that have been set to music.)
  • £2.00

    Wingshadow: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross and uses wording from our Community's Evening Prayer.
  • £5.99

    Egfroth of Lindisfarne (not a saint!)

    Kate Tristram has written an entertaining and accessible account of the remarkable years of the 7th century Golden Age of Northumbria from the viewpoint of a fictional monk called Egfroth and his cat. She tells the story of Saint Aidan coming to Lindisfarne at the request of King Oswald, the traumatic events of the Synod of Whitby, the ministry of the charismatic Saint Cuthbert, the creation of the Lindisfarne gospels and the emergence of the great historian The Venerable Bede. Like Bede, Kate Tristram is an historian and author; she has lived and worked on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, at the heart of this story, for forty years. Combining her detailed knowledge of the era with a delightfully light touch, she provides a succinct overview of the momentous events that stamped their mark firmly on the religious, cultural and artistic life of our nation.
  • £9.99

    Living in Two Kingdoms

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    Both visionary and engagingly down-to-earth, "Living in Two Kingdoms" helps us recognize that the visible world of matter and the invisible world of spirit are not two worlds but one. We can be sure that whatever harsh reality we may have to face from time to time, the true reality is that we are never on our own. Because here and now - whatever it may feel like, we are truly part of the kingdom of God!Each chapter of this book ends with mediations, readings and prayers. These are designed to enable us to set aside time regularly to rest in the presence and peace of God, in order that we may rediscover afresh his all-encompassing love and care - and glory in the heaven that is all around us.
  • £10.99

    Sacred Strangers: what the Bible’s outsiders can teach Christians

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    The Bible is laced with stories in which strangers behave better than believers. What do these encounters with "others"--people from different cultures, religions, genders, economic and social classes--teach us about our own spiritual values, about the faith and God behind them? In Sacred Strangers, Nancy Haught leads readers through these stories, line by line, offering insight to open hearts to sacred strangers at a time when personal encounters can make us or break us--as people and citizens of the world.
  • £12.99

    Eyes of the Heart; photography as Christian contemplative practice

    Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner explores photography as a spiritual practice from a Christian perspective. Christine builds on the process of contemplative creativity in her book The Artist’s Rule (also available from the community bookshop) by adapting the monastic practice of lectio divina (sacred reading) into a form of visio divina (sacred seeing). A spiritual director and Benedictine oblate, she guides readers through a new way of spiritual observation – through the lens of a camera – and in receiving images, not simply taking them. She writes that, ‘My hope is that, in exploring the language of photography, you [develop] new portals into the your own experience and awareness of God. Shadow and light, framing, colour, reflections, and mirrors all offer us metaphors for ways of understanding how we might move towards seeing ourselves and God with the eyes of the heart.’ She invites us to use our cameras to help us to release our expectations of what we think we ought to see and learn to discover what is actually there. And then helps us to bring this kind of interaction into our everyday lives.
  • £2.00

    Wind, Water, Flame – the Holy Spirit: Greetings card

    Square Greetings card with image of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • The Rhythm of Life
    The Rhythm of Life

    The Rhythm of Life

    Celtic Daily Prayer by David Adam Life has its rhythms. We all need to be able to cope with its ebb as well as its flow. We have to survive its darkness as well as its light. We face dry times as well as times of richness. To survive this intricate pattern, we need to have an overriding rhythm of prayer. We need to know that whatever is happening, we are loved by God and in Him we live and move and have our being.
  • Sold out

    Journey: A4 signed print

    Words: None Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments...'The design of ‘Journey’ was an experiment inspired by a manuscript at the British Library. The parchment I saw had been painted with a rich purple-red ink and the script was formed using gold ink which appeared coppery in colour. Therefore I formed my cross in a similar way and to achieve the layered textural depth effect I experimented with collage. The working title for the piece was ‘Unknown Journey’, its layers representing C.S Lewis’ view of death as an ‘onward and upward’ journey to a better, brighter, more ‘real’ place.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock.
  • Sold out
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    Sacred Weave: Celtic songs from Lindisfarne CD

    Keith Duke has developed a musical language that has its roots in Celtic music and the ancient chants, yet speaks too in the voice of the twenty-first century. He has worked for many years with David Adam, whose texts feature in this CD. [playlist images="false" ids="9147,9149,9120,9122,9124,9126,9128,9130,9132,9134,9136,9005,9140,9142"]
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Christ as a light
    Christ as a light

    Christ as a light: A6 postcard

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    This calligraphic design by Pam French uses the words of the Canticle from our Morning Prayer. The design is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 greetings card.
  • £2.25

    Small boat, wild sea: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £16.99

    Holy Envy. Finding God in the Faith of Others.

