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49-72 of 89 products

  • £9.99

    The Love That Made Saint Teresa

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    Part biography and part spiritual reading, this book brings to light little-known stories from Mother Teresa's life that will help you to grow in your love of God. You will learn her approach to reading Scripture, what enabled her to persevere through agonizing nights, and the remarkable -- some would say mystical -- events that led her to start the Missionaries of Charity.In considering Mother Teresa, her private visions, and her secret sufferings, David Scott has discovered scores of early episodes and chance encounters that point to later, larger meanings. These remarkable patterns, he suggests, show that Mother Teresa's life was choreographed from above, as if a divine script had been written for her from before her birth.In these pages, you will meet for the first time the Mother Teresa who challenged the ancient Goddess of Death and became the first saint of our global village. You will read as she describes, in long-secret letters, the dark night of her soul. The woman you will meet is one that God himself sent to you as a clear sign that despite pain and suffering in our lives and in our world, God's good love will prevail ...beginning in what she called the slums of our hearts. We are all called to holiness, and the saints are sent to us as real-life examples of God's love. With Mother Teresa as your guide, you'll learn how to follow God's call and find holiness in a world marked by the shadow of death and growing indifference to God. Indeed, you'll learn how to be an everyday missionary of Christ's love in the ordinary activities of your daily life.
  • £9.99

    Faith and Politics after Christendom: the Church as a movement for anarchy

    This groundbreaking book examines the anarchic aspects of Jesus' message, and suggests that the demise of the church as pillar of social order gives it a fresh opportunity to exercise its prophetic role - challenging injustice, shaking institutions and undermining some of the central values and norms on which post-Christian society is built.
  • £9.99

    Sounding the Seasons: 70 sonnets for the Christian Year

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    Poetry has always been a central element of Christian spirituality and is increasingly used in worship, in pastoral services and guided meditation. In Sounding the Seasons, Cambridge poet, priest and singer-songwriter Malcolm Guite transforms seventy lectionary readings into lucid, inspiring poems, for use in regular worship, seasonal services, meditative reading or on retreat. Already widely recognised, Malcolm's writing has been acclaimed by Rowan Williams and Luci Shaw, two leading contemporary religious poets. A section of practical help and advice for using poetry creatively and effectively in worship is also included.
  • £17.99

    Untamed Gospel: protest, poems and prose for the Christian year

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    Untamed Gospel complements The Bright Field and Darkness Yielding, and offers meditations, reflections, stories, prayers and poems for use throughout the church year. Each one focuses on the often startling nature of Jesus' sayings and teachings, the raw honesty of the psalms and other biblical texts, and on contemporary issues, such as mental health and displacement, seen in the light of the demands of the kingdom of God. A rich resource for worship, preaching, teaching and personal reflection throughout the year, Untamed Gospel contains hundreds of reproducible items, including seasonal reflections, stories, homilies, poems and some of Jim Cotter's last writings as he was being treated for cancer: a moving sequence of prayer poems inspired by the psalms.
  • £17.99

    Rehearsing Scripture: discovering God’s word in community

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    Popular preacher Anna Carter Florence explores how to read, encounter and interpret Scripture as it was originally intended - by doing so collectively with others. Drawing on practices from drama and the theatre, she shows how to bring familiar texts to life, uncovering meaning and better apprehending biblical truth for daily life. Her methods are illuminating, easy to grasp, and easily adaptable to a variety of contexts - ideal for study group leaders and pastors seeking to bring the Bible and the real lives of congregations into conversation. Full of helps for preachers especially, Rehearsing Scripture invites groups and churches to gather around a shared text and encounter God anew together.
  • £9.99

    God Created Humanism: the Christian basis of secular values

    In this compelling account of the origins and evolution of our secular worldview, Theo Hobson shows how Christian values continue to underpin our public morality, how faith remains indispensable to Western humanism, and how atheistic humanism represents a dead end. At the same time, he offers a timely warning against the dangers of a religious-secular culture war, given the radically politicized and destructive forms of religion endemic in the world todayHere is a fresh and provocative argument about religion and politics - but one that doesn't fit into the normal boxes. It suggests that although the public creed of the West is best described as `secular humanism' we can only really understand and affirm secular humanism if we see how firmly it is based on Christian norms and values. If we don't, the West is divided: mired in a stagnant stand-off between fundamentalist atheism and an equally hard-line Christian theism. This book offers a more nuanced and historically more persuasive way forward, showing just how much our secular morality owes to Christianity, and how it can only find coherence through a new and positive view of its origins.
  • £12.99

