Consecrated Celibacy: a fresh look at an ancient calling
Everyday Life, Monasticism & New Monasticism, Sexuality and gender, The Inner JourneyChristians who want to remain unmarried often face the challenge of identifying, naming and responding to their vocation, both within and outside church life. Reflecting on her own journey and encounters with others, Christine Barnabas takes a fresh look at consecrated celibacy, a calling which, she believes, experiences a new lease of life on the edge of the institutional church. Consecrated Celibacy is a resource for all who are trying to discern their calling to a committed and meaningful life before God and for those who accompany them on the journey of exploring this ancient charism God continues to give to the body of Christ.£14.99 -
Living on the Border: Reflections on the Experience of Threshold
Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Spiritual Growth, The Inner Journey, Traditional MonasticismThere is a traditional saying of ancient wisdom: 'A threshold is a sacred thing. In some places of the world, in some traditional cultures and in monastic life, this is still remembered. It is something, however, that we often forget today. To take time to pause at a threshold - be it a place, or a moment between one action and the next - is to show reverence for the handling of space and time, and respect for those who we meet. Pausing allows us to let go of all the demands and expectations of the previous activity, and to prepare for the encounter with another. Esther de Waal explores what this ancient wisdom has to teach us about our public lives in the world today.£12.99 -
Unearthly Beauty: Through Advent with the Saints
Advent & Christmas, Resources for the Christian Year, Saints & MysticsThis warm-hearted book is for those of us who enter Advent longing for spiritual sustenance to balance the worldly charms of the Christmas season. Jesus' arrival in poverty and vulnerability provoked feelings of unease, as well as expectation and hope... How will we keep the faith as Christians called to live distinctively in an age of anxiety? Magdalen Smith believes we can be inspired by people from the past – those whose names are familiar or less so – whom the Church calls 'saints'. In these wide-ranging devotions, full of contemporary stories and enjoyable cultural allusions, she introduces 24 characters who manifest a mysterious dynamic... and enable us to glimpse holiness in a new way.£8.99 -
The Forgotten Desert Mothers
Desert Monasticism, Monasticism & New MonasticismAn introduction to the sayings, lives and stories of early Christian women. "Written in clear, heartfelt language, this book does two things beautifully. It revives lost memories of women leaders in the early evolution of Christian spirituality, thus filling in one more missing piece of women's history. And it calls the reader to a path of spirituality sorely needed in today's clamorous world: slow down, be quiet, listen for the voice of God deep within your heart. The book's attractiveness is enhanced by a time line, ordination rite, glossary and calendar of feasts in addition to notes and bibliography. Altogether an appealing contribution."£15.99- Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J. Fordham University
Life Together
Influences & Suggested Reading, New Monasticism, Re-imagining ChurchDietrich Bonhoeffer, the now famous theologian who was martyred by the Nazis in 1945, wrote this book on the eve of World War II. It resulted from his experience as head of a semiary of the German 'Confessing Church' at Finkenwalde near Stettin. Here many of the pastors who witnessed against Hitler received their inspiration. It was, as Professor John D. Godsey points out in his study of The Theology of Deitrich Bonhoeffer, 'a kind of theological education that was startlingly new in Germany: a communal life in which Jesus Christ's call to discipleship was taken seriously.' Professor Godsey calls Life Together 'simply written, powerfully convincing and unusually quotable...It is an attempt to give practical guidance to those who want to take their lives as Christians seriously.'£13.99 -
Silence and Honey Cakes
Desert MonasticismSilence and Honey Cakes – The Wisdom of the Desert by Rowan Williams In Silence and Honey Cakes, Rowan Williams returns to the desert fathers and mothers of the fourth and fifth centuries, revealing a spirituality that resonates strongly with aspects of the modern spiritual search. Drawing on their stories and sayings, he reflects on questions such as: How can we discover the truth about ourselves? How do we live in relationship with others? What does the desert say about our priorities? How can we create a fearless community?£7.99 -
Francis of Assisi: living prayer today
Saints & Mystics, Scripture & Prayer, Spiritual GrowthFrancis of Assisi was very much a man of his time; and yet his influence continues today in a surprising range of ways. This study briefly outlines his life journey, before considering Francis' attitude to prayer, and then exploring the ways in which the Franciscan approach to life relates to a wide range of contemporary concerns.£3.95 -
Finding Sanctuary: Monastic Steps for Everyday Life
The Inner Journey, Traditional MonasticismIn this inspirational and practical book, Abbot Christopher Jamison, from Worth Abbey, outlines the wisdom of St Benedict and suggests how it can be applied to life outside the monastery. He speaks especially to those who are not sure what they believe but are looking for ways to find spiritual space and peace in the busy, and often confusing, modern world.£9.99 -
Making All Things Well: finding spiritual strength with Julian of Norwich
Daily Readings, Saints & Mystics, Spiritual ExercisesThe writings of Julian of Norwich are more popular and relevant than the 14th century mystic could ever have dreamed they would become. Speaking with freshness, depth and poignancy, they offer timeless wisdom and understanding for present day concerns. For Isobel de Gruchy, Julian was a great support during many difficult years of ministry in South Africa's apartheid era, but it was when her son died tragically in an accident that she found unexpected reserves of spiritual insight and strength. Making All Things Well opens up Julian's central themes - such as the mystery of suffering, the promise that we shall overcome evil, prayer and contemplation, the faithfulness and love of God towards all he has made - and relates them to the many challenges we encounter today. Offering forty short reflections that demonstrate Julian's abiding influence, it is ideal for personal reading during Lent, or at any time of year, for a retreat, for group reflection and as a worship resource. Each contains a scripture reading, an excerpt from her Showings, a meditation, a prayer-poem and questions for reflection.£10.99 -
Enfolded In Love
Daily Readings, Saints & MysticsEnfolded in Love is a selection of readings from The Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich rendered in modern English. It can either be read straight through as a presentation of the great themes of a remarkable mystic, or taken page by page as a basis for daily prayer and meditation over a period of two months. First purblished in 1980, Enfolded in Love has sold more than 120,000 copies and has become an established classic as interest in Julian of Norwich has grown. Enfolded in Love is both a perfect introduction for newcomers to Julian and an ideal resource for her devotees. This book is part of the acclaimed Enfolded in Love series of books which presents selections from the spiritual classics in a form suitable for daily reading and meditation.£3.99 -
Precious Thoughts: daily readings from Thomas Merton
Daily Readings, Influences & Suggested Reading, Traditional MonasticismThomas Merton wrote to people of all faiths and none; he wrote to people who were searching, and those who were firmly established in religious orders; he wrote to students, peace activists and `ordinary' people who had read about him and were curious. Some are letters of spiritual direction, a sharing of spiritual insights and social concerns, some more personal. In this carefully selected collection, Merton scholar, Fiona Gardner, has focused on extracts that seem to speak to all who are searching. They have been chosen because they offer an opening into something other - to provide a way into both silence and contemplative prayer.£10.99 -
To Live is To Pray: an introduction to Carmelite spirituality
Scripture & Prayer, Traditional MonasticismCarmelite spirituality is a way of life that spells Freedom. Rooted in the experience of the desert mothers and fathers who sought God in solitude, it can accommodate many temperaments and approaches. The primary focus is on Finding the way of prayer that will bring you closest to God. This warm and engaging book introduces six great Carmelite Figures and their individual ways of prayer. Let Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Brother Lawrence, Therese of Lisieux and others help you discover the pathway to authentic spiritual growth.£8.99