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Spiritual Exercises


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1-12 of 23 products

  • One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book
    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

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    This book has been designed to guide you through a day long creative retreat or quiet day whether it be at home or away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities, some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice.'
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    Finding a Personal Rule of Life
    Finding a Personal Rule of Life

    Finding a Personal Rule of Life

    How can I discover a pattern of life which expresses the discipline God calls me to live by but also the freedom that I am to enjoy as a follower of Christ? This engaging study, full of practical wisdom, shows how the concept of 'rule of life' can do just that when used aright. It explores the practical need and biblical basis for 'rule,' looks at what makes 'rule' helpful, and guides the reader through the process of building a personal rule of life.
  • £16.99

    Journaling as a Spiritual Practice: Encountering God Through Attentive Writing

    Whether you are a longtime journal keeper or someone who has never kept a journal at all, this book will help you to go below the surface of your life with God. It is not about the art of writing, but about how journaling can form us spiritually. Every chapter combines descriptive text, illustrations from journals and the author's own experience with journaling practices integrated along the way to help you bring your own life and world into sharper focus. God wants to surprise you with the beauty of your own life, growing and alive, filled with movement, light and shadow. This is the book to do just that.
  • £11.99

    Timeless Simplicity: Creative living in a consumer society

    This is a book about simplicity - not destitution, not parsimoniousness, not self-denial - but the restoration of wealth in the midst of an affluence in which we are starving the spirit. It is a book about the advantages of living a less cluttered, stressful life than that which many of us are now living in the overcrowded and manic-paced consuming nations. It is a book that has nothing to do with subsistence living on the Lake Isle of Innisfree, but everything to do with having less and enjoying more - enjoying time to do the work you love, enjoying time to spend with your family, enjoying time to pursue creative projects, enjoying time for good eating, enjoying time just to be. Another theme of the book concerns the future of our home, the Earth. Up to the end of the 19th century, the Earth consisted of a world of oceans and land masses teeming with all kinds of life, but our grandchildren will inherit one with less than 20 percent of its original forests still intact, with most of the readily available fresh water already spoken for, with most of the wetlands and reef systems either destroyed or degraded. Sooner or later a more frugal lifestyle will not only be desirable - it will become an imperative.                
  • £14.99

    The Artist’s Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom

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    , nature, solitude, artists, creativity The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner, author of Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire, invites readers to discover and develop their creative gifts in a spirit of prayer and reflection. This twelve-week course draws on the insights and practices of Benedictine spirituality to explore the interplay between contemplation and creativity. Sumarised in the phrase 'pray and work,' The Rule of St. Benedict provides the inspiration for Christine Valters Paintner's newest exploration of the mutually nourishing relationship between contemplative practices and creative expression. Artists of all stripes and stations in life - poets or painters, potters or photographers - will discover how traditions of Benedictine, Celtic, and desert spirituality can offer new sources of inspiration for their work. Themes like 'Sacred Tools and Sacred Space', 'Creative Solitude and Community,' and 'Nature as a Source of Revelation and Inspiration' are enriched by Paintner's perceptive discussion and enhanced by insightful quotations from well-known artists and writers. Ideally formatted for faith sharing groups and parish retreats, this guide offers suggestions for grounding both the creative and the spiritual life through three basic practices: walking, lectio divina, and journaling. The Artist's Rule is supplemented with online resources, including guided meditation podcasts, video lessons, and discussions.
  • Sleeping with Bread
    Sleeping with Bread

    Sleeping with Bread

    This illustrated book by Matthew Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Dennis Linn contains a simple process, for individuals, families and others to share, of reflecting on each day's consolations and desolations. This process can help us to get in touch each day with both hurts and healing, guide our decisions and help us to fid the purpose of our life. Includes a question and answer section at the end. Especially recommended for family spirituality.
  • £10.99

    Holy Habits

    The call to Christian discipleship is a call to adventure. Holy Habits explores the nature of that adventure through a rich mix of biblical material and inspiring stories. The nurturing role of the ten holy habits of discipleship as seen in Acts 2 is then explored. The ten habits are: biblical teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer, giving, service, eating together, gladness and generosity, worship and making more disciples. Each chapter has suggestions for further reflection and action that can be used individually or by smaller or larger Christian communities.
  • £15.99

