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337-348 of 700 products

  • Sale
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.


    The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book for 2019 Global in scope, but homing in on the role ordinary people play in conflict and division, Reconciliation enables Christians to engage confidently in a ministry bequeathed to us by Christ himself. The book issues a vibrant call to the Church to support and strengthen relationships among church members; to cross borders to build connections with different denominations; and to maintain open attitudes towards our neighbours from other religions and ideologies. Forty biblically based meditations introduce topics such as impediments to reconciliation, risking the self, humility and self-criticism, radical openness to the other and peace with justice. Questions for reflection are included, making Reconciliation suitable for use at weekly gatherings or for everyday devotion during Lent.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.
  • £8.99

    Celtic Lent: 40 days of devotions to Easter

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    This inspirational book takes the reader through the 40 days of Lent to the celebration of Easter through the eyes and beliefs of Celtic Christianity. Drawing on primary sources of pastoral letters, monastic rules and theological teaching of the Celtic church, the author presents a different perspective on the cross of Christ and draws us to see our own life journeys with a new and transforming vision.
  • £6.00

    Hermits of the Inner Farne

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    This booklet has been compiled by Andy Raine,  a Companion with the Northumbria Community, as a way of retelling the story of the hermits who lived and prayed on the little island of Inner Farne, just off the north Northumberland coast. It begins with a reprinting of Kathleen Parbury’s manuscript of The Hermits of the House of Farne, which she self-published in 1983, and which is contained here with the permission and blessing of her surviving relatives.  It also includes relevant liturgical material taken from Celtic Daily Prayer, and other articles about the hermits.
  • £2.25

    Blessings: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £2.25

    Small boat, wild sea: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £2.25

    Times and seasons: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £2.00

    Trinity: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £2.00

    Faith, hope and love: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £12.99

    Born to Fly: A handbook for butterflies-in-waiting

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    Sometimes it can feel as though we are living in the worst of times – a world of chaos, uncertainty and breakdown. But could this also be the best of times – a crucible of change in which a wiser and more spiritually mature future is being forged? The stars are most clearly visible in the deepest darkness. The butterfly emerges out of the worst meltdown of the chrysalis. In  Born to Fly, Margaret Silf helps us to explore what it would mean for each of us to be such an emerging butterfly – to be an agent of spiritual transformation in our own lives and in the world around us. What kind of future do we desire for ourselves, for those who follow after us, and for the whole of creation? And if the choices we make today are shaping that future, how might we learn to make those choices more wisely? The second part of the book takes us on a gentle journey in five stages through the process of transformation mapped out for us by the caterpillar as it changes from a pesky garden grub, taking what it wants without regard for the rest of creation, to a butterfly, giving life wherever it lands? Born to Fly is designed to be read for personal reflection and inspiration, or alongside fellow readers, with suggestions for further discussion. It is a companion book to Margaret Silf's Hidden Wings.
  • £12.99

    Hidden Wings: Emerging from troubled times with new hope and deeper wisdom

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    You must become the change you long for. Fine words, a great vision, but where to begin? We caterpillars know. From the moment we are conceived in our parents' mating dance, we already contain the cells that hold our future butterfly. Let us tell you our story... Tumultuous changes are occurring in the world around us, and the structures and values by which we have charted our lives seem to be collapsing. Many of us are struggling to plot a spiritual path through this unfamiliar landscape, and to believe in a positive future. Hidden Wings is a book offering hope and understanding. Using the example of a caterpillar entering the devastating, world-altering stage of the chrysalis, before emerging – transformed – as a butterfly, Margaret Silf helps us to see that these times of chaos could in fact be an opportunity for profound spiritual transformation.
  • £24.99

    A Spring Within Us: A Year of Daily Meditations


    The water I give will be a spring within you – welling up into infinite life. John 4:14

    Journey through the year with Richard Rohr, as he encourages us to drink deeply of God's love.

    With his great Franciscan heart wide open to the heart of the world, Richard Rohr seems to have a sixth sense about what's emerging into consciousness and where he is needed next ... What awaits you here is the integrated wisdom that emerges out of a life courageously and vulnerably lived.

    Cynthia Bourgeault from the Forward

  • £12.00

    Be stronger than each storm in me A4 print

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    Lynda Owen-Hussey, a companion with the Northumbria Community, is a mixed media artist living on the shores of the West Coast of Ireland in County Kerry, close to the birthplace of St Brendan. These days, her work is inspired by the many gifts of the sea she encounters on walks along the shore, often pondering the life of St Brendan and the many monks of old who inhabited this land. In describing this original artwork Lynda says:

    This artwork is inspired by a verse in the Northumbria Community’s Brendan Liturgy:

         Christ of the mysteries, can I trust you to be stronger than each storm in me?

    We read that Brendan and his companions cried out in prayer as they encountered storms on the ocean, trusting God as they sailed on in search of the land of promise. In Mark 6 we find Jesus’s disciples in a boat straining against the wind and becoming terrified as they see Jesus walking out to them over the water. He calls out to his disciples ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ As he climbs into the boat the wind ceases. We too can cry out to God when we find ourselves in the midst of life’s storms trusting that Jesus is with us always.

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