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spiritual practices


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10 products

  • £10.99

    Just This : Prompts And Practices For Contemplation

    Just This is a collection of brief and evocative meditations and practices that invites us to cultivate the gift of waking up to the beauty of reality in all its glorious ordinariness. With his signature blend of contemplation, theology, and pastoral sensitivity, Fr Richard Rohr creates a spaciousness for the soul to grow into a kind of seeing that goes far beyond merely looking to recognising and thus appreciating. This is the heart of contemplation, the centrepiece of any inner dialogue that frees us from the traps of our perceptions and preoccupations. The contemplative mind does not tell us what to see; it teaches us how to see what we behold.
  • £10.99

    The Art of Healing Prayer : Bringing Christ’s Wholeness to Broken People

    The Art of Healing Prayer aims to help both clergy and laity to develop a greater understanding of those who come seeking healing, and to become skilled in praying for such people biblically, imaginatively and sensitively. The authors recognize that this is a costly ministry, requiring counsellors to find time in their own often busy lives to guide others, and necessitating that they continue to be open to the gifts of God's grace. However, it is a ministry that often results in joy and transformation, as those healed from long standing inner woundedness become sources of goodness and healing for others.
  • £12.99

    Living With the Mind of Christ: mindfulness in Christian spirituality

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    Through the teachings of Jesus, and Christian mystics such as St Augustine and Meister Eckhart, Stefan Gillow Reynolds demonstrates that the practice of Mindfulness leading to silent meditation, recommended by many therapists, is not a modern fad but has always had a place within contemplative Christianity.
  • £9.99

    Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality: making space for God

    May I be safe and protected. May I be at peace in mind and body. May I live with ease and kindness. (Kindness practice, p. 120)We can all engage with such longings - and wish these good things for the people we love. Mindfulness practice is hugely popular these days! But what, Tim Stead asks, does it have to offer Christianity? How might it help us to transform the way we manage stress and open up more completely to the promised 'life in all its fullness'? Key is the definition of mindfulness as being more fully aware of our own experience in the present moment in a non-judgmental way. The author finds that 'distractions', so often the bane of those trying to pray, can be taken note of without our being caught up in or taken over by them. A non-judgemental approach seems entirely consistent with talk of grace, and as Christians we know we can only ever experience God in the present moment. Tim reflects:'If I feel loved entirely without judgment, I will gradually dare to allow every aspect of myself to come into the light of God's gaze and so into relationship with the rest of myself - and this is how healing comes.'
  • £9.99

    See, Love, Be: mindfulness and the spiritual life

    Many have been hugely helped by mindfulness practice. But how do we move beyond our initial goal of functioning well to live a life marked by deep awareness, genuine compassion and ease of being? Tim Stead is an accredited mindfulness teacher who seeks to explore this very question. Offering new versions of familiar practices, he meditates on three key themes - see, love, be - that connect strongly with the concerns of many great spiritual traditions. A practical eight-week guide with audio MP3 CD
  • £11.95

    Lectio Matters: before the burning bush

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    In Lectio Matters, respected spiritual guide Sr. Meg Funk  accompanies the reader in explorong different levels of lectio divina as taught by the ancient church writers and by sharing her long experience.  By means of this wisdom both old and new, lectio divina can become our burning bush, a real encounter with the living God, in which we take off our sandals and bow low to the ground.
  • £14.50

    Discernment Matters: listening with the ear of the heart

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    Discernment Matters is a resource for those who want to learn and practice discernment as taught by the early monastic tradition.  it includes an accessible summary of teachings about discernment  from monastic traditions of late antiquity, consideration of important tools for making decisions today and practical examples from the lives of St. Benedict and St. Patrick, as well as the experience of monastics today. With this fifth volume of the Matters Series, Sr Meg Funk completes one of the most comprehensive  presentations of the spiritual life available today, demonstrating why this inner work is both necessary and such a joy.
  • £7.99

    The Sacred Way: spiritual practices for everyday life.

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    In a world that thrives on fast food and facile political slogans, where feeling comfortable seems to be the American high ideal, The Sacred Way is an invitation to explore spiritual practices that will quicken and expand our everyday lives.  Tony Jones is a patient and loyal companion and guide, one who anticipates our hesitations and doubts with good-humoured understanding.  His informed style and personal conviction are compelling.  His insights, rooted in solid research and reflection, are often inspiring.
  • £12.99

    Eyes of the Heart; photography as Christian contemplative practice

    Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner explores photography as a spiritual practice from a Christian perspective. Christine builds on the process of contemplative creativity in her book The Artist’s Rule (also available from the community bookshop) by adapting the monastic practice of lectio divina (sacred reading) into a form of visio divina (sacred seeing). A spiritual director and Benedictine oblate, she guides readers through a new way of spiritual observation – through the lens of a camera – and in receiving images, not simply taking them. She writes that, ‘My hope is that, in exploring the language of photography, you [develop] new portals into the your own experience and awareness of God. Shadow and light, framing, colour, reflections, and mirrors all offer us metaphors for ways of understanding how we might move towards seeing ourselves and God with the eyes of the heart.’ She invites us to use our cameras to help us to release our expectations of what we think we ought to see and learn to discover what is actually there. And then helps us to bring this kind of interaction into our everyday lives.
  • Celebration of Discipline
    Celebration of Discipline

    Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth

    Praised by many as the most important contemporary book on Christian spirituality, this timeless classic has helped well over a million people discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace and a deeper understanding of God. This book explores the 'classic disciplines' of the Christian faith: the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting and study; the outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission and service; and the corporate disciplines of confession, worship, guidance and celebration.