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1-26 of 47 products

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    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

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    Who are you becoming? That was the question nagging pastor and author John Mark Comer. By outward metrics, everything appeared successful. But inwardly, things weren't pretty. So he turned to a trusted mentor for guidance and heard these words: 'Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life.' It wasn't the response he expected, but it continues to be the answer he needs. Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness as a root of much evil. Within the pages of this book, you'll find a compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favour of a slower, simpler way of life.
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    Hopeful Activist
    Hopeful Activist

    The Hopeful Activist: discovering the vital change you were made to bring

    I wish I had been able to read this book twenty years ago!   'Ruth Valerio' All around us there are signs of a broken world, situations that are just not right. Where do we begin? Sometimes we simply don't know what to do. Or maybe you are busy 'doing' and it's tough, even bringing you close to burn out. Whether you are new to activism or already on the road, this book will (re)kindle your hope and illuminate the way ahead. Featuring contributions from Shane Claiborne, Lisa Sharon Harper, Krish Kandiah, Sam Wells and many more, The Hopeful Activist is full of fresh wisdom and practical advice to help you play your part in bringing God's justice and restoration to the world around you.
  • £14.99

    Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land: Re-shaping the Church for a Changed World

    The most devastating experience of God's people in the Old Testament was the exile. But rather than destroying them, it resulted in them emerging from it with a fresh understanding of God and committed to new ways of worshipping him. For many churches and individual Christians, the Covid pandemic has also been a form of exile. How far have we emerged with fresh understanding of our faith, new ways of being and doing church, a reinvigorated commitment to the mission task? Mission, particularly the clear proclamation of the Gospel, is the core task of the church, our response to Jesus' Great Commission to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). Every individual Christian has their part to play in this, learning how to sing the Lord's song (the gospel) effectively in our current context, which is not always entirely friendly. Every Christian community, every local church, needs to be able to sing the same song through the quality of their life together. Whenever new people join us, we need to offer them a positive experience: comfortable facilities, meaningful worship, relevant teaching, and, above all, a genuine, warm welcome. Without this, any message we may proclaim is likely to fall on deaf ears.
  • £10.99

    Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times

    We are living through a period of cultural climate change. We have outsourced morality to the markets on the one hand, and the state on the other. The markets have brought wealth to many, and the state has done much to contain the worst excesses of inequality, but neither is capable of bearing the moral weight of showing us how to live. This has had a profound impact on society and the way in which we interact with each other. Traditional values no longer hold, yet recent political swings show that modern ideals of tolerance have left many feeling rudderless and adrift. In this environment we see things fall apart in unexpected ways - toxic public discourse makes true societal progress almost unattainable, a more divisive society is fuelled by identity politics and extremism, and the rise of a victimhood mentality calls for 'safe spaces' but stifles debate. The influence of social media seems all-pervading and the breakdown of the family is only one result of the loss of social capital. Many fear what the future may hold. Delivering a devastatingly insightful critique of our modern condition, and assessing its roots and causes from the ancient Greeks through the Reformation and Enlightenment to the present day, Sacks argues that there is no liberty without morality, and no freedom without responsibility. If we care about the future of western civilisation, all of us must play our part in rebuilding our common moral foundation. Then we will discover afresh the life-transforming and counterintuitive truths that a nation is strong when it cares for the weak, and rich when it cares for the poor. Here is an inspiring vision of a world in which we can all find our place, and face the future without fear.
  • £12.99

    Geography of Grace

    How do we make sense of God's love among the urban poor, and among the rest of us who are hungry for good news in the hard and sometimes forgotten places of our own lives? Rocke and Van Dyke invite us to discover for ourselves the unexpected nature of grace among those who have been labelled the least, last and lost-and their inextricable link to the forgotten and disturbing stories in the Bible. Graphic but never gratuitous, Rocke and Van Dyke are lyrical, poetic, irreverent, and playful. They are as rigorous in their study of applied theology as they are accessible in their storytelling. The authors share their own discovery of that which has been "hidden since the foundations of the earth," and they do it by standing with those who have stood alone, finding joy in being counted among the transgressors. They offer a new kind of orthodoxy that is as old as the gospel itself. Far from a dogmatic theology, the burden of this book is uncommonly light, but it is not without its demands. If you are up for a life-changing adventure, then get ready to "assume the risks."
  • The Divine Conspiracy

