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397-408 of 700 products

  • beauty born anew
    beauty born anew

    Beauty Born Anew: Part 3 of the Dorchadas Trilogy

    After the dramatic events described in The Fairest of Dreams, life has calmed a little for Douglas Romer. He is now happily settled in the Irish coastal town of Dingle with his new set of friends. But he is concerned for Kath, who has become seriously ill. This brings to Dingle her daughters with their own set of issues. Douglas invites friends from the UK and USA over to visit, all who happen to arrive just when Kath is getting very close to death. How will they all get on together? And what is going on in the troubled soul of Father Pat? And there is Alice - after his desperate bereavement, could Douglas ever love another woman? Once again it is Dorchadas who is Douglas' close companion and confidant, though he hints disturbingly about the time drawing near for him to cease his work as an angel in human form.
  • £13.99

    The Fairest of Dreams: Part 2 of the Dorchadas Trilogy

    The story picks up from where The Face of the Deep ends. Douglas Romer has returned to Dingle, Ireland, and continues to be on sick leave following his breakdown. He is stronger following the transforming experience of Gethsemane, and yet is haunted by the fact that the killer of his wife may be turning his sights on Douglas. Once again he teams up with his friend, Dorchadas, the retired angel, and with other friends he has made in Dingle. He also encounters some other characters who, until now, he only knew as figures from the past. As the story progresses, Douglas becomes increasingly aware of the force of dark powers bearing down upon him. How will he and his friends resist their destructive force?
  • £11.99

    The Face of the Deep: Part 1 of the Dorchadas Trilogy

    Douglas Romer’s career as a Vicar comes crashing down as he fails to come to terms with his young wife’s sudden and violent death. He takes a temporary leave of absence from his Sheffield parish and heads to the coastal town of Dingle in his wife’s homeland of Ireland. Here he meets various people whose lives become intricately tied to his. Among these new friends is Dorchadas, a man who claims to be a retired angel. He also meets several people whom he never imagined meeting, not least because they come from a time long before his.
  • £10.99

    The Jesus Way: a conversation in following Jesus.

    Continuing Peterson's major evaluation of contemporary Christian spirituality, THE JESUS WAY asks what it means to authentically follow Christ in the modern world. As with other books in the series, THE JESUS WAY is written for both academic and serious lay audiences. Challenging but rewarding, it combines first-rate scholarship with illustrations drawn from raw human experience.
  • £14.00

    A Fragile Hope: cultivating a hermitage of the heart.

    We are living in challenging times. And it is easy to escape, pine for the good old days, or unrealistically dream our way into the future. Instead, we are invited, in this book, to face our troubled world, to identify our inner struggles of faith, and to voice our anxieties and pain. And most importantly we are invited to wrestle with the God who so often seems absent. Living with a fragile hope, we are called by the gospel to nurture an inner life that responds with faith and courage to the brokenness of our world and the woundedness of our inner being About the Author  Charles Ringma has taught in universities, colleges and seminaries in Asia, Australia and N. America. And he has worked in urban and overseas mission for several decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, is a Franciscan Tertiary (tssf) and companion of Northumbria Community, Brisbane. Besides working for justice, he plants rain forest trees, grows vegetables and pens books on Christian spirituality.
  • £6.99

    Listening to the Boys: Meditations on Francisco de Zurbaran’s Jacob and His Twelve Sons

    “The Boys” is an affectionate term sometimes used to describe the outstanding portraits of Jacob and his twelve sons by the Spanish artist Francisco de Zurbarán, housed at Auckland Castle in Bishop Auckland.

    This is an unusual practical book which provides a concise and readable introduction to the paintings and encourages the reader to take time to “listen to the boys.” After some useful introductory pages about the background to the paintings, the substance of the book contains reproductions of each of the paintings along with reflections and questions to stimulate the reader to record their own personal reflections and responses.

  • £12.99

    Geography of Grace

    How do we make sense of God's love among the urban poor, and among the rest of us who are hungry for good news in the hard and sometimes forgotten places of our own lives? Rocke and Van Dyke invite us to discover for ourselves the unexpected nature of grace among those who have been labelled the least, last and lost-and their inextricable link to the forgotten and disturbing stories in the Bible. Graphic but never gratuitous, Rocke and Van Dyke are lyrical, poetic, irreverent, and playful. They are as rigorous in their study of applied theology as they are accessible in their storytelling. The authors share their own discovery of that which has been "hidden since the foundations of the earth," and they do it by standing with those who have stood alone, finding joy in being counted among the transgressors. They offer a new kind of orthodoxy that is as old as the gospel itself. Far from a dogmatic theology, the burden of this book is uncommonly light, but it is not without its demands. If you are up for a life-changing adventure, then get ready to "assume the risks."
  • £16.99

    Reading the Bible with the Damned

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    Exploring the challenges that both the churched and the unchurched have faced regarding giving and receiving the word of God, Bob Ekblad encourages us all to learn to read the Bible together as a whole. In this compelling book, he reflects on how Christians have often found it difficult to proclaim God's good news to every realm of society, while those who have needed it most have frequently deemed themselves unworthy due to social circumstances or sinfulness. In Reading the Bible with the Damned, Ekblad offers concrete advice on how to bridge this gap through a variety of insights ultimately leading to spiritual transformation. This book is full of examples of how Scripture changes lives for those who attend Bible studies and for those who lead them, offering practical suggestions on many passages from the Old and New Testaments.
  • £14.99

    Reading Buechner: Exploring the Work of a Master Memoirist, Novelist, Theologian, and Preacher

    Frederick Buechner is one of the most gifted writers of his generation, and his legacy casts a long shadow over Christian letters today. As a memoirist, he opened up an entirely new way to think about the genre. As a novelist, he was a finalist for the Pulitzer. And as a theologian and preacher, he pioneered the art of making theology accessible for a popular audience. Yet for all Buechner's enormous influence, many readers today are unfamiliar with his work, or have read him only in one genre. In this book, Buechner expert Jeffrey Munroe presents a collection of the true "essentials" from across Buechner's diverse catalog, as well as an overview of Buechner's life and a discussion of the state of his literary legacy today. Here is Buechner in all his complex glory, ready to delight and inspire again.
  • £15.99

    Desert Dangers and Delights: Stories, Teachings, and Sources

    The spirituality and lives of the desert fathers and mothers are often seen as the beginning and end of Christian monastic life. Their stories and messages inspire not only the most devout Christians but also the "nones" and the "dones." In Desert Dangers and Delights John Michael Talbot reflects on his experience as a spiritual father and a populariser of Catholic Christian spirituality through his music and teaching. He uses his own stories, Scripture, and the stories and sayings of the desert fathers and mothers to show a radically alternative way of living and thinking in Christ. With questions for reflection at the end of each chapter, this book will aid all readers, from experienced monastics to those just beginning a spiritual journey with Christ.
  • Sold out

    Wingshadow: Print

    A 21cm square print featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross and using wording from our Community's Evening Prayer.
  • £10.00

    Faith, Hope and Love: Print

    A 21cm square print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
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