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Mary Fleeson


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73-84 of 93 products

  • As the Touch

    As the Touch: A4 signed print

    Words: Embrace me Lord As the loving parent to a new born babe; As the gentle wave on a windswept shore; As the summer breeze lifts the soaring bird; As the fall of rain on the parched garden soil; As the pure note of song caresses an ear; As the touch on the face from a lover; As the clear starlight falling on a deep, still lake; As the warming sunlight on a butterfly wing; As the brushstroke on a painters canvas; As the soft hug of a much loved toy; As the familiar words of a memorised poem Embrace me O Lord Background: An encouragement to invite God to be intimate with every aspect of our life. Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock
  • £14.50

    Journey: A4 signed print

    Words: None Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments...'The design of ‘Journey’ was an experiment inspired by a manuscript at the British Library. The parchment I saw had been painted with a rich purple-red ink and the script was formed using gold ink which appeared coppery in colour. Therefore I formed my cross in a similar way and to achieve the layered textural depth effect I experimented with collage. The working title for the piece was ‘Unknown Journey’, its layers representing C.S Lewis’ view of death as an ‘onward and upward’ journey to a better, brighter, more ‘real’ place.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock.
  • £12.50

    Graceful Trinity: A4 signed print

    Words: Graceful Trinity of love, Hear our prayer You were at the beginning, You are now, You shall be evermore. Grant us peace. With the ebb of the tide, With the turn of the season, Grant us peace Father, Son and Spirit, Hear our prayer. Background: An intercession written several years ago to be said between other prayers, the imagery reflects the seasons and the tides. Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • £12.50

    Show Me: A4 signed print

    Words: Lord Jesus show me Your way Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments...'This piece was inspired by the lighthouse beam I see each night. It cuts through the darkness like a sword, like the word of God. It is a guide, a warning, a comfort and a reassurance.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock
  • Easter_reflections

    Easter Reflections

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    Easter Reflections contain nine of Mary's Easter themed pieces of artwork along with thoughtful meditations, prayers and comments intended to provide a preparation for Easter Day. We have also included ‘Behind the Scenes’ bonus pages with the stage drawings of some of the artwork from first lines to the finished piece to demonstrate how Mary produces her art. Easter Reflections is a glossy softcover book which is perfect bound, A5 size (14.8X21cm) and 28 pages.
  • £8.99

    The Journey to the Cross and Beyond: stations around Lindisfarne

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    The Stations of the Cross are a series of images that tell the story of the events leading up to, and sometimes including, the resurrection. The images are often presented alongside prayers and meditations and are intended to provide a preparation for Easter Day. Meditating on the Stations can be an amazing journey of discovery, an opportunity to journey to the foot of the cross, to be challenged by the sacrifice and reassured by the resurrection. The Stations in this book will, I hope, guide and help you in that journey, they follow the ‘Scriptural Way of the Cross’ developed by Pope John Paul ll, with the addition of the resurrection (He is Risen) and are set around the village of Lindisfarne, Northumbria, UK. I have chosen to place this ancient and terrible journey around my home village but the meditations and prayers included could be used anywhere (you could find places around your own house or town or garden) and the book can also be used whilst sitting quietly. 'The Journey to the Cross and Beyond' is a glossy softcover book which combines stunning images of Holy Island drawn by Mary Fleeson with additional characters taken from the bible with poems, prayers and meditations written by Mary in response to the images.
  • Sold out

    Photographic Prayers

    This second book from Mary, Mark and Aurian Fleeson contains a further selection of stunning images and words exploring the land and sea around Lindisfarne.
  • Christmas-reflections

    Christmas Reflections: Meditations and prayers inspired by art

    Christmas Reflections contain nine of Mary's Christmas themed pieces of artwork along with thoughtful meditations, prayers and comments intended to provide a preparation for Christmas Day. We have also included 'Behind the Scenes' bonus pages with the stage drawings of some of the artwork from first lines to the finished piece to demonstrate how Mary produces her art. Christmas Reflections is a glossy softcover book, A5 size (14.8X21cm) and 28 pages.
  • £12.50

    Alpha and Omega: A4 signed print

    ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’ Revelation 1:8 (NIV) Background: The Chi Rho, also known as chrismon or sigla is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (??)—of the Greek word ??????? (Christos). Alpha and Omega includes a modern take on the Chi Rho symbol and overall offers a reminder of the Godhead of Jesus. Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock
  • £12.50

    Caim: A4 signed print

    Background: Artist Mary Fleeson tells us that...'"Caim" was originally designed as a CD cover for an album of prayers set to music by the same name, therefore the imagery reflects themes of the music included, however as is often the case the illustration evolved into something which speaks beyond the obvious inspiration. The hand seems to reach out in a loving, gentle gesture to caress the face of the Creator, symbolised by the star (Revelation 22:16 ‘I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.’). The complex knotwork intersperses three overlapping circles which represent the Trinity and the patterns and colours are life patterns, weaving and merging, coloured by experiences, actions and reactions.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • Your Breath

    Your Breath: A4 signed print

    Created: 1998 Words: Your breath I hear as the wind, whispering worship Your peace I seek as I travel Your face I see as the sun, smiling solace Your peace I seek as I travel Your hand I feel as the water, cradling comfort Your peace I seek as I travel Mary says: 'Your Breath' is about the feeling I get when I think about leaving our Island home to travel inland and how much the everyday experience of being surrounded by its infinite changes - and constancy - relates to my experience of God. Printing and Sizing: This item is 297mm x 210mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • Spirit_of_God

    Spirit of God: A4 signed print

    When Jesus was baptised the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove according to Luke 3:22 and as fire in Acts 2:1-6. and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” NIV Luke 3:22 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. NIV Acts 2:1-6 Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mmX297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
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