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Scripture & Prayer


Showing 61–72 of 90 results


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61-72 of 90 products

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    Repentance – Good News!

    Repentance. From Jesus's own adoption of repentance at his baptism and the opening word of his preaching, the theme winds its way through his ministry and into our lives. We see Peter, the exemplar of repentance, and the unfortunate Judas, caught up in remorse. We look at sins both personal and collective, and at God forgiving and healing. Above all we see Jesus taking on the sin of the whole world and bringing the kingdom of God so very close, this kingdom of love which brings us to our knees in adoration. This book tellingly brings home the wonderful, humble love of God to be found in Jesus.
  • £13.00

    From Darkness to Light

    From Darkness to Light is a masterpiece of contemplative exegesis of the Bible. Daniel Bourguet takes the reader on a challenging, three-chapter pilgrimage exploring the mystery of three conversions: in the darkness at Jesus's death, in the cries of descent into the grave, and in the light at his garden resurrection. Bourguet interprets with precision and passion the story of the one thief's conversion on the cross as he witnesses Jesus's suffering love. His treatment of Heman's cry from the depths in Psalm 88 plumbs the depths of a biblical theology of the cross. His final chapter on Mary Magdalene's transformative encounter with Jesus in the garden is brilliant, inspiring more careful study, contemplative prayer, and adoration.
  • £16.00

    Becoming a Disciple

    In this little book Daniel Bourguet guides our meditations on three scriptural passages that lead the reader along the pathway ordained by Christ into the depths of his being. Successively, the disciple first follows behind Jesus along the way of perfect love (Mark 1:14-20); then experiences what it is to bear the yoke with Christ and there find rest (Matt 11:28-30); and finally enters the mystery of communion in which he is in Jesus and Jesus abides in him (John 15:1-17). It is a pathway passing from vocation to struggle and then to fellowship, but leading always to joy.  In Becoming a Disciple, we see the fruit of Bourget's years of intercession, spiritual direction, and insightful exegesis--all of this at the feet of Christ. Here we see how the Gospels lead us into intimate encounters and authentic discipleship
  • £17.00

    The Tenderness of God

    The tenderness of God is not a theme that can be approached just to satisfy our intellectual curiosity, but is an unfathomable mystery that leads us deep into the heart of God. A deep thirst for tenderness means that many, both young and old, are prepared to do almost anything if only this thirst can be quenched. Many of us go far astray without knowing or even suspecting that the most extraordinary tenderness is that of God, and that indeed he is the source of all tenderness. This volume is the fruit of many years of prayer and thought. Throughout these meditations on lesser-known biblical texts, the reader will engage with the compassionate, merciful God, a God with all the tenderness of both mother and father. In this way, the reader will be opened up to new vistas onto the mystery of God's humble, delicate tenderness. Today the world suffers such a deep wound that only one remedy will suffice: the balm of God's tenderness. Daniel Bourguet, in the spirit of the Great Physician, applies the salve of three achingly beautiful OT texts--good news of God's infinite mercy and compassion--with a tone befitting the deep need of the hour.
  • £13.00

    Spiritual Maladies

    To love is to live and to live is to love; this is God's intention for humanity. However, humanity falls ill along the way; its love of God and neighbour becomes diseased, infected with other loves; the love of money, of pleasure. . . . To these malaises God becomes our physician; he draws alongside us to heal and to restore us to fullness of life. The author enables us to rediscover this obscured face of God, the face of God our physician, full of compassion and very attentive--a God before whom it is best to lay bare all our ills in order to be healed.   In this important corrective, Daniel Bourguet reorients readers. Sin is not so much law-breaking behaviour that requires a punitive judge as it is a spiritual malady of the passions in need of the Great Physician. From Cain's sin to Christ's ministry, we see grace as God's medicine for our sick world. This book is gentle, therapeutic gift.
  • £14.00

    Word by Word: a daily spiritual practice.

