Totally Devoted
New MonasticismThe challenge of new monasticism by Simon Cross In this challenging and informative book, Simon Cross sets out some of the context for the concepts of monasticism and ‘religious life’, and explores how some groups in the UK today are imitating the monastic and religious traditions. Here, Simon shows us communities and groups which all, in widely different ways, live as new monastics; they may be on farms, or on a council estate; they may be living together, or widely dispersed, they may be of one church, or from a variety of denominations, they may have banded together around a cause, or for the single purpose of seeking God. However they choose to live these dynamic new monastics are carrying on the tradition of their forebears, in a way fitting for the twenty-first century.£6.25 -
The Monkhood of All Believers : The Monastic Foundation of Christian Spirituality
New MonasticismAlthough the institution of monasticism has existed in the Christian church since the first century, it is often misunderstood. Greg Peters, an expert in monastic studies, reintroduces historic monasticism to the Protestant church, articulating a monastic spirituality for all believers. As Peters explains, what we have known as monasticism for the past 1,500 years is actually a modified version of the earliest monastic life, which was not necessarily characterized by poverty, chastity, and obedience but rather by one's single-minded focus on God--a single-mindedness rooted in one's baptismal vows and the priesthood of all believers. Peters argues that all monks are Christians, but all Christians are also monks. To be a monk, one must first and foremost be singled-minded toward God. This book presents a theology of monasticism for the whole church, offering a vision of Christian spirituality that brings together important elements of history and practice. The author connects monasticism to movements in contemporary spiritual formation, helping readers understand how monastic practices can be a resource for exploring a robust spiritual life.£17.99 -
Inhabiting the Church : Biblical Wisdom for a New Monasticism
New MonasticismIf the church is more than just a building, what could it mean to live in it-to inhabit it as a way of life? From their location in new monastic communities, Otto, Stock, and Wilson-Hartgrove ask what the church can learn from St. Benedict's vows of conversion, obedience, and stability about how to live as the people of God in the world. In storytelling and serious engagement with Scripture, old wisdom breathes life into a new monasticism. But, like all monastic wisdom, these reflections are not just for monks. They speak directly to the challenge of being the church in America today and the good news Christ offers for the whole world.£16.00