    God Untamed : Out of the Spiritual Comfort Zone

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    Powerful. Almighty. Sovereign. Magnificent. Fearsome. This is the God we encounter in the Bible and in prayer--a God who astounds. Yet, Johannes Hartl argues that this is an astonishment that many have lost in the West today. A challenging rejection of 'feel-good' Christianity, God Untamed explores the deep crisis of faith that effects the Western world. At a time where the need for spirituality is great, yet churches are losing more and more members; in the face of a generation with so many opportunities and so little direct threat, yet who are so anxious, depressed and disenchanted--Hartl speaks of the voice that can still oceans. God, as He encounters us, is not simply 'nice' and certainly not trivial or comfortable. He is fascinating and intimidating at the same time. Hartl calls us to rediscover this sense of wonder and re-imagine what it is to have a fear of God--not founded in a whimper at the unknown, but a respect borne out of watching His visible power in the nature of our world. Without this fear, Hartl warns that the church is in danger of weakening under the immense pressures of our times. God Untamed is a compelling charge to get out of our spiritual comfort zones to find a real, truly fulfilled and fulfilling faith.
  • £8.99

    Searching for a Silent God

    This is a thoughtful and engaging companion for all who experience times of spiritual crisis. Having come to faith as a young adult, Sarah Parkinson had always had a strong sense of the presence and loving care of God in her life. Following a family bereavement, she found herself searching for a God who no longer seemed to be there. Movingly expressed in reflective prose, and poems written at the time, she describes how this experience led her to a more profound and mature relationship with God. The author tells her own story and in doing so enables others to search for and find transformation in their life of faith.
  • £12.99

    Sabbath Rest : The Beauty of God’s Rhythm for a Digital Age

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    Why is sabbath so critical for the life of faith? And where does sabbath rest fit into a restless, `always-on' society?Sabbath Rest considers the theological foundations of Christian sabbath-keeping, in first and second temple Judaism, New Testament Christianity and in the early church. Exploring the biblical commandments and stories around the sabbath, Mark Scarlata connects the principles of sabbath rest to the demands and challenges of our modern technological and consumer society.
  • £10.99

    Leading with Everything to Give : Lessons from the Success and Failure of Western Capitalism

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    Having looked at the personal character of an undefended leader in Leading out of Who You Are and at the pragmatics of wielding power in Leading with Nothing to Lose, Simon Walker next looks at the Politics - and economics - of undefended leadership. In this final volume of his leadership trilogy, The Undefended Leader, he analyses the crisis in social ecology in Western culture and its global repercussions. Walker offers a piercing analysis that sets the current economic problems within broader, deeper narrative of social dysfunction in the West. Sane, wide-ranging and acutely relevant in the chaos of the current crisis, his analysis offers a clear perspective and points to the future. This is a provocative book, and, in the light of current events, most timely. With study questions and practical ideas to help readers apply the undefended vision wherever they are. "I have come to see that idealism and pragmatism are not incompatible bedfellows - the grand and the noble and the humble and immediate are both necessary."
  • £10.99

    For Good : The Church and the Future of Welfare

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    It is often claimed that local churches provide a significant proportion of social care today. This important new study considers the reality of the church's involvement to offer compelling and concrete recommendations for the future. It proposes a transformational model of welfare that breaks free from the default approach of `eradicating the five giant evils - squalor, ignorance, want, idleness, and disease'. Instead the authors focus on fostering five assets - relationship, creativity, partnership, compassion, and joy - and empowering people to regain control of their lives. With bold and innovative practical recommendations for churches, civil society and public policy, and compelling theological reflection on welfare and poverty, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the church's contribution to society.
  • £9.99

    Youthwork After Christendom

    The end of Christendom where the Christian story was known and the church was central invites Christians in western culture to embrace marginality and discover fresh ways of being church and engaging in mission. While the transition from modernity to postmodernity has received a huge amount of attention the shift from Christendom to postChristendom has not yet been fully explored. This book is an introduction; a journey into the past an interpretation of the present and an invitation to ask what following Jesus might mean in the strange new world of postChristendom. Drawing on insights from the early Christians dissident movements and the world church this book challenges conventional ways of thinking. For those who dare to imagine new ways of following Jesus on the margins it invites a realistic and hopeful response to challenges and opportunities awaiting us in the 21st century.
  • £9.99

