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61-72 of 701 products

  • Multicoloured Contemplations
    Multicoloured Contemplations

    Multicoloured Contemplations

    A pocket collection of designs by Mary Fleeson to colour in. Use Multicoloured Contemplations for relaxation, prayer or meditation, on holiday or retreat.
  • £12.99

    The Two Saints Way Guide

    The Two Saints Way is a new 92 mile pilgrimage route between the cathedral cities of Chester and Lichfield. Its historic sites, beautiful scenery and hidden treasures provide a perfect opportunity to connect with the past, and find peace in the present. This accompanying 144 page guide, written by the route's creator David Pott, is packed with pictures, facts, and maps that make walking the route easy and informative. 'This superb new guidebook is as clear and colourful as it is full of detail. It will enable users to get the very best out of every section of the route, whetting the appetite of those planning a trip, and serving as a souvenir for those looking back on the experience.' The Very Revd Dr Pete Wilcox Dean of Liverpool Cathedral and formerly Canon Chancellor of Lichfield Cathedral. This guidebook is currently out of print until autumn 2019. In the interim the Two Saints Way team have made available a downloadable PDF version of the guidebook and the link to the website is: There is also a new website available here:      
  • £3.50

    Jesse Tree Ornaments

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    The Jesse Tree has been used over many centuries to bring life to the characters who are part of Jesus' family Tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. This ornament pack contains three sheets of card printed with thirty-one double sided ornaments for you to colour, cut out and use to decorate your own Jesse Tree at home. Each ornament illustrates one of the Jesse Tree readings written by Andy Raine from the Northumbria Community. The readings themselves, one for each day in December, are available in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and available here Also available from the Northumbria Community is the Jesse Tree Pack which contains these card ornaments along with an A5 booklet of the readings - available here  Your Jesse Tree can be made from anything you wish but many people use a branch which can be left in its natural state or stripped and painted gold, silver, white and then suspended from a ceiling or 'planted' in a pot. Instructions for preparing the ornaments are included in this pack.
  • £2.25

    Hollow of His hand: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'May the road rise to meet you...'
  • £0.65

    Hild Liturgy card

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    A trifold A4 card containing the Hild Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. A helpful resource for use on individual retreats or when using the liturgy in group sessions. 10% discount when ordering 5 or more copies of this liturgy.  
  • £4.00

    Seven Sacred Spaces

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    George Lings spent an extended time with us at the Northumbria Community in 2009 and during this and other visits and studies brought together some key thinking about healthy communities. During his stay he facilitated a teaching and discussion weekend around this and other topics and it was during this weekend that George admits he added the seventh sacred space - the chapter house. What makes a healthy Christian community? George Lings, director of Church Army's Research Unit, believes we have much to learn from monastic communities.
  • £4.50

    The Heart Alone with God

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    Celtic and Desert spirituality was essentially monastic, and praying was learned in the context of cell (alone) and community (together). There was no separation of praying and living; one flowed from the other. For us too, life is prayer and prayer is life. Making inner space to cultivate the God-life within is at the centre of the contemplative experience, which is entering into the self to be with God. This interior life is also a journey through the darkness and dangers of ‘the world, the flesh and the devil’. This booklet explores how we can thwart even the most ‘devious’ of attacks of the enemy and find inner peace as we understand the full meaning and significance of ‘The Heart Alone with God’. 
  • Calm me O Lord
    Calm me O Lord

    Calm me O Lord: A4 poster

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    These words by David Adam are part of our Felgild Compline. This calligraphic design is also available as an A5 poster, an A6 greetings card and an A6 postcard.
  • £3.00

    Waymarks Music Edition (old edition)

    Sheet music (as an A4 booklet) for the Waymarks album of 14 songs that mark the Northumbria Community's journey - alone yet together.
  • £0.75

    We Call Upon: A6 postcard

    This prayer is used in the Brigid Liturgy (for house blessing, especially on Brigid's Day, 1 February) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This words on this print make it particularly appropriate for display in a home - in a porch or alcove. This calligraphic design is also available as A4 and A5 posters and an A6 greetings card with envelope.  
  • £17.99

    Given for Life

    A guide to motivational gifts by Andy Raine, one of the founders of the Northumbria Community. 'It is not what you do but the underlying WHY that you do it that betrays who you are.' Are you a 'prophet', 'ruler', mercy', server', teacher', 'exhorter', or 'giver'?
  • £4.00

    An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Celtic Saints

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    Edward C Sellner has recently published a revised and expanded edition of his important work Wisdom of the Celtic Saints, which presents the stories of 27 of the most important of the Celtic saints from Ireland, Scotland, northern England, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. However, this is currently only available in hardback form and the author has permitted the Northumbria Community to publish his excellent introduction to his book in this booklet form, making it more widely accessible.
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