    Cranky Beautiful Faith

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    Former stand-up comic and unlikely pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber weaves personal narrative, hilarious rants and powerful spiritual insight as she relates her unusual journey of faith, offering a fresh and uncompromising look at the transformative power of grace. As one of today's most provocative Christian leaders, she blends sardonic irreverence and brilliant theology to offer a new portrait of faith - one that is edgy, outrageous and, above all, real. Smart-mouthed and heavily tattooed, Nadia Bolz-Weber didn't consider herself ‘religious leader material’ and didn't expect to find her vocation leading a funeral in a smoky, downtown comedy club. But surrounded by recovering alcoholics, depressives, and comedians, she realized these were her people and maybe she was meant to be their pastor. This compassionate book portrays both church and seekers as deeply flawed yet deeply faithful.
  • £10.99

    Sacred Strangers: what the Bible’s outsiders can teach Christians

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    The Bible is laced with stories in which strangers behave better than believers. What do these encounters with "others"--people from different cultures, religions, genders, economic and social classes--teach us about our own spiritual values, about the faith and God behind them? In Sacred Strangers, Nancy Haught leads readers through these stories, line by line, offering insight to open hearts to sacred strangers at a time when personal encounters can make us or break us--as people and citizens of the world.
  • £16.99

    Buying God: Consumerism and Theology

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    Christians are deeply concerned about consumerism, but lack the tools to be able to engage robustly in the debate about its future. Economists obfuscate, politicians polarise, and church leaders bluff. While desire to consume is a fundamentally human trait, consumerism offers only illusory satisfaction. Yet Christianity happens to be unusually well-equipped to lead the fight against Mammon's most alluring secular narratives. Consumerism is human action, so it can as easily be redemptive as it can be parasitical. We just need to consume for God instead. Drawing on the Church's rich traditions of Social Liturgy, Buying God calls on the Christian community to renew its confidence and strength in proclaiming this good news. Uniting theoretical work on theology, capitalism and consumerism with a scheme of detailed practical action, the book explores how we can wean ourselves off the material and on to the eternal through prayer, example and vibrant social action.  
  • £12.99

    Face to Face. Meeting Christ in Friend and Stranger

    This is a book of epiphanies - moments when it became clear that God was present in ordinary events or extraordinary coincidences. It's intended as an encouragement to all who minister, and a reminder of why we do what we do, especially should we ever feel discouraged, underappreciated or bewildered. It's also designed as a way to gain fresh perspective on the humble and surprising ways God shows up.
  • £16.99

    The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach

    Elaine Heath brings a fresh perspective to the theory and practice of evangelism by approaching it through contemplative spirituality. This thoroughly revised edition includes a new study guide.

    The Mystic Way of Evangelism is honest, reflective, intelligent, and rooted in Scripture and tradition. It offers a hopeful vision that Heath has modelled for us through her work of helping others shape communities of faith that are vibrantly living into the future. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the current state of Christianity in the West and longs for a healthy way forward.

    Jonny Sears, director, Academy for Spiritual Formation and Emerging Ministries, The Upper Room

  • £5.00

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s New Monasticism: A Central Influence

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    This booklet, by Trevor Miller, looks at the ways in which Dietrich Bonhoeffer has been an influence on our Community. A Lutheran Pastor in the Confessing Church in Germany in the 1930s, Bonhoeffer’s early exploration of Community and New Monasticism was cut short by the Nazi regime, but his writings have lived on. In this booklet Trevor helps us to make the connections between Bonhoeffer’s life and work and our own journey as a Community.
  • £12.99

    Understanding Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Ministry Leaders and Survivors

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    A many as one in four girls and one in six boys experience sexual abuse during childhood, and it's estimated that up to half of the incidents are never reported. Countless millions, both children and adults, carry this complex, often hidden pain. What does the path to healing look like for survivors? And how can ministry leaders, pastors and counsellors best help them as they walk this difficult road? Drawing on both his own and is wife's experience as survivors of childhood sexual abuse, minister and lecturer Tim Hein offers his expertise, practical guidance and empathy. Filled with sober truths and the hope of Christ, this book is a rich resource both for them and for those who have suffered sexual abuse and those is a position to help them.
  • £10.99

    Who is my Neighbour? The Global and Personal Challenge

    What should Christ's injunction to 'love your neighbour' mean in practice today? A team of leading theologians and practitioners explores this question and considers its bearing on the politics of poverty, discrimination and immigration, ecology and the fallout from recent political upheavals in Europe and America.