    In this hardback book, Barbara Brown Taylor tackles the questions, worries and concerns that arise when we encounter "difference" and "others" and explores what is opened and what is revealed when we accept the invitations to investigate all the wonder before us.  Here we learn not only that God's preferred language is driven by curiosity and specialises in questions, but we also discover the spiritual riches God can teach us from the faith of others.
  • £2.00

    May the Peace: Greetings card

    An 11.5cm square greetings card. Original artwork by Francesca Ross with the Blessing from Morning Prayer (May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you) from Celtic Daily Prayer.  
  • £2.00

    Deep Peace: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'Deep peace of the running wave to you...'
  • £17.00

    The Tenderness of God

    The tenderness of God is not a theme that can be approached just to satisfy our intellectual curiosity, but is an unfathomable mystery that leads us deep into the heart of God. A deep thirst for tenderness means that many, both young and old, are prepared to do almost anything if only this thirst can be quenched. Many of us go far astray without knowing or even suspecting that the most extraordinary tenderness is that of God, and that indeed he is the source of all tenderness. This volume is the fruit of many years of prayer and thought. Throughout these meditations on lesser-known biblical texts, the reader will engage with the compassionate, merciful God, a God with all the tenderness of both mother and father. In this way, the reader will be opened up to new vistas onto the mystery of God's humble, delicate tenderness. Today the world suffers such a deep wound that only one remedy will suffice: the balm of God's tenderness. Daniel Bourguet, in the spirit of the Great Physician, applies the salve of three achingly beautiful OT texts--good news of God's infinite mercy and compassion--with a tone befitting the deep need of the hour.
  • £12.50

    Show Me: A4 signed print

    Words: Lord Jesus show me Your way Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments...'This piece was inspired by the lighthouse beam I see each night. It cuts through the darkness like a sword, like the word of God. It is a guide, a warning, a comfort and a reassurance.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock
  • £12.99

    Accidental Saints. Finding God in All the Wrong People

    What if the annoying person you try to avoid is actually seconds away from becoming an accidental saint in your life? What if, even in our persistent failings, holy moments are waiting to happen? In Accidental Saints, New York Times bestselling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls 'a religious but not-so-spiritual life.' Tattooed, angry, and profane, this unlikely priest stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people―a church-loving agnostic, a drag queen, and a gun-toting member of the NRA. As she lives and worships alongside these 'accidental saints,' Nadia is swept into first-hand encounters with grace―a gift that often feels less like being wrapped in a warm blanket and more like being hit by a blunt instrument. But by this grace, people are transformed in ways they couldn't have been on their own. In a time when many have become disillusioned with Christianity, Accidental Saints demonstrates what happens when ordinary people share bread and wine, struggle with scripture together, and tell each other the truth about their real lives. This unforgettable account of their faltering steps toward wholeness will ring true for believer and sceptic alike. Told in Nadia’s trademark confessional style, Accidental Saints is the stunning next work from one of today’s most important religious voices.
  • £8.99

    The Awesome Journey: Life’s Pilgrimage

    Drawing on a lifetime of Christian pilgrimage, David Adam reflects on biblical encounters with the divine. God's question to Adam, 'Where are you?' is relevant to us all; Abraham's long journey of hearing and obeying (and learning the art of having no agenda) is ours too; Jacob's great discovery – that heaven is found on earth and earth is raise to heaven – helps us to become aware that we often already possess what we think we're searching for. Moses' desert experiences of grief and glory encourage us to press on to the Promised Land; Elijah's powerlessness reminds us that God often call us out of darkness and weakness, and that we may need stillness to hear him. The story of the prodigal son's return is a disarming reminder of the welcome that awaits each one of us; while Paul's call to rejoice inspires us to be present fully to each day. As we continue to move forward, these profound insights – on grief and glory, emptiness and fulfilment, repentance and forgiveness, loving and being loved will transform the way we live and the way we relate to God, here and now.
  • £2.00

    Faith, hope and love: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • Fire of the North
    Fire of the North

