Y Gwasanaeth Dyddiol: Y Foreol, Canolddydd a’r Hwyrol Weddi
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingDefnyddir y ffurfiau hyn o weddi ddyddiol yn Nether Springs, Mam-Dŷ Cymuned Northumbria, a gan Gymdeithion a Ffrindiau’r Gymuned lle bynnag y maen nhw. These trifold A4 cards are also available in English.£0.65 -
Let nothing disturb thee: A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer, known as 'Teresa's Bookmark', was found in St Teresa of Avila's Bible when she died. It is used in Midday Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
May God shield: A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Patrick Compline (for Saturday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
I need some laughter, Lord: A6 Postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA6 postcard with a prayer from the Church of Scotland published in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In. I have had enough of sad saints and sour religion. I have had enough of sin spotting and grace doubting. I need some laughter, Lord, the kind you planted in Sarah. But, please may I not have to wait until I am ninety and pregnant.£0.75 -
Calm me O Lord A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
Christ as a light A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese are the words of the 'canticle' from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
The Patrick Compline
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Sites & Saints, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA Trifold A4 card containing the words of the Patrick Compline from Celtic Daily Prayer. Part of a series of 7 cards each containing the words of one of the Complines. (Also available here is a perfect bound A5 booklet containing the words of all seven Complines, along with the melody line of those parts of the Complines that have been set to music.)£0.80 -
Communion: Family Breaking of the Bread: pdf download
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis downloadable pdf contains a Northumbria Communion liturgy entitled "Family Breaking of the Bread". This is already available within an existing communion booklet, but having received several requests for this to be made available individually, is now published as a pdf download. When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download your pdf. The link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded it long before then!£2.00 -
The Cuthbert Compline
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Sites & Saints, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA Trifold A4 card containing the words of the Cuthbert Compline from Celtic Daily Prayer. Part of a series of 7 cards each containing the words of one of the Complines. (Also available here is a perfect bound A5 booklet containing the words of all seven Complines, along with the melody line of those parts of the Complines that have been set to music.)£0.65 -
May the Peace music score for SATB
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA4 sheet music for May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you. Arranged in Open Score for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. 10% discount when 5 or more copies of this score ordered in one transaction. PLEASE NOTE: A PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS MUSIC SHEET IS ALSO AVAILABLE HERE£1.00 -
The Aidan Compline
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Sites & Saints, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA Trifold A4 card containing the words of the Aidan Compline from Celtic Daily Prayer. Part of a series of 7 cards each containing the words of one of the Complines. (Also available here is a perfect bound A5 booklet containing the words of all seven Complines, along with the melody line of those parts of the Complines that have been set to music.)£0.65 -
Jesse Tree Ornaments
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian YearThe Jesse Tree has been used over many centuries to bring life to the characters who are part of Jesus' family Tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. This ornament pack contains three sheets of card printed with thirty-one double sided ornaments for you to colour, cut out and use to decorate your own Jesse Tree at home. Each ornament illustrates one of the Jesse Tree readings written by Andy Raine from the Northumbria Community. The readings themselves, one for each day in December, are available in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and available here Also available from the Northumbria Community is the Jesse Tree Pack which contains these card ornaments along with an A5 booklet of the readings - available here Your Jesse Tree can be made from anything you wish but many people use a branch which can be left in its natural state or stripped and painted gold, silver, white and then suspended from a ceiling or 'planted' in a pot. Instructions for preparing the ornaments are included in this pack.£3.50