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Showing 337–360 of 517 results


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337-360 of 517 products

  • Sale
    Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £9.00.

    Waiting on the Word: A poem a day for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

    Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation in which the waiting itself is strangely rich and fulfilling. Its focus is on the coming of Christ – in humility in the manger at Bethlehem, in majesty as the fulfilment and finality of all things, and in the countless moments of encounter and transformation in the time between these two great comings in which we live. The other sense we have of the word 'advent' is in the word 'adventure'. 'Let us take the adventure that God sends us,' say the knights in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, recognising that the God in whom we live and move and have our being may come and meet us when and where he pleases. Poetry can help us fathom the depths and inhabit the tensions of Advent's many paradoxes: past and future, dark and light, waiting and consolation, emptiness and fulfilment, ancient and ever new. In the spirit of the season, this anthology includes the familiar and adventures upon the new. Malcolm Guite selects and reflects on a poem for each day. The selection ranges from spiritual classics such as Edmund Spenser, John Donne, George Herbert and Christina Rossetti, to new and contemporary voices such as Luci Shaw and Scott Cairns. His own acclaimed sequence of sonnets for great Advent antiphons is also included. This anthology moves through Advent into its fulfilment in Christmas, and on to Epiphany where the choice of poetry is influenced by the stargazing pagan wise men. Here are works by non-Christian poets who seem, nevertheless, to see in the heavens such signs as declare the glory of the Lord.
    Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £9.00.
    Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £9.00.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.

    Someone to Believe In: An Advent course

    Someone to Believe In is an original Advent course based on the classic Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street. Through discussion of some of the themes and characters of this perennially popular film, the course helps us to think more deeply during the Advent season about the coming of Jesus, and what the Christmas story can teach us about our faith today. The course comprises four weekly group sessions which explore the following themes: – Beginning our walk of faith – Responding to challenges in our faith – What does faith mean when common sense tells us not to believe? – Understanding the gift of miracles Each session includes watching scenes from the 1947 Academy Award-winning Miracle on 34th Street (there are timing references for the DVD) and alternative options to watch scenes from the 1994 version. Each session also includes questions and reflections for group discussion, activities and suggested closing prayers. NB: DVD not included!  
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £1.50.

    The Word was God: Short reflections for Advent

    Here is a gentle way of walking through the busy days leading up to Christmas. Here is encouragement to slow down and savour the words of one of the best-loved of seasonal Bible readings. Here is refreshment as well as inspiration for sharing the good news of Jesus' birth with others.  
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £1.50.
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £1.50.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    Longing, Waiting, Believing: Reflections for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

    In the excitement of the weeks before Christmas, it is all too easy to overlook the fact that Christians have, down the centuries, regarded Advent as a season of penitence, a time of prayer and preparation for the great feast of the birth of Jesus, just as Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, when we remember his death and resurrection. This book of daily Bible readings and reflective comment covers the weeks from 1 December through to Epiphany on 6 January. As well as considering the well-known events of the nativity story, it looks back to those who prepared the way – the patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament and John the Baptist and Mary the Mother of Jesus in the New Testament. The book explores the traditional Advent focus on the 'four last things': death, judgement, heaven and hell. Rodney Holder shows how these sombre themes have their place in the build-up to the celebrations, because of another historic aspect of Advent: reflecting on the second coming of Jesus, when he will return, as Lord and King rather than a helpless baby, to set the world to rights.  
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    Real God in the Real World: Advent and Christmas readings on the coming of Christ

    This book offers a lively, engaging and accessible look at the theme of the Incarnation, the mysterious event at the heart of Christmas, using personal stories, illustrations from popular culture and the arts, as well as daily Bible readings. The starting-point is what the 'Word made flesh' means for us and how the first Christmas should still have an impact on our everyday lives. We will be taken on an absorbing journey to help us recognise the person of Jesus in the people we meet, the conversations we have, and even in our relationship with nature and the arts. By the end of our journey, we will not only recognise Christ in others but also in ourselves, as we model ourselves on him and share his love, compassion and peace with our neighbours, whoever they are and whatever their backgrounds.
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £7.99.

    Feast + Fast: Food for Advent and Christmas

    Christmas is one of our best loved festivals. During the long dark days of winter, it gives the focus of a celebration to lift our hearts and spirits, and the food that goes along with it plays an enormous part. But the Christmas season isn't just about shopping, parties, presents and over-indulgence. Advent, the period leading up to Christmas, can also be an important time of spiritual as well as practical preparation. In this, Christina Rees's second collection of writings and recipes following Christian festivals, she explores the wonderful season of Advent and Christmas through the themes of Welcoming, Wondering, Giving, Receiving and Celebrating. With spiritual wisdom and recipes to guide us through the festive season (including Christina's original American turkey stuffing recipe as enjoyed and adapted by Delia Smith!), she provides inspiration for fantastic meals for family and friends, and insight for maintaining a fresh and positive perspective in the midst of all the seasonal activities. Feast + Fast – Food for Advent and Christmas is a rich and creative offering, perfect for anyone seeking joy and love that lie at the heart of Christmas.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £7.99.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £7.99.
  • £10.99

    The Divine Dance

    'With the wisdom of C.S.Lewis and the accessibility of Rob Bell, Richard Rohr and Mike Morrell unpack our long-lingering questions about God, love, grace, forgiveness, all through the lens of Trinitarian spirituality...Like all good mystics, Rohr and Morrell circle our questions, revelling in the mystery of all that is. Join them. Stand with them "under the waterfall of God's infinite mercy, and know that  you are loved".' David James Poissant, Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist and author of The Heaven of Animals.
  • £6.50