    Church After Christendom

    Christianity must be understood not as a religion of private salvation, but as a gospel movement of universal compassion, which transforms the world in the power of God's truth. Amid several major global crises, including the rise of terrorism and religious fundamentalism and a sudden resurgence of political extremism, Christians must now face up fearlessly to the challenges of living in a "post-truth" age in which deceitful politicians present their media-spun fabrications as "alternative facts." This book is an attempt to enact a transformative theology for these changing times that will equip the global Christian community to take a stand for the gospel in an age of cultural despair and moral fragmentation. The emerging post-Christendom era calls for a new vision of Christianity that has come of age and connects with the spiritual crisis of our times. In helping to make this vision a reality, Searle insists that theology is not merely an academic discipline, but a transformative enterprise that changes the world. Theology is to be experienced not just behind a desk, in an armchair, or in a church, but also in hospitals, in foodbanks, in workplaces, and on the streets. Theology is to be lived as well as read
  • £14.99

    How Long, O Lord? : The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace

    The task of reconciliation with God, ourselves and others is an integral element of the mission of God that has been entrusted to his people and leads us to be peacemakers in our societies. Dealing with the grand vision of peace and reconciliation, this book unlocks the biblical story of reconciliation and challenges churches to widen their scope of mission and become a healing and restorative community. With a particular focus on case studies from the Philippines, this book gives insight on the work of reconciliation in different parts of the world. Dealing with themes such as repentance, forgiveness, partnership, and multiculturalism, How Long, O Lord? offers a thorough, academic investigation of the ministry of reconciliation that will be useful for pastors, counsellors, and scholars in various contexts.
  • £12.00

    Discovering Kenarchy : Contemporary Resources for the Politics of Love

    This book is a bold attempt to present a love-based personal and corporate politics fit for the coming decades of the twenty-first century. Taking as its starting point the love for friends, neighbors, and enemies embodied in the life of Jesus and recognized both inside and outside the church, this book sets out a contemporary practical politics called kenarchy that has already positively impacted many lives. Its contributors set out the key components of kenarchy, challenging the reader to confront the norms of personal rights, security, and economic gain with a love for "the other" that restores a female world perspective lost over generations of patriarchal dominance. Discovering Kenarchy is the promised response to the inevitable disintegration of the partnership of church and sovereign power outlined in its companion volume, The Fall of the Church. It is an inspirational resource for all those who desire to fill the emerging new political space with a loving, just, and practical alternative to the devaluation of human life by global capitalism and the reactionary religious and racist behavior that threatens the common good. "The authors of Discovering Kenarchy, in combining the concept of kenotic love with the '-archy' of order and relation in socio-political structures, have succeeded in both opening and enlarging the familiar radical inversions and apparent paradoxes of Jesus' teaching. Dismantling the conventionally understood exercise of sovereign power as the only means to peace, the book explores the self-emptying love expressed in the command to love your enemy, and its potential in our own troubled and violent times for transforming the inherently conflictual into a new politics of peace. That is an appeal which reaches far beyond the Christian and the theologian." --Jill Segger, Associate Director, Ekklesia, London, UK
  • £23.99

    Theology After Christendom: forming prophets for a post-Christian world

    Christianity must be understood not as a religion of private salvation, but as a gospel movement of universal compassion, which transforms the world in the power of God's truth. Amid several major global crises, including the rise of terrorism and religious fundamentalism and a sudden resurgence of political extremism, Christians must now face up fearlessly to the challenges of living in a "post-truth" age in which deceitful politicians present their media-spun fabrications as "alternative facts." This book is an attempt to enact a transformative theology for these changing times that will equip the global Christian community to take a stand for the gospel in an age of cultural despair and moral fragmentation. The emerging post-Christendom era calls for a new vision of Christianity that has come of age and connects with the spiritual crisis of our times. In helping to make this vision a reality, Searle insists that theology is not merely an academic discipline, but a transformative enterprise that changes the world. Theology is to be experienced not just behind a desk, in an armchair, or in a church, but also in hospitals, in foodbanks, in workplaces, and on the streets. Theology is to be lived as well as read
  • £15.99

    A Future and a Hope: Mission, Theological Education, and the Transformation of Post-Soviet Society

