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Showing 193–204 of 517 results


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193-204 of 517 products

  • £9.99

    The Other Side of Chaos : Breaking through when life is breaking down

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    Your children have left home, you have lost your job, you have had to move to a strange town, your partner has died ... Every life is filled with changes and transitions. In The Other Side of Chaos, the popular writer and speaker Margaret Silf takes us on a journey through the pitfalls and the opportunities of change. Transitions may be awkward and uncomfortable, but they also put into places where new life can flourish. Silf invites us to embrace the inevitability of upheaval, and shows us how the leaving of our comfort zone can become an invitation to set ourselves free. Through stories and examples and down-to earth tips, she shows us how we can live our transitions constructively and creatively. `We will discover what new growth may be sprouting in our lives only if we risk the journey that takes us, like reluctant time travellers, hurtling through the uncharted universe of change.'
  • £5.99

    Prayers for OCD : Understanding and healing

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    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not well understood by most people. It is sometimes the subject of jokes. To those who suffer it, it is definitely no laughing matter. It can jeopardise your job, your relationships and gives you no peace of mind. This book seeks to shed light on the condition, both for those who have it and for others. Its pages explore different aspects of the condition and its treatment. Each one is accompanied by a prayer. The book is divided into two sections. Part A is for those with OCD, Part B for family, friends and the wider community. When praying for someone, you may wish to insert their name, or the pronoun he or she. There is a list of resources at the end, and pages for your own prayers. Half the royalties from this book will go to OCD-UK.
  • £7.99

    I Thought There Would be Cake: navigating the ups and downs of adult life

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    EVER THOUGHT LIFE ISN'T TURNING OUT QUITE AS YOU EXPECTED? Growing up, Katharine Welby-Roberts imagined that being an adult was one big party. But depression, anxiety and crippling self-doubt led her to alienate herself from others. To replay events and encounters as nightmares, occasionally, to be unable to leave the house. Aware of the cacophony of voices in her head, Katharine invites us to join her as she journeys to the depths of her soul. Here, with instinctive honesty and humour, she confronts the parts of her story that hinder her most.
    As she charts a course that offers ways of coping with everyday issues, we are encouraged to embrace our own self-worth. To recognise the value of our existence. To let ourselves be loved. Exactly as we are.
  • £9.00

    Walking in Valleys of Darkness : A Benedictine Journey through Troubled Times

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    Trusting in the Lord and his benevolence is easy when life is going well - not so easy when life seems difficult. Yet, walking through what the author calls 'valleys of darkness' can bring us opportunities for insight and grace we might not experience when we are walking through good times. Benedictine monk Fr. Albert Holtz invites the reader to walk with him through five periods of pain and difficulty in his own life, including being diagnosed with cancer and dealing with the death of his brother. In a series of twenty-four meditations, the author shows how insights behind such New Testament words such as courage, compassion, and trust, became a source of practical help and spiritual strength for him during those difficult times. His down-to-earth reflections can do the same for anyone trying to understand how the mystery of Christ's passion, death and resurrection can help us cope with, and even profit from, life's inevitable struggles and sufferings.
  • £4.99

    Lessons from a Hospital Bed: A Spiritual Tonic for Anyone Facing Illness and Recovery

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    John Piper shares ten beliefs he brought with him to hospital, and ten lessons from his hospital bed.With deep pastoral insight, practical wisdom and sensitivity, he encourages others in hospital to look beyond their circumstances. This can be a deeply meaningful time in which to draw from God's wisdom, trust him and rest in his love.
  • £10.99