    Who is it that you seek?: Spiral-bound journal

    The second of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. This design incorporates the question 'Who is it that you seek?' These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover
  • £1.99

    The ‘just got a minute or two’ Creative Retreat Sampler Activity Book

    Take time out with God. Few of us can spare a whole day or more to take a retreat but there are many benefits of taking time out of the ordinary routine. This book contains a selection of activities, including colouring images, taken for the range of activity books to inspire and encourage you.
  • £3.49

    Multicoloured Blessings

    A pocket collection of designs to colour in. Multicoloured Blessings is inspired by Matthew 5: 1-12 also known as 'The Beatitudes'. Each colouring is a blessing to aid meditation, prayer or relaxation.
  • £3.99

    The Home Blessing Prayer Book

    A selection of original blessings for the home - praying through your home and neighbourhood will make a difference. When we invite God into our everyday living space we invite God to participate in the little things of our life, the humdrum and the ordinary, even the boring. Those things probably won't suddenly be transformed into amazing spiritual experiences but there will be a difference.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Devotions

    A collection of sixteen images to colour, some are outlines of pieces already created for the Lindisfarne Scriptorium and some are completely new. The aim of the book is to help you relax, to inspire, to allow God to speak to you as you focus and meditate on the images.
  • £3.99

    The Creative Pilgrimage Activity Book

    This little book has been created to inspire the would-be pilgrim, as a companion for the travelling pilgrim and as an introduction to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Included are prayers and activities to help you focus on your journey whether your pilgrimage is part of your inward journey or a physical journey to a sacred place.
  • £3.99

    The Holiday Creative Retreat Activity Book

    This book has been designed to help you make the most of your holiday whether you have a long weekend or two weeks away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities. Some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice'.
  • £3.99

    A Blessing and Comfort Prayer Book

    A collection of original prayers and complementary Bible passages. Use the prayers in this book to bless people at significant moments in their lives, the words of comfort in the second part of the book may be used at any time.  The booklet comprises of prayers, Bible passages and pictures which can be coloured in.
  • £9.99

    The Amazing Technicolour Pyjama Therapy

    'When I fell ill and stayed ill, I felt like God had chopped me off at the ankles. I yelped in pain and indignation, I felt abandoned, diminished and finished. It took me a long time to learn that God was not out to kill me.' Some illnesses begin with a bang, whipped off to hospital or flattened into bed. Other conditions creep in until life skills are suddenly out of date. Work, socialising and hobbies are out of reach. It's a scary new world. Emily Ackerman knows this world only too well. She knows what it feels like to cry out to God to relive her suffering, to allow her to fulfil her life plans. She knows what it feels like to wait, year after year, while God works through her suffering, to fulfil his plans for her life. This book is about fighting back against illness; about reclaiming your life now you're ill. You'll find strategies, encouragement, practical advice and fresh ways to view your situation. God hasn't given up on  you: there's good news from the Bible about living abundantly and usefully with illness.
  • £3.00

    Brendan Liturgy Booklet

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    A stapled booklet containing the Brendan Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. A useful resource for individual or group retreats. 10% discount when buying 5 or more copies.  
  • £4.00

    Shabbat liturgy booklet

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    40 page booklet containing the Shabbat Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. Ideal for families and small groups sharing Shabbat. 10% discount when buying 5 or more copies.  
  • £3.00

    The Way of the Cross Liturgy Booklet

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    A 24 page stapled booklet containing The Way of the Cross liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. A particularly valuable resource for Good Friday pilgrimages. 10% discount when purchasing 5 or more copies of this liturgy.
  • £3.00

    Brigid Liturgy booklet

    , , , , , ,
    A 16 page stapled booklet containing the Brigid liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. The Brigid Liturgy is ideal for use as a house blessing by individuals, families or groups and is easily adapted for a variety of situations. 10% discount when ordering 5 or more copies.
  • £4.50

    Communion Liturgies from Celtic Daily Prayer

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    A 60 page booklet containing the Communion liturgies from both volumes of Celtic Daily Prayer: From Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins - Communion liturgy From Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In - Around the table: a family breaking of bread - Small boat, great big sea Communion - A Celtic Communion - A service of healing with Eucharist   Ideal for use with Community and home groups, Churches and chaplaincies, looking for fresh resources for their times together. 10% discount on orders of 5 or more booklets.  
  • £14.99

    Rising Strong

    When you are brave in life, sometimes you fall. Even though you want to get back up, the stories you tell yourself about your personal and professional struggles keep you stuck in a cycle of fear, self-doubt and regret. Rising Strong will help you challenge those stories so you can rewrite your future. It presents a powerful process to rise from fall, overcome mistakes and face hurt in a way that brings more wisdom and meaning int your life.
  • £9.99

    Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead

    Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings - we strive to appear perfect. In a powerful new vision Dr. Brené Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability, and dispels the widely accepted myth that it's a weakness. She argues that vulnerability is in fact a strength, and when we shut ourselves off from revealing our true selves we grow distanced from the things that bring purpose and meaning to our lives. Daring Greatly is the culmination of twelve years of groundbreaking social research across the home, relationships, work, and parenting. It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly.
  • £6.50

    Celtic Knot Work: Spiral-bound journal

    The first of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover.
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