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217-228 of 517 products

  • £5.95

    Poverty – Simplicity – Joy: Stories of St Francis and his Companions for Everyone

    Occasionally in the Church some spirit is raised up who proves to have a universal significance that endures through the ages. Such a one was Francis of Assisi, whose life continues to inspire countless thousands of Christians, and even people of other faiths and none. When the present pope chose the name Francis, the Church thrilled with a sense of something new, radical, focused on Jesus and the poor. The name Francis alone symbolizes a way of life that challenges and offers hope. It returns us to the basic message of Christianity, the love that is ever ancient, ever new, and demands a response on our part. Francis was born in 1182. It was the era of the crusades, which heralded enormous changes in the Christian West. During his lifetime Francis himself was to go to the East, not as a fighting Crusader, but as one who wanted to bring peace through dialogue and understanding. It was also a new era of lay holiness. There was a reaction to the wealth of the Church and its distance from the ordinary person. People flocked to the growing cities, but for most it was a life of misery and squalor. They were uprooted from the land they had lived on for years, and there was little provision in urban areas for their spiritual welfare or material well-being.
  • £5.95

    The Cloud of Unknowing for Everyone

    In this adaptation of a classic 'how to' book of contemplative prayer, beautifully and simply expressed and illustrated, the riches of contemplative prayer are made available to all. Those who find this way of praying natural for them and those who wish to discover hitherto unknown facets of the beauty of prayer can alike find in it real spiritual nourishment.
  • £10.99

    When I In Awesome Wonder: liturgy distilled from everyday life

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    All of life is liturgy. People encounter God as they live, work, and play in human communities and as they work to sustain the health of communities and the ground on which communities are built. Liturgy is distilled from everyday life when we peer through the mist and see the sacramental and spiritual dimensions of daily actions, objects, conversations, and events. In When I in Awesome Wonder, Jill Y. Crainshaw explores this dimension of spirituality and celebrates the ways God's sacramental gifts and presence arise from and return to everyday human experiences.
  • £7.99

    India – One Act of Kindness

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    India- One Act of Kindness is a love story that reads like a modern day Acts of The Apostles written by an Irishman. It is jam-packed full of true stories of dreams, visions, prophecy, healings, raising the dead, child sacrifice, demons, angels, visions of Jesus and heaven, glimpses of hell, idol worship, conversions, blessings, persecutions, gangsters, answered prayer, fasting, intercession, arranged marriages, kidnapping, suffering, babies, opposition, compassion, beating, orphans, AIDS, supernatural provision and much more. It is a life and death story of love and hope triumphing over impossible odds of adversity and rejection in response to the call of God. Reading this book has been an emotional experience for many. If you are tender hearted you will shed many tears as you weep with those who weep in this wonderful book.
  • £14.99

    Atheism After Christendom: unbelief in an age of encounter

    As Christendom continues to dwindle, atheism becomes an increasingly safe pastime. Now that we live in a post-Christendom era, the New Atheists boldly oppose the god of a bygone age, whilst dutifully serving the new gods of our own age. These new gods include the insurmountable, dehumanizing and oppressive political, economic and social forces that acquire power at the expense of the powerless. This is a call to both atheist and Christian to be faithful to their atheistic heritage. At root, this entails radical openness to radical otherness. Exploring Philosophy and Biblical Studies, Science and Ethics, Politics and Ecology, Economics and Literature, this book argues that when atheists are truly atheist and Christians truly Christian, there is true hope for a better world. The book culminates with a presentation of the Lord's Prayer as an atheist manifesto written to incite gracious, pragmatic, effective rebellion against the gods of the age. "Simon Perry's provocative book throws down the gauntlet to atheists and believers alike. So-called 'new atheists' will welcome his attack on much of traditional Christianity - only to discover themselves exposed as worshippers of the gods of this world. But Perry's real challenge is to Christians, who are forced to look again at their beliefs in the light of a 'radical atheism'." Morna Hooker, University of Cambridge
  • Sold out

