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397-408 of 511 products

  • Colonies of Heaven
    Colonies of Heaven

    Colonies of Heaven: Celtic Models for Today’s Church

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    'Celtic' Christianity continues to fascinate us, but is it relevant to the life and witness of the church today? Ian Bradley is convinced that it is; that the building of 'colonies of heaven' drawing on Celtic models provides the way forward for the churches in the twenty-first century. Colonies of Heaven explores how the distinctive themes in the early Christianity of the British Isles – monasticism, blessing and cursing, penance and pastoral care, worship, the communion of saints and pilgrimage – might be applied in practical terms to Christian life today. Building 'colonies of heaven' (communities of prayer, artistic and creative activity, hospitality and team ministry), Bradley argues, would revitalise our churches with a new spiritual and social role in an increasingly secular and fragmented society.
  • £15.99

    The Way of the Heart

    The words flee, be silent and pray summarise the spirituality of the desert. They indicate the three ways of preventing the world from shaping us in its image and are thus the three ways to life in the Spirit.' How can Christians live as God wants in today's world? Henri Nouwen seeks his answer from an unlikely source - the example of the fifth-century Egyptian Desert Fathers and Mothers. Their experience in the desert taught them that true Christian living in possible only if we find a place in our lives for solitude, silence and prayer. The Way of the Heart in a perfect book for prayerful meditation. Compassionate yet challenging, it will enable us not only to appreciate the teaching of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, but to apply it to our daily lives.
  • £9.99

    The Heart of Creation: Meditation: a way of setting God free in the world

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    In the spirituality of the desert fathers and mothers, the Benedictine monk, John Main, discovered a tradition of contemplative prayer he believed could re-energise the Church in prayer and restore its capacity to communicate a sense of wonder at the heart of creation. In his teachings on prayer, the contemplative power of early Christianity, which for centuries has been diverted to dogmatic issues and institutional structures, is once again released. The contemplative experience is simply pure attention to God in the present moment. A way of prayer that is totally simple, it invites you to set aside your own thoughts, feelings and perceptions and to let God be God. In silent contemplation, relating to God becomes more than thought, dialogue or contractualy bargaining. Instead of questioning, we awaken to the basic relationship of life which determines all other relationships, with others and with ourselves. In a busy and frenetic world, it enables us to discover redemptive, healing silence.
  • £12.99

    Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith

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    In the words of Frederick Buechner: 'This beautiful book is rich with wit and humanness and honesty and loving detail. It is a book about the wonderful mess of being alive in this world, and about the wonderful and terrible things that happen to us in it, and about the dream of God. I cannot overstate how liberating and transforming I have founs Leaving Church to be.'    
  • £16.00

    Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

    A compassionate and compelling meditation on discovering your path in life. With wisdom, compassion and gentle humour, Parker J. Palmer invites us to listen to the inner teacher and follow its leadings toward a sense of meaning and purpose. Telling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have made a difference , he shares insights gained from darkness and depression as well as fulfilment and joy, illuminating a pathway towards vocation for all who seek the true calling of their lives.
  • £10.99

    Lectio Divina: The Sacred Art

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    Drawing on her own experience as a monk in the world, Christine Valters Paintner breaks open the movements of the ancient contemplative practice of lectio divina for the contemporary reader. Wise and accessible, this volume will be valued by those who long for a more pervasive experience of the holy in the everyday, but live far away from the sanctuary of a monastery.
  • Multicoloured Contemplations
    Multicoloured Contemplations

    Multicoloured Contemplations

    A pocket collection of designs by Mary Fleeson to colour in. Use Multicoloured Contemplations for relaxation, prayer or meditation, on holiday or retreat.
  • Multicoloured Meditations
    Multicoloured Meditations

    Multicoloured Meditations

    A beautiful collection of 16 outlines to colour in, designed by Mary Fleeson, companion of the Northumbria Community, and produced by the Lindsifarne Scriptorium.
  • Multicoloured prayers
    Multicoloured prayers

    Multicoloured prayers

    Multicoloured Prayers includes sixteen colouring pages which are meditations to help focus and inspire. It is ideal for retreats, holidays, everyday quiet times and for buzzing minds wanting to spend time focusing on God. Mary writes in the forward of Multicoloured Prayers: 'This book is a collection of original images to colour, some are outlines of pieces I have created for Lindisfarne Scriptorium and some are completely new designs. The aim of the book is to help you relax, to inspire you, to allow God to draw near you and speak to you through the works. As you add colour and life to the pages and ponder over the words don't worry about going over the lines! Allow the child within to emerge for a while and have fun!'
  • God Doesn't Do Waste
    God Doesn't Do Waste

    God Doesn’t Do Waste: Redeeming the Whole of Life

    Meet 'the Bookless Bunch', a very ordinary family who went green. When God challenged him over his attitude to the environment, Dave Bookless did a total rethink. This led to major changes, not only in his family's lifestyle but also eventually in his career: full time involvement in the global A Rocha movement that aims to care for God's fragile world. But in one sense this book isn't about going green at all. It's a personal account of a life lived in relationship. It's about roots and belonging, suffering and healing, identity and meaning, faith and doubt. It's about how in God's economy nothing need be wasted. It's about the messiness that each human being wades through in every area of life, and about a God who can take all that seems most wasteful and useless, and recycle it into something of infinite worth.
  • From Wild Man to Wise Man
    From Wild Man to Wise Man

    From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on male spirituality

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    From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality is a revised and updated edition of Richard Rohr's earlier best-seller, The Wild Man's Journey: Reflections on Male Spirituality. For this new work, Rohr added three chapters that discuss John the Baptist, Saint Paul and grief. An appendix provides a structure for a men's group, based on Rohr's work with M.A.L.E.S (Men as Learners and Elders), a program of the Center for Action and Contemplation, which Richard founded and now directs in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Falling Upward companion journal
    Falling Upward companion journal

    Falling Upward: A companion journal

    In his bestselling Falling Upward, Father Richard Rohr offers a new paradigm for understanding one of the most profound of life's mysteries: how our failings can be the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth. Drawing on the wisdom from time-honoured myths, heroic poems, great thinkers and sacred religious texts, he demonstrates that we grow spiritually more by doing it wrong than by doing it right. The Companion Journal helps those who have (and those who have not) read Falling Upward to engage fully with the questions the book raises. Using a blend of quotes, questions for individual and group reflection, stories, and suggestions for spiritual practices, it provides a wise guide for deepening the spiritual journey – at any time of life.
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