    The Circle of Peace: an antidote to distress

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    A much-needed book which gives people - Christians in particular - permission to love themselves as they should. Written by a chartered psychologist and a priest with a distinguished teaching and pastoral ministry, this book offers an encouraging hand to those who want to experiment with making beneficial changes in their life, especially those bothered by anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or feelings of helplessness. Full of reassuring and engaging stories. Includes practical exercises throughout to enable people to understand where discomfort originates and to discover ways forward. The Church is very good at inviting or challenging people to love their neighbours - it is not so strong on encouraging us to love ourselves. This book illuminates the healing truth that encountering the love of God sets us free to live as we were intended to live - loving ourselves and those around us. Through Bible passages, stories and exercises, the authors encourage us to throw off the sense of apprehension that bothers so many, and to enjoy living to the full in God's exhilarating company.
  • £5.95

    Peace of Heart: reflections on choices in daily life

    How can we achieve peace of mind? We can only experience true peace of mind when we have true peace of soul: when we are in right relationship with God, our neighbour, and our deepest self. The meditations in this little book explore how small practices and daily choices can foster true peace of soul. Small enough to slip into a purse or coat pocket, these books fit easily into everyday routines.
  • Sold out

    Threshold of Light: daily readings from the Celtic tradition

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    This delightful book draws on one of out richest native spiritual traditions, the Celtic heritage, and presents extracts from Irish, Welsh and Scottish sources in a form suitable for daily meditation. The Celts had an extraordinarily clear spiritual vision, born of close association with nature. They thought in vivid images: making a fire, the wind in the wood, the song of the birds, the white waves of the sea. Yet the sense of light and the sense of incarnation which runs through so much Celtic writing is only possible because of its recognition of the dark of sin and evil, and also its acknowledgement of the power of the cross of the resurrection. A belief in the sacredness of the earth, a belief that the victory of the cross illumines and transforms the everyday, an awareness that despite the dark, heaven is not far from us, all this shines through these pages and brings us into closer contact with these fascinating people.
  • £3.99

    Enfolded In Love

    Enfolded in Love is a selection of readings from The Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich rendered in modern English. It can either be read straight through as a presentation of the great themes of a remarkable mystic, or taken page by page as a basis for daily prayer and meditation over a period of two months. First purblished in 1980, Enfolded in Love has sold more than 120,000 copies and has become an established classic as interest in Julian of Norwich has grown. Enfolded in Love is both a perfect introduction for newcomers to Julian and an ideal resource for her devotees. This book is part of the acclaimed Enfolded in Love series of books which presents selections from the spiritual classics in a form suitable for daily reading and meditation.
  • £3.99

    In Love Enclosed

    Julian of Norwich has achieved an extraordinarily wide following amongst Christians. Some people respond to her acute and penetrating theology, some to the depth of her spirituality; whoever you are, it seems that Julian has something to say to you. Robert Llewelyn's first book of daily readings from Julian's `Revelations of Divine Love', Enfolded in Love, has sold more than 120,000 copies. This companion volume provides further readings of devotional richness and theological insight, again in a form suited for devotional use. This book is part of the acclaimed Enfolded in Love series of books which presents selections from the spiritual classics in a form suitable for daily reading and meditation.
  • £10.99

    Precious Thoughts: daily readings from Thomas Merton

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    Thomas Merton wrote to people of all faiths and none; he wrote to people who were searching, and those who were firmly established in religious orders; he wrote to students, peace activists and `ordinary' people who had read about him and were curious. Some are letters of spiritual direction, a sharing of spiritual insights and social concerns, some more personal. In this carefully selected collection, Merton scholar, Fiona Gardner, has focused on extracts that seem to speak to all who are searching. They have been chosen because they offer an opening into something other - to provide a way into both silence and contemplative prayer.
  • Sold out

    To Live is To Pray: an introduction to Carmelite spirituality

    Carmelite spirituality is a way of life that spells Freedom. Rooted in the experience of the desert mothers and fathers who sought God in solitude, it can accommodate many temperaments and approaches. The primary focus is on Finding the way of prayer that will bring you closest to God. This warm and engaging book introduces six great Carmelite Figures and their individual ways of prayer. Let Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Brother Lawrence, Therese of Lisieux and others help you discover the pathway to authentic spiritual growth.
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