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John Lane


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3 products

  • £9.95

    Timeless Beauty: in the arts and everyday life

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    Once people were instinctively tuned to the beautiful. In those distant days before the advent of the motor car and the washing machine, the electric toothbrush and the wheel, craftsmen and musicians, masons and poets, painters and dancers simply did not know how to make an ugly thing; they could not close their hearts to the light of heaven. For them countless numbers of them beauty was as necessary as the air they breathed. It gave dignity and meaning to drab and impoverished lives, and inspired great (but often brutal) civilizations in which people lived creative and useful lives. Beauty is the nourishment of the soul. It is something that gives us dignity as a species. John Lane calls us to awaken to the possibilities of a culture that recognizes the importance of beauty, and to acknowledge that we are only fully human in contact with the beautiful.
  • £12.99

    The Art of Ageing: Inspiration for a positive and abundant later life

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    This is a book which, whilst denying neither the frustrations and limitations of our mortality nor the terrible bittersweetness of our mortality, reveals the creativity, the passion, the adventures and the profound joy that can come when our elder years are fully lived and savoured. With his usual simplicity, John Lane at 80 shares his own experience and insights, offers useful advice and invites eleven other old men and women to tell their stories too. This is a delightful book; a source of practical and spritiual wisdom from a life well lived.
  • £11.99

    Timeless Simplicity: Creative living in a consumer society

    This is a book about simplicity - not destitution, not parsimoniousness, not self-denial - but the restoration of wealth in the midst of an affluence in which we are starving the spirit. It is a book about the advantages of living a less cluttered, stressful life than that which many of us are now living in the overcrowded and manic-paced consuming nations. It is a book that has nothing to do with subsistence living on the Lake Isle of Innisfree, but everything to do with having less and enjoying more - enjoying time to do the work you love, enjoying time to spend with your family, enjoying time to pursue creative projects, enjoying time for good eating, enjoying time just to be. Another theme of the book concerns the future of our home, the Earth. Up to the end of the 19th century, the Earth consisted of a world of oceans and land masses teeming with all kinds of life, but our grandchildren will inherit one with less than 20 percent of its original forests still intact, with most of the readily available fresh water already spoken for, with most of the wetlands and reef systems either destroyed or degraded. Sooner or later a more frugal lifestyle will not only be desirable - it will become an imperative.                