    Sacred Rhythms : Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

    Do you long for a deep, fundamental change in your life with God? Do you desire a greater intimacy with God? Do you wonder how you might truly live your life as God created you to live it? Spiritual disciplines are activities that open us to God's transforming love and the changes that only God can bring about in our lives. Picking up on the monastic tradition of creating a "rule of life" that allows for regular space for the practice of the spiritual disciplines, this book takes you more deeply into understanding seven key disciplines along with practical ideas for weaving them into everyday life. Each chapter includes exercises to help you begin the practices--individually and in a group context. The final chapter puts it all together in a way that will help you arrange your life for spiritual transformation. The choice to establish your own sacred rhythm is the most important choice you can make with your life.
  • £12.99

    Eyes of the Heart; photography as Christian contemplative practice

    Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner explores photography as a spiritual practice from a Christian perspective. Christine builds on the process of contemplative creativity in her book The Artist’s Rule (also available from the community bookshop) by adapting the monastic practice of lectio divina (sacred reading) into a form of visio divina (sacred seeing). A spiritual director and Benedictine oblate, she guides readers through a new way of spiritual observation – through the lens of a camera – and in receiving images, not simply taking them. She writes that, ‘My hope is that, in exploring the language of photography, you [develop] new portals into the your own experience and awareness of God. Shadow and light, framing, colour, reflections, and mirrors all offer us metaphors for ways of understanding how we might move towards seeing ourselves and God with the eyes of the heart.’ She invites us to use our cameras to help us to release our expectations of what we think we ought to see and learn to discover what is actually there. And then helps us to bring this kind of interaction into our everyday lives.
  • £12.99

    Landmarks: An Ignatian Journey

    Landmarks help us to find ourselves when we think we are lost. When we don't know where to begin, they give us a starting point. When we thing we know where we are, they give us the confidence to keep going. And if we think we have arrived, they remind us that there is always something more, somewhere beyond... This is a book of landmarks to the heart's journey. Written out of the author's own prayer and lived experience, and inspired but her practical explorations of the insights of St Ignatius Loyola, it opens up questions which concern us all. How can we recognise God's ceaseless action in our lives and begin to discern His will? What does 'fallenness' mean for us today? How can we live true to ourselves and make decisions in freedom? How do we penetrate our deepest desires and become free of the lesser attachments that obstruct them? Big questions - but as Margaret Silf shows, there are clues to be discovered in every moment and situation: at home, at work, in the garden, in the market, in the bath! Landmarks will help us discover and deepen our own individual journeys. Written for both groups and individuals, it is illustrated with drawings and diagrams, and contains exercises and suggestions for prayer and reflection. Be warned, however. Landmarks are not for armchair pilgrims. They are for the People of the Way.
  • £10.99

    Making All Things Well: finding spiritual strength with Julian of Norwich

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    The writings of Julian of Norwich are more popular and relevant than the 14th century mystic could ever have dreamed they would become. Speaking with freshness, depth and poignancy, they offer timeless wisdom and understanding for present day concerns. For Isobel de Gruchy, Julian was a great support during many difficult years of ministry in South Africa's apartheid era, but it was when her son died tragically in an accident that she found unexpected reserves of spiritual insight and strength. Making All Things Well opens up Julian's central themes - such as the mystery of suffering, the promise that we shall overcome evil, prayer and contemplation, the faithfulness and love of God towards all he has made - and relates them to the many challenges we encounter today. Offering forty short reflections that demonstrate Julian's abiding influence, it is ideal for personal reading during Lent, or at any time of year, for a retreat, for group reflection and as a worship resource. Each contains a scripture reading, an excerpt from her Showings, a meditation, a prayer-poem and questions for reflection.
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    The Cloud of Unknowing for Everyone

    In this adaptation of a classic 'how to' book of contemplative prayer, beautifully and simply expressed and illustrated, the riches of contemplative prayer are made available to all. Those who find this way of praying natural for them and those who wish to discover hitherto unknown facets of the beauty of prayer can alike find in it real spiritual nourishment.
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