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    In Word by Word Marilyn McEntyre invites you to dwell with and savour 15 specific words - listen, receive, enjoy and a dozen more - as she gives each word a week, reflecting on it for seven dasy from seven different angles.  Drawing on the spiritual practices of lectio divina and centring prayer, Marilyn's evocative reflections open up rich new layers of meaning to nourish your heart, mind and soul.
  • £9.99

    Simply Pray: Twelve Steps to a Transformed Life

    In the gospel of Luke, the disciples of Jesus ask Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” They saw the great importance Jesus placed on having a daily rhythm of prayer and they wanted to learn how to have this same rhythm in their own lives. And so can we. In this refreshingly different look at prayer, Johannes Hartl explores twelve simple ways to build a thriving prayer life—twelve steps that have transformed his life. Hartl encourages readers to explore different forms of prayer, from embracing silence, to creating your own ‘inner garden’ in which to meet with Jesus wherever you are, to overcoming the scripts and traffic in our heads that prevent us from encountering God. With inspiring stories, spiritual exercises, and practical ideas, Simply Pray will help you develop daily rhythms of prayer, even in the hectic pace of day-to-day life. For those who long to meet with God in prayer, experience more depth, and discover God’s presence in the everyday, Simply Pray is an invitation to the biggest challenge and the loveliest secret—the adventure that will change your life.
  • £15.00

    Benedictus: A Book of Blessings

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    In sharing words of grace and wisdom, the poet and writer John O'Donohue offers blessings to shelter and comfort us on our journey through life. As he opens our eyes to the natural beauty and splendour of the world that surrounds us, he inspires in us a new confidence and passion for life and helps us to confront key thresholds of human experience. Guided by these blessings and by a reassuring vision of hope and possibility for the present and the future, we begin to recognise that our relationships with one another and even the most seemingly insignificant rituals which frame our days, are crucial to our emotional and spiritual well-being. Through his poetic blessings, John O'Donohue also ignites in us a greater understanding of our innate qualities and, perhaps for the first time, we experience a true sense of belonging in this often troubled world. Drawing on the heritage of ancient Celtic thought and imagination, Benedictus is, ultimately a sanctuary of peace and a gentle, illuminating gift of light on our path through this world.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    Breathing Deep: Life in the Spirit of Easter

    Breathing Deep draws on the stories told in the gospels about the resurrection of Jesus. From the time of their writing and first telling, these stories have been seen as invitations to allow the resurrection to reshape the way that life can be lived. The forty reflections in this book imagine those invitations as gifts for us now, opening up the possibility of something new in our lives, our dreams, our hopes. But they also come with a provocative edge, challenging us to find the courage to live in the spirit of the resurrection when everything seems to gravitate towards death and destruction. The resurrection of Jesus was an extraordinary happening in history, but more than a one-off event. Resurrection reveals that the better, more peaceful and hopeful world we dream of is possible, and that it must first take shape within us.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    The Way of the Carmelites: a prayer journey through Lent

    For Carmelites, prayer is friendship with God in a silent communion of love. By fixing our eyes on the vulnerability of Jesus and on his unrequited love for us, we are transformed. And for a life permeated by closeness to him, contemplation becomes the source of action. This beautifully written book, replete with reflections on the Bible, is a spiritual companion and guide for Lent – and the rest of the year – that will introduce readers to the riches of the Carmelite tradition. It also includes questions at the end of each chapter that enable us to follow the profound and practical way of the Carmelites.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Sold out

    Body: Biblical Spirituality for the Whole Person

    We hear a lot, these days, about 'spirituality', yet the meaning of that word can be hard to pin down. Often it is use in a vague way to refer to the relationship between our 'spirit' and God, resulting in the belief that we can only relate to God with our 'inner' being and not with any other part of ourselves. Within Christianity, this view is commonly based on the assumption that the Bible contrasts the body and all this is physical with the 'spirit' which is good. But is that really what the Bible says? To answer that question, Paula Gooder explores the evidence, dispelling popular misconceptions, and leading us to a deeper understanding of the value of our bodies in the eyes of God.
  • £9.99

    The Things He Did: The Story of Holy Week

    One Extraordinary Week
      • Jesus rides a colt into Jerusalem.
      • He shows righteous rage in the temple.
      • Her eats with the wrong sort of people.
      • He lets a woman anoint him with oil.
      • He washes his disciples' feet.
      • He breaks bread and shares wine.
      • He prays passionately in the garden.
      • He allows himself to he arrested.
      Jesus stands in the prophetic tradition of those who embody what they teach. The things he did were carefully planned. And in this riveting book, Stephen Cottrell draws out their political and religious significance as Jesus moves towards his greatest and final act – his death and resurrection.
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