    After more than twenty years since the fall of the USSR, the evangelical movement in post-Soviet society has entered a crucial phase in its historical development. Setting out a transformative vision of mission and theological education, this book makes an important contribution towards the renewal of the church in this fascinating--but deeply troubled--part of the world. After the violent and disruptive events that followed the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and Freedom in 2013/14, the evangelical movement in post-Soviet society now has an unprecedented opportunity to become a shining example of a "church without walls." Searle and Cherenkov reflect on the political, social, cultural, and intellectual legacy of the Soviet Union and offer bold and innovative proposals on how the church can rediscover its prophetic voice by relinquishing its debilitating dependence on the state and, instead, expressing solidarity with the people in their legitimate aspirations for freedom and democracy. Notwithstanding the pessimism and lament expressed on many pages, the authors conclude on a positive note, predicting that the coming years will witness a flowering of evangelical ecumenism in action as Christian solidarity flourishes and overflows denominational boundaries and parochial interests.
  • £12.99

    Carnival Kingdom

    The first Christians lived out a new social order and envisaged the world anew. Divisions, inequalities and injustices would be overturned as the world would reflect a new kind of reign. In the Kingdom of God, the powerful are brought low, while the oppressed are raised up; the hungry are filled with good things, while the rich are sent empty away; the wolf lives with the lamb, and the leopard lies down with the goat; the slave becomes the son, the master is the servant of all and the meek will inherit the earth. This same upside-down Kingdom is echoed in the Carnival festivals of the Medieval era, which both parodied the oppressive structures of their day and dramatically portrayed an alternative reality. In this book, twelve scholars, theologians, and social activists from around the world take up the Carnival's call for justice and a renewed society, and portray in their own contexts the Kingdom of God coming in justice and fullness of life - the coming of the Carnival Kingdom.
  • £3.95

    Mission-Shaped Hermit: Thomas Merton, Mission and Spirituality

    The church is rediscovering a passion for mission‚ and with that there is the danger that it finds an addiction to action, and puts itself, rather than God, at centre stage.Thomas Merton was a radical and engaging thinker who saw contemplation as the necessary partner to action.  This profound and challenging study distils some of his insights and offers a radical agenda for mission in the new realities of today.
  • £12.99

    The Naked God : Wrestling for a grace-ful humanity

    `Every generation puts "clothes" onto God to help their understanding; but the underlying reality of God still lies beneath those garments. If we go on clothing God only with garments that are suitable for medieval Christendom, or any other age, then we can hardly expect that God will be understood in the twenty-first century.'We live in an age in which many people are interested in spirituality but have been disillusioned by the Church and are unaware of what lies behind institutional religion. There is little knowledge of historical attempts to understand and to `clothe' God, and it is more difficult for twenty-first-century generations to find the tools with which to wrestle with the big questions about who we are and how we relate both to God and to each other. Vincent Strudwick - in collaboration with theologian, historian and priest Jane Shaw - invites all readers to become wrestlers: to explore difficult questions about God, the Bible, spirituality and the Church.
  • £12.00

    God of Earth : Discovering a Radically Ecological Christianity

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    "Informed by rich appeal to religious mystery, voiced in poetic imagery and cadence... offers thick attentiveness to the world" - Professor Walter Brueggemann. "Kristin Swenson blows past petrified Christian traditions to shine light on a profoundly radical new way to experience God" - Stephanie Pearson, contributing editor, Outside magazine. What happens if we imagine the Jesus of Christian theology to be realized in the nonhuman natural world around us?  Basic to Christian belief is the notion that God, the creator of all, inhabited the earth in order to call to us. God of Earth embraces this central premise of Christianity - Jesus as both fully divine and fully human - and then allows for the possibility that such a Jesus need not be limited to a human man. What if Jesus were "God of earth" - not only over earth but also in and through it? As Swenson tracks that question through the cycle of a church year, she invites readers to reconsider our relationship to the nonhuman natural world and so experience new dimensions of the sacred and new possibilities for hope and healing.
  • £9.99

    Forgetful Heart : Remembering God in a Distracted World

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    We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives becoming sometimes treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether. This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God? Here she suggests that it is about more than simply `knowing' things - it is about how we live. Forgetful Heart is a beautifully-written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection and practical challenges and advice.
  • £14.99