    'This remarkable book is most timely, for it comes in the midst of an acute campaign of anti-neighbourliness ... While the essays are intensely focused, the writers call attention to the thick complexity and multidimensional practice of neighbourliness. These essays are richly suggest of new openings for thought and action of a transformative kind.'


    Professor Walter Brueggemann

  • £7.99

    Watching, Waiting, Walking: A pattern of prayer and a path for disciples

    Engaging and anecdotal in style, Watching, Waiting, Walking is structured around three key moments in the transformation of one of Jesus' closest friends: St Peter. In the garden of Gethsemane, Peter is told to 'watch' his life. Then, along with the other disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, he is told to 'wait' for the Holy Spirit. And in Jerusalem, following Pentecost, he 'walks' out to address the crowd, and subsequently heals a crippled man who begins to walk himself. Andy Rider believes that reflecting on this pattern of watching, waiting and walking can not only help to shape our prayers on a daily basis, but also to deepen our ability to perceive where we are in the cycle of discipleship. And given the author's honesty about his now times of struggle and reassurance, this warm-hearted column cannot fail to encourage us – whatever our circumstances – to become more open to the work of God's transforming spirit.
  • £11.50

    Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church

    'I am convinced nothing is more important for the recovery of preaching as a central act of the church than that those who preach trust that God is going to show up when the Word is rightly proclaimed. Too often those who preach fear those to whom they preach when in fact we ought to fear God. If God is rightly expected to show up, if God is rightly feared, then those who preach and those who hear will understand no explanation is required.' (from the introduction) • Seventeen sermons from one of the best-known theologians in the US, from Saints and Letting Go to Recognising Jesus/Seeing Salvation and Clothe Your Ministers in Righteousness • Two bonus presentations on Leadership and An Open Letter to Christians Beginning College in the appendix
  • Sold out

    Creating Community: Ancient Ways for Modern Churches

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    There is much talk today of 'new ways of being church' and 'new monastic spirituality'. As Simon Reed explored the Celtic roots of the Christian faith, in community with others who drew inspiration from our spiritual ancestors in the British Isles, he came to realise that the third-millennium church has much in common with the first-millennium church and, more importantly, much to learn from it. In Creating Community, he introduces us to a new but at the same time very old way of being church which is based upon three core elements: A Way of Life, a network of Soul Friends, and a rhythm of prayer. The book shows how the rediscovery of these elements by Christians today offers a vital key that opens up an ancient way for modern churches, one that not only helps to bring believers to lasting maturity but creates genuine and much-needed community in an increasingly fragmented world.
  • £12.99

    Accidental Saints. Finding God in All the Wrong People

    What if the annoying person you try to avoid is actually seconds away from becoming an accidental saint in your life? What if, even in our persistent failings, holy moments are waiting to happen? In Accidental Saints, New York Times bestselling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls 'a religious but not-so-spiritual life.' Tattooed, angry, and profane, this unlikely priest stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people―a church-loving agnostic, a drag queen, and a gun-toting member of the NRA. As she lives and worships alongside these 'accidental saints,' Nadia is swept into first-hand encounters with grace―a gift that often feels less like being wrapped in a warm blanket and more like being hit by a blunt instrument. But by this grace, people are transformed in ways they couldn't have been on their own. In a time when many have become disillusioned with Christianity, Accidental Saints demonstrates what happens when ordinary people share bread and wine, struggle with scripture together, and tell each other the truth about their real lives. This unforgettable account of their faltering steps toward wholeness will ring true for believer and sceptic alike. Told in Nadia’s trademark confessional style, Accidental Saints is the stunning next work from one of today’s most important religious voices.
  • £16.99

