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Mary Fleeson


Showing 13–24 of 93 results


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13-24 of 93 products

  • £1.49

    Pocket Prayers for Lent

    Entering the Season of Lent can be an amazing journey of discovery, an opportunity to journey to the foot of the cross, to be challenged by the sacrifice and reassured by the resurrection. Historically is is a time to fast and repent in preparation for the joyous celebration of Easter Day. The short prayers in this card may be used to help you practise a rhythm of prayer during Lent and to prepare for Easter.
  • £1.99

    The ‘just got a minute or two’ Creative Retreat Sampler Activity Book

    Take time out with God. Few of us can spare a whole day or more to take a retreat but there are many benefits of taking time out of the ordinary routine. This book contains a selection of activities, including colouring images, taken for the range of activity books to inspire and encourage you.
  • £4.99

    The Creative Prayer Manual

    This little book includes ideas for enhancing your personal prayer time and ideas for groups and prayer days. Mary writes, 'I believe that conversation, both listening to and talking with God, is as vital as breathing and that prayer is a creative expression of communication which enhances and nurtures a closer relationship with God.'  
  • £2.25

    Remember Me: A6 greetings card

    Background: Artist Mary Fleeson tells us that... " ‘Remember’ is a celebration of Christ’s words to His disciples, 23For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, NIV The image includes the empty tomb and the angel standing outside with Jesus and Mary in the garden, the road to Emmaus, a bright star – to remind us of His birth and the light He brought to a fallen world and Jesus carrying the cross as a symbol of carrying the sin of the world. The rich knotwork pattern behind is the backdrop to the royal story of The King of the Universe. The large knot reminds us of our life journey and how God wants us to be immersed, surrounded and sharing in His journey." This item is 105 x 148mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.  
  • £1.49
  • £2.25

    Journey: A6 greetings card

    Words: None Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments..."The design of ‘Journey’ was an experiment inspired by a manuscript at the British Library. The parchment I saw had been painted with a rich purple-red ink and the script was formed using gold ink which appeared coppery in colour. Therefore I formed my cross in a similar way and to achieve the layered textural depth effect I experimented with collage. The working title for the piece was ‘Unknown Journey’, its layers representing C.S Lewis’ view of death as an ‘onward and upward’ journey to a better, brighter, more ‘real’ place." Printing and Sizing: This item is 105mmX148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Devotions

    A collection of sixteen images to colour, some are outlines of pieces already created for the Lindisfarne Scriptorium and some are completely new. The aim of the book is to help you relax, to inspire, to allow God to speak to you as you focus and meditate on the images.
  • £2.25

    Christ Centred Living: A6 greetings card

    Words: None Background: Mary tells us that...'This piece was the result of meditating on what defines a Christ centred life . I wanted to show the fruitfulness that comes from a life rooted in the cross of Christ and the refreshment and cleansing available to us. In the spirals I wanted to express the vibrancy of a Christ-centred life and four aspects of life; birth, death, spirituality and growth. Each arm of the spiral, each aspect of life, is cross hatched and bumpy with patches of light and dark, showing the erratic nature of living. Each arm ends but its outline turns back towards the cross, showing that everything came from God and returns to God.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 105mmX148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.
  • £1.49

    Pocket Prayers of Comfort

    Pocket Prayers of Comfort contains prayers, poems and Bible passages to encourage and reassure. It is is a threefold leaflet (99mmX105mm) unfolded (297mm X 105mm).
  • £3.99

    The Creative Pilgrimage Activity Book

    This little book has been created to inspire the would-be pilgrim, as a companion for the travelling pilgrim and as an introduction to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Included are prayers and activities to help you focus on your journey whether your pilgrimage is part of your inward journey or a physical journey to a sacred place.
  • £2.25

    Send us out: A6 greetings card

    Words: Send us out in the power of Your Spirit to live and work to Your praise and glory. Background: Artist Mary Fleeson tells us that...'These words have always reminded me why I do what I do, how I do it and when ... Because I am empowered to do so by the Spirit and because I want to give glory to God; in the strength of the Spirit and every moment of every day for the rest of my life.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 105mmX148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.
  • £2.25

    Show me: A6 greetings card

    Words: Lord Jesus show me Your way Background: This piece was inspired by the lighthouse beam I see each night. It cuts through the darkness like a sword, like the word of God. It is a guide, a warning, a comfort and a reassurance. Printing and Sizing: This item is 105mmX148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.
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