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Church & Leadership


Showing 13–24 of 91 results


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13-24 of 91 products

  • £12.99

    Sabbath Rest : The Beauty of God’s Rhythm for a Digital Age

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    Why is sabbath so critical for the life of faith? And where does sabbath rest fit into a restless, `always-on' society?Sabbath Rest considers the theological foundations of Christian sabbath-keeping, in first and second temple Judaism, New Testament Christianity and in the early church. Exploring the biblical commandments and stories around the sabbath, Mark Scarlata connects the principles of sabbath rest to the demands and challenges of our modern technological and consumer society.
  • £14.99

    Under the Unpredictable Plant: an Exploration in Vocational Holiness

    In this book Peterson clarifies the pastoral vocation by turning to the book of Jonah, in which he finds a captivating, subversive story that can help pastors recover their "vocational holiness". Peterson probes the spiritual dimensions of the pastoral calling and seeks to reclaim the ground taken over by those who are trying to enlist pastors in religious careers.
  • Sold out

    Embracing Conflict: Jesus as a model for church leaders

    To be human is to know conflict; to be a leader is to know conflict intensified.  This invaluable guide explores some of the many instances when Jesus dealt with tension and hostility throughout his ministry. It invites leaders to enter into and experience these tense events from Jesus’ point of view.
  • £17.99

    Cadences of Home : Preaching Among Exiles

    Many of today's churchgoers wander in a world that was once structured and reliable, but now feels meaningless and incoherent. In this book, Walter Brueggemann argues for a dynamic transformation of preaching to help people find their spiritual home and to proclaim to the world that there is a home for all people.
  • £7.99

    The Anointing to Heal

    Anointing to Heal is imperative reading for all individuals, churches or groups who wish to be involved in Jesus ministry of preaching the Kingdom and healing the sick.
  • £12.99

    Four Ministries, One Jesus : Exploring Your Vocation With The Four Gospels

    This book is for all who feel called to a life of Christian ministry, and want to make sure their calling is firmly based on the teaching and model of Jesus, as provided in the four Gospels. Widely respected as an international expert in Gospel studies, Richard Burridge is also a brilliant communicator with many years of pastoral experience in selecting and training people for the priesthood. Here he offers a little book that is brim full of practical advice on how to develop and maintain all the key skills needed for ministry today. The core of the book is based on the portraits of Jesus in each of the four Gospels, and helps you consider vital questions such as: how to sustain Bible study, reading and theological reflection in ministry; how to extend pastoral care to people outside as well as inside the Christian community; how to look after yourself and your family; and how to stay attuned to the Spirit by cultivating a fresh and vigorous life of prayer.
  • £12.99

    Wrestling with the Word : Preaching on Tricky Texts

    Many biblical texts seem almost impossible to preach. They may be violent or terrifying or strange or abrasive. They may deal with matters simply beyond human experience. The preacher could well be tempted to choose an easier text on offer! But leaving taxing passages untouched means the Bible is effectively silenced. In Wrestling with the Word, well-known and accomplished preachers grapple with a range of notoriously difficult biblical Old and New Testament texts. As well as providing sample sermons - in an exhilarating variety of structural styles and voices - they offer ideas to help in the planning process of interpreting and applying such passages.
  • £10.99

    Leading with Everything to Give : Lessons from the Success and Failure of Western Capitalism

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    Having looked at the personal character of an undefended leader in Leading out of Who You Are and at the pragmatics of wielding power in Leading with Nothing to Lose, Simon Walker next looks at the Politics - and economics - of undefended leadership. In this final volume of his leadership trilogy, The Undefended Leader, he analyses the crisis in social ecology in Western culture and its global repercussions. Walker offers a piercing analysis that sets the current economic problems within broader, deeper narrative of social dysfunction in the West. Sane, wide-ranging and acutely relevant in the chaos of the current crisis, his analysis offers a clear perspective and points to the future. This is a provocative book, and, in the light of current events, most timely. With study questions and practical ideas to help readers apply the undefended vision wherever they are. "I have come to see that idealism and pragmatism are not incompatible bedfellows - the grand and the noble and the humble and immediate are both necessary."
  • £8.99

    Sustaining Leadership : You are more important than your ministry

    Many books on leadership and ministry are written from the point of view of success and strength. In Sustaining Leadership Paul Swann writes out of the raw experience of failure, getting to the heart of who we are as leaders rather than what we do. From this he offers both hope and practical resources for sustaining effective long-term ministry, looking at self-care, balance and healthy ministry, feasting on divine love, and more. As he says, this is the best gift we can offer those we serve.
  • £9.99

    Radical Leadership : In The New Testament And Today

    How did Jesus lead? What are the key principles of leadership that he encouraged in his disciples? Michael Green draws out the radical teaching of the New Testament, and explains why a recovery of that teaching is so vital if Christianity is to grow and thrive, and not just survive.
  • £8.99

    The Contemplative Minister : Learning to lead from the still centre

    There was a time where Christian ministry offered the opportunity to spend your life in the study of God's word, in reading and reflection, in prayer and sermon preparation, and in the quiet and faithful pastoral care of a community. The world has changed, and with it most of the expectations that govern church appointments. These days there are very few jobs in full time ministry which do not require a heroic combination of stamina, multi-tasking and change management. This book gives practical advice on how to nurture faith and a sense of calling amid the hectic life that is ministry today. Drawing on his experience of developing and leading training programmes in this area, Ian Cowley assesses the stresses and pressures of the job and shows how to grow into being a 'contemplative minister', prioritising a relationship of deepening love with God. He also offers guidance on leading others into that same relationship, without your own spiritual life running dry.
  • £10.99

    For Good : The Church and the Future of Welfare

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    It is often claimed that local churches provide a significant proportion of social care today. This important new study considers the reality of the church's involvement to offer compelling and concrete recommendations for the future. It proposes a transformational model of welfare that breaks free from the default approach of `eradicating the five giant evils - squalor, ignorance, want, idleness, and disease'. Instead the authors focus on fostering five assets - relationship, creativity, partnership, compassion, and joy - and empowering people to regain control of their lives. With bold and innovative practical recommendations for churches, civil society and public policy, and compelling theological reflection on welfare and poverty, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the church's contribution to society.
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