    Fire of the North: The Life of St Cuthbert

    St Cuthbert, monk and bishop of Lindisfarne, was a man of extraordinary charm and ability. A preacher, teacher and pastor, he was also reputed to have gifts of prophecy and healing. David Adam, one of the most prolific and best-loved writers in the Celtic tradition, vividly relates the story of this central figure in Celtic Christianity. Drawing out the qualities which make Cuthbert so important in our own time, Fire of the North celebrates the saint's ready sense of God's presence and eager response to nature. The narrative is complemented throughout by prayers specially composed to help us experience the direct force of Celtic spirituality for ourselves.
  • book cover image
    book cover image

    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In

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    Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In is the long awaited companion volume to Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins, also reissued in a new binding. It contains a further two years of daily readings together with a new set of meditations for each day of the month plus prayers and liturgies that speak into real life as we have experienced it. With the exception of the Daily Offices and Complines, which have been re-issued with melody lines for those parts where a sung version exists, the material included is new. Here you will find additional resources for the Times and Seasons of the year and for Rites of Passage. Here too are liturgies and prayers for the significant events and decisions in life. For those seeking fresh resources for corporate worship there are four new Communion services, an Advent liturgy that could work equally well in either a church or home group setting and fourteen new ‘Follow the Example’ liturgies with suggestions for occasions when they may prove helpful. Beautifully bound in a specially commissioned hardback cover with ribbon markers, this book is built to last. Just as well as we anticipate it becoming as much a part of our journey, alone and together, as its treasured elder sibling! See a sample:CDP Book 2 Sample 
    Celtic Daily Prayer is also available as an INTERACTIVE E-BOOK published by HarperCollins and available for a variety of devices. It can be purchased from:
    Amazon here  
    iTunes here
    googleplay here
    kobo books here
    The e-book has app-like features and includes the Daily Prayer and Compline liturgies, the Meditations for the Day from Book 2 and all four years of Daily Readings from Books 1 and 2. Please be aware that currently the introduction to the theme for each month is not included (we are looking into that). The e-book does not contain any of the communion liturgies or prayers for times and seasons, rites of passages and other themed prayers and liturgies from either Celtic Daily Prayer 1 or 2.
    However, also included within the e-book are the Scriptures for each day’s readings in full from the New Revised Standard Version Bible and music from the Celtic Daily Prayer CD - ALTHOUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MUSIC FILES WILL NOT PLAY ON ALL DEVICES.
  • £2.00

    Labyrinth: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • Our Father

    Our Father: A4 signed print

    The Lord’s Prayer circa. 1400AD Oure Fader in hevene riche, Thin name be iblesced evere iliche, Led us Loverd into thi blisce, Let us nevre thin riche misse. Let us Loverd underfon That thin wille be evere idon Also hit is in hevene In erthe be hit evene, The hevene bred that lasteth ay Gif us Loverd this ilke day, Forgif us Loverd in our bone Al that we haven here misdone, Also wisliche ase we forgiven Ilwiles we in this worlde liven Al that us is here misdo And we biseken the thereto, Led us Loverd to non fondinge And sscild us from alle evel thinge. Source: "The Lord's Prayer in the Principal Languages, Dialects and Versions of the World, printed in Type and Vernaculars of the Different Nations, compiled and published by G.F. Bergholtz", Chicago, Illinois, 1884. Translation for ‘Our Father’: Our Father in heaven rich, Thy name be blessed I wish, Lead us Lord into thy bliss, Let us never thy riches miss. Let us Lord accept alone That thy will be ever done Also as it is in heaven In earth may it be even, The heaven bread that lasteth today Give us Lord this same day, Forgive us Lord to our bone All that we have here misdone, Also as we wisely forgave While we in this world live All that here us misdo And we beseech thee too, Lead us Lord to our testing And shield us from all evil thing. Adapted using a medieval dictionary & a bit of imagination - language scholars please excuse any horrible mistakes. The modern version interwoven with the old: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. From the Church of England ‘Common Worship’ publications, published by Church House. Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mmX297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • £9.99

    The Art of Lent: A painting a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter

    Join Sister Wendy on a journey through Lent, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world's greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with over forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye. For those who want to appreciate the spirituality behind some of the world's greatest works of art, this book will be hugely inspiring – not only during Lent but at any time of year. Dr Janina Ramirez, art historian and broadcaster.
  • Godzone

    Godzone: a guide to the travels of the soul

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    Godzone is a book of mystery and illumination, a guide-book to the travels of the heart. With humour, story-telling and captivating originality, it entices the reader to join its hitchhiking author on the most important journey of all.
  • £2.00

    Trinity: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.