    Reclaiming the Common Good : How Christians can help re-build our broken world

    After decades of political consensus, we are entering a time in which everything about the way we live today, and about how our society and communities are structured, is up for discussion. Many people are feeling empowered to ask: What kind of world do we want to live in? One that works for a few, or one that works for the common good?What part can Christians play in building a future of hope, peace, equality an justice?Reclaiming the Common Good is a collection of essays which consider these themes. Beginning with an explanation of the history and meaning of the term `common good', it explores how the sense of working for this ideal has been lost. Focussing, biblically, on issues such as welfare, austerity, migration, environment, peace and justice, it provides a compellingly fresh and insightful analysis on the state of the world today, and offers a realistic vision of how it could be better. This vision is rooted in the idea of a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem, as suggested in the book of Revelation. This collection has been compiled and edited by Virginia Moffatt, a writer, community activist and former Chief Operating Officer of the belief and values think-tank, Ekklesia. Its other contributors are: Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, John Moffatt SJ, Simon Barrow, Bernadette Meaden, Dr Simon Duffy, Rev. Vaughan Jones, Savitri Hensman , Ellen Teague, Edward P. Echlin, Henrietta Cullinan, Susan Clarkson and Rev.Dr Simon Woodman.
  • £14.99

    Atheism After Christendom: unbelief in an age of encounter

    As Christendom continues to dwindle, atheism becomes an increasingly safe pastime. Now that we live in a post-Christendom era, the New Atheists boldly oppose the god of a bygone age, whilst dutifully serving the new gods of our own age. These new gods include the insurmountable, dehumanizing and oppressive political, economic and social forces that acquire power at the expense of the powerless. This is a call to both atheist and Christian to be faithful to their atheistic heritage. At root, this entails radical openness to radical otherness. Exploring Philosophy and Biblical Studies, Science and Ethics, Politics and Ecology, Economics and Literature, this book argues that when atheists are truly atheist and Christians truly Christian, there is true hope for a better world. The book culminates with a presentation of the Lord's Prayer as an atheist manifesto written to incite gracious, pragmatic, effective rebellion against the gods of the age. "Simon Perry's provocative book throws down the gauntlet to atheists and believers alike. So-called 'new atheists' will welcome his attack on much of traditional Christianity - only to discover themselves exposed as worshippers of the gods of this world. But Perry's real challenge is to Christians, who are forced to look again at their beliefs in the light of a 'radical atheism'." Morna Hooker, University of Cambridge
  • £12.99

    Beauty’s Field: seeing the world

    As the leader of the World Community for Christian Meditation, Laurence Freeman's calling takes him all over the world to teach and lead groups who want to practice contemplative prayer. In this spiritual travel memoir, he recounts timeless, memorable and moving stories of people, places and events in which he has encountered God 's transformative presence. The title of the book comes from a Shakespeare sonnet and the book explores how the life of God can be found in the most unlikely places, not only in the world's beauty but even in its tragedy. Slum priests quietly bringing hope to the favelas of Brazil, the gloriously fat stone ladies of Malta which are the world's oldest depictions of God, the different effects of a mountain-top retreat on an investment banker, a tired social worker and a cancer patient, the impact of a child's death on a whole community - these and many more stories movingly reveal how the sacred strains to find expression in every life, every place, every day.
  • £7.99

    Fine Gold From Yorkshire

    What does the man who took the gospel to China's millions have in common with the creator of Wensleydale cheese, or with the inventor of the Crow's Nest, or the man responsible for the abolition of slavery throughout the Commonwealth, or with a member of the famous Bronte family? Each one (along with all twenty-one major subjects of this book, plus others) was trusting in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and they were all from Yorkshire. The county is rightly famed for its dales and moors, its cricket and its tea, but primarily Yorkshire is known for down-to-earth characters. Fine Gold from Yorkshire introduces Christians from the county whose lives have impacted millions across the world. Read it and smile, be inspired and stirred, but most of all look to the God of these people: the God who loves people from every county and country.
  • £12.99

    Pioneers of Modern Spirituality

    Many people today think of themselves as 'spiritual but not religious'. What riches and resources does the Anglican tradition have to offer those who are spiritually curious but on the margins of, or outside, the church, as well as to those inside the church? Pioneers of Modern Spirituality introduces four Anglicans Evelyn Underhill, Reginald Somerset Ward, Percy Dearmer, and Rose Macaulay each of whom was a significant influence in a revived interest in spirituality at a time when people were questioning institutional religion.
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