    The Journey to the Cross and Beyond: stations around Lindisfarne

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    The Stations of the Cross are a series of images that tell the story of the events leading up to, and sometimes including, the resurrection. The images are often presented alongside prayers and meditations and are intended to provide a preparation for Easter Day. Meditating on the Stations can be an amazing journey of discovery, an opportunity to journey to the foot of the cross, to be challenged by the sacrifice and reassured by the resurrection. The Stations in this book will, I hope, guide and help you in that journey, they follow the ‘Scriptural Way of the Cross’ developed by Pope John Paul ll, with the addition of the resurrection (He is Risen) and are set around the village of Lindisfarne, Northumbria, UK. I have chosen to place this ancient and terrible journey around my home village but the meditations and prayers included could be used anywhere (you could find places around your own house or town or garden) and the book can also be used whilst sitting quietly. 'The Journey to the Cross and Beyond' is a glossy softcover book which combines stunning images of Holy Island drawn by Mary Fleeson with additional characters taken from the bible with poems, prayers and meditations written by Mary in response to the images.
  • £12.99

    Beauty’s Field: seeing the world

    As the leader of the World Community for Christian Meditation, Laurence Freeman's calling takes him all over the world to teach and lead groups who want to practice contemplative prayer. In this spiritual travel memoir, he recounts timeless, memorable and moving stories of people, places and events in which he has encountered God 's transformative presence. The title of the book comes from a Shakespeare sonnet and the book explores how the life of God can be found in the most unlikely places, not only in the world's beauty but even in its tragedy. Slum priests quietly bringing hope to the favelas of Brazil, the gloriously fat stone ladies of Malta which are the world's oldest depictions of God, the different effects of a mountain-top retreat on an investment banker, a tired social worker and a cancer patient, the impact of a child's death on a whole community - these and many more stories movingly reveal how the sacred strains to find expression in every life, every place, every day.
  • £7.99

    Fine Gold From Yorkshire

    What does the man who took the gospel to China's millions have in common with the creator of Wensleydale cheese, or with the inventor of the Crow's Nest, or the man responsible for the abolition of slavery throughout the Commonwealth, or with a member of the famous Bronte family? Each one (along with all twenty-one major subjects of this book, plus others) was trusting in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and they were all from Yorkshire. The county is rightly famed for its dales and moors, its cricket and its tea, but primarily Yorkshire is known for down-to-earth characters. Fine Gold from Yorkshire introduces Christians from the county whose lives have impacted millions across the world. Read it and smile, be inspired and stirred, but most of all look to the God of these people: the God who loves people from every county and country.
  • £12.99

    Pioneers of Modern Spirituality

    Many people today think of themselves as 'spiritual but not religious'. What riches and resources does the Anglican tradition have to offer those who are spiritually curious but on the margins of, or outside, the church, as well as to those inside the church? Pioneers of Modern Spirituality introduces four Anglicans Evelyn Underhill, Reginald Somerset Ward, Percy Dearmer, and Rose Macaulay each of whom was a significant influence in a revived interest in spirituality at a time when people were questioning institutional religion.
  • £9.99

    The Love That Made Saint Teresa

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    Part biography and part spiritual reading, this book brings to light little-known stories from Mother Teresa's life that will help you to grow in your love of God. You will learn her approach to reading Scripture, what enabled her to persevere through agonizing nights, and the remarkable -- some would say mystical -- events that led her to start the Missionaries of Charity.In considering Mother Teresa, her private visions, and her secret sufferings, David Scott has discovered scores of early episodes and chance encounters that point to later, larger meanings. These remarkable patterns, he suggests, show that Mother Teresa's life was choreographed from above, as if a divine script had been written for her from before her birth.In these pages, you will meet for the first time the Mother Teresa who challenged the ancient Goddess of Death and became the first saint of our global village. You will read as she describes, in long-secret letters, the dark night of her soul. The woman you will meet is one that God himself sent to you as a clear sign that despite pain and suffering in our lives and in our world, God's good love will prevail ...beginning in what she called the slums of our hearts. We are all called to holiness, and the saints are sent to us as real-life examples of God's love. With Mother Teresa as your guide, you'll learn how to follow God's call and find holiness in a world marked by the shadow of death and growing indifference to God. Indeed, you'll learn how to be an everyday missionary of Christ's love in the ordinary activities of your daily life.
  • £12.00

    Obtainable Expectations; a timely exposition of the Sermon on the Mount

    Obtainable Expectations shows the reader how to apply the principles of the Sermon on the Mount in one's life and ministry.
  • £7.99

    Photographic Prayers

    This second book from Mary, Mark and Aurian Fleeson contains a further selection of stunning images and words exploring the land and sea around Lindisfarne.
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