    The Shaken Path: A Christian Priest’s Exploration of Modern Pagan Belief and Practice

    Despite modern Paganism being one of the fastest growing new religious movements in Britain and the USA, there is no up-to-date straightforward and informed introduction to modern Paganism from a Christian perspective. The Shaken Path addresses that gap. 'an accessible account of Pagan life which should go a long way to dispersing hostility and creating a better understanding on which Christians can get to know their Pagan neighbours.' Anne Richards, Church of England's National Adviser for New Religious Movements. 'The Shaken Path guides the reader through a variety of the main Pagan traditions, reflecting on similarities and difference found in Christian denominations and, in doing so, provides Christians with an opportunity for deeper reflections upon their own faith traditions and practices.' Mike Stygal, Chair of the Pagan Federation
  • £9.99

    Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead

    Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings - we strive to appear perfect. In a powerful new vision Dr. Brené Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability, and dispels the widely accepted myth that it's a weakness. She argues that vulnerability is in fact a strength, and when we shut ourselves off from revealing our true selves we grow distanced from the things that bring purpose and meaning to our lives. Daring Greatly is the culmination of twelve years of groundbreaking social research across the home, relationships, work, and parenting. It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly.
  • £8.99

    The Shed That Fed A Million Children: The extraordinary story of Mary’s Meals

    In 1992, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint with his brother when he got an idea that would change his life – and radically change the lives of others. After watching a news bulletin about war-torn Bosnia, the two brothers agreed to take a week’s hiatus from work to help. What neither of them expected is that what began as a one-time road trip in a beaten-up Landrover rapidly grew to become Magnus’s life’s work – leading him to leave his job, sell his house and direct all his efforts to feeding thousands of the world’s poorest children. Magnus retells how a series of miraculous circumstances and an overwhelming display of love from those around him led to the creation of Mary’s Meals; an organisation that could hold the key to eradicating child hunger altogether. This humble, heart-warming yet powerful story has never been more relevant in our society of plenty and privilege. It will open your eyes to the extraordinary impact that one person can make. All royalties from the sale of this book go to support the work of Mary's Meals.
  • £8.99

    The Book of Forgiving: The fourfold path for healing ourselves and our world

    Each of us has a deep need to forgive, but it sometimes feels like an impossible task. In The Book of Forgiving, Archbishop Desmond and Reverend Mpho Tutu offer to guide you on a path towards forgiveness, leading you away from past pain. Desmond Tutu's role as Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post apartheid South Africa taught him much about forgiveness, as he led the country along a difficult path of healing. After much reflection, the Tutus have seen that there are four important aspects to this path: Telling the Story; Naming the Hurt; Granting Forgiveness; Renewing or Releasing the Relationship. As you travel along the fourfold path yourself, there will be meditations, exercises and rituals to guide and help you as you walk. This will not be an easy journey, but in the end, it is the only path worth taking.
  • £11.00

    Preventing a Sheep Attack

    by Dennis R. Maynard, Illustrated by Chris Koonce There is a cancer attacking worshipping communities! Congregations that once were growing and spiritually dynamic in a matter of days (not weeks or years) go into decline. The ministries of faithful pastors filled with enthusiasm and vision are destroyed and slandered. This book is necessary because educating our healthy lay leaders is the key to disarming those that would attack clergy and destroy congregations. The intent of this particular book is to provide clergy and Church leaders with a vehicle they can use to educate their parish leadership on the dynamics of preventing a sheep attack. This book explains why conflict with antagonists requires that someone will be ejected from the congregational system. Denominational and parish leaders much choose.
  • £10.99

    When God is Silent

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    “Barbara Brown Taylor’s concise, pithy and challenging prose is evidence that she is practicing what she preaches:that Christian pastors take more care with the words they use and treat language with economy, courtesy and reverence. . . .She offers concrete and practical suggestions for ways to improve our relationship with both silence and the words God has given us.” - KATHLEEN NORRIS, for Christian Century Renowned minister Barbara Brown Taylor focuses on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for communication with a God who often seems to be silent. Originally delivered as the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in preaching at Yale Divinity School, When God is Silent   addresses questions essential not only to preachers, but also to anyone yearning to hear from God.
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