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Showing 73–84 of 141 results


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73-84 of 141 products

  • £3.49

    Multicoloured Blessings

    A pocket collection of designs to colour in. Multicoloured Blessings is inspired by Matthew 5: 1-12 also known as 'The Beatitudes'. Each colouring is a blessing to aid meditation, prayer or relaxation.
  • £3.99

    The Home Blessing Prayer Book

    A selection of original blessings for the home - praying through your home and neighbourhood will make a difference. When we invite God into our everyday living space we invite God to participate in the little things of our life, the humdrum and the ordinary, even the boring. Those things probably won't suddenly be transformed into amazing spiritual experiences but there will be a difference.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Devotions

    A collection of sixteen images to colour, some are outlines of pieces already created for the Lindisfarne Scriptorium and some are completely new. The aim of the book is to help you relax, to inspire, to allow God to speak to you as you focus and meditate on the images.
  • £3.99

    The Creative Pilgrimage Activity Book

    This little book has been created to inspire the would-be pilgrim, as a companion for the travelling pilgrim and as an introduction to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Included are prayers and activities to help you focus on your journey whether your pilgrimage is part of your inward journey or a physical journey to a sacred place.
  • £3.99

    The Holiday Creative Retreat Activity Book

    This book has been designed to help you make the most of your holiday whether you have a long weekend or two weeks away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities. Some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice'.
  • £3.99

    A Blessing and Comfort Prayer Book

    A collection of original prayers and complementary Bible passages. Use the prayers in this book to bless people at significant moments in their lives, the words of comfort in the second part of the book may be used at any time.  The booklet comprises of prayers, Bible passages and pictures which can be coloured in.
  • £14.99

    The Artist’s Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom

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    , nature, solitude, artists, creativity The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner, author of Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire, invites readers to discover and develop their creative gifts in a spirit of prayer and reflection. This twelve-week course draws on the insights and practices of Benedictine spirituality to explore the interplay between contemplation and creativity. Sumarised in the phrase 'pray and work,' The Rule of St. Benedict provides the inspiration for Christine Valters Paintner's newest exploration of the mutually nourishing relationship between contemplative practices and creative expression. Artists of all stripes and stations in life - poets or painters, potters or photographers - will discover how traditions of Benedictine, Celtic, and desert spirituality can offer new sources of inspiration for their work. Themes like 'Sacred Tools and Sacred Space', 'Creative Solitude and Community,' and 'Nature as a Source of Revelation and Inspiration' are enriched by Paintner's perceptive discussion and enhanced by insightful quotations from well-known artists and writers. Ideally formatted for faith sharing groups and parish retreats, this guide offers suggestions for grounding both the creative and the spiritual life through three basic practices: walking, lectio divina, and journaling. The Artist's Rule is supplemented with online resources, including guided meditation podcasts, video lessons, and discussions.
  • £12.99

    Eyes of the Heart; photography as Christian contemplative practice

    Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner explores photography as a spiritual practice from a Christian perspective. Christine builds on the process of contemplative creativity in her book The Artist’s Rule (also available from the community bookshop) by adapting the monastic practice of lectio divina (sacred reading) into a form of visio divina (sacred seeing). A spiritual director and Benedictine oblate, she guides readers through a new way of spiritual observation – through the lens of a camera – and in receiving images, not simply taking them. She writes that, ‘My hope is that, in exploring the language of photography, you [develop] new portals into the your own experience and awareness of God. Shadow and light, framing, colour, reflections, and mirrors all offer us metaphors for ways of understanding how we might move towards seeing ourselves and God with the eyes of the heart.’ She invites us to use our cameras to help us to release our expectations of what we think we ought to see and learn to discover what is actually there. And then helps us to bring this kind of interaction into our everyday lives.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Seasons

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    A collection of sixteen images to colour based around the Church Year, two images for each season starting at Advent, then Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and Harvest with mediations on the reverse of each image.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Praises

    A collection of sixteen simple outlines to colour in. Ideal for children and adults, use Multicoloured Praises for relaxation or prayer, on holiday or retreat.
  • £4.99

    The Creative Prayer Manual

    This little book includes ideas for enhancing your personal prayer time and ideas for groups and prayer days. Mary writes, 'I believe that conversation, both listening to and talking with God, is as vital as breathing and that prayer is a creative expression of communication which enhances and nurtures a closer relationship with God.'  
  • £3.99

    The Love Is Activity Book

    This little book contains meditations, prayers and activities about Love, inspired by the verses in the book of Corinthians. In Paul's first letter to the Christians of Corinth in Greece, he spends a long time instructing, advising, challenging and encouraging the young church there. He hasn't visited for a few years and he knows of the immorality in the wealthy pagan city and the divisions that have emerged within the church. Although he aims not to diminish the message of the cross with 'wisdom and eloquence', he gave us, in chapter thirteen, some of the most powerful and well-known verses of the New Testament.
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