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18 products

  • £15.99

    Addiction And Grace : Love And Spirituality In The Healing Of Addictions

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    Addiction and Grace offers an inspiring and hope-filled vision for those who desire to explore the mystery of who and what they really are. May examines the "processes of attachment" that lead to addiction and describes the relationship between addiction and spiritual awareness. He also details the various addictions from which we can suffer, not only to substances like alcohol and drugs, but to work, sex, performance, responsibility, and intimacy. Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist working with the chemically dependent, May emphasises that addiction represents an attempt to assert complete control over our lives. Addiction and Grace is a compassionate and wise treatment of a topic of major concern in these most addictive of times, one that can provide a critical yet hopeful guide to a place of freedom based on contemplative spirituality
  • £9.99

    The Other Side of Chaos : Breaking through when life is breaking down

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    Your children have left home, you have lost your job, you have had to move to a strange town, your partner has died ... Every life is filled with changes and transitions. In The Other Side of Chaos, the popular writer and speaker Margaret Silf takes us on a journey through the pitfalls and the opportunities of change. Transitions may be awkward and uncomfortable, but they also put into places where new life can flourish. Silf invites us to embrace the inevitability of upheaval, and shows us how the leaving of our comfort zone can become an invitation to set ourselves free. Through stories and examples and down-to earth tips, she shows us how we can live our transitions constructively and creatively. `We will discover what new growth may be sprouting in our lives only if we risk the journey that takes us, like reluctant time travellers, hurtling through the uncharted universe of change.'
  • £12.99

    When God is Silent

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    “Barbara Brown Taylor’s concise, pithy and challenging prose is evidence that she is practicing what she preaches:that Christian pastors take more care with the words they use and treat language with economy, courtesy and reverence. . . .She offers concrete and practical suggestions for ways to improve our relationship with both silence and the words God has given us.” - KATHLEEN NORRIS, for Christian Century Renowned minister Barbara Brown Taylor focuses on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for communication with a God who often seems to be silent. Originally delivered as the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in preaching at Yale Divinity School, When God is Silent   addresses questions essential not only to preachers, but also to anyone yearning to hear from God.
  • Embracing Chaos
    Embracing Chaos

    Embracing Chaos

    Understanding the importance of chaos and complexity is well established in the sciences, and increasingly impinges on everyday life. But how does it affect our understanding of leadership and theology? This wide-ranging study looks at the key elements of chaos theory, and makes helpful connections with the practical issues of leadership within and beyond ministry.
  • Sold out

    Reading the Bible with the Damned

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    Exploring the challenges that both the churched and the unchurched have faced regarding giving and receiving the word of God, Bob Ekblad encourages us all to learn to read the Bible together as a whole. In this compelling book, he reflects on how Christians have often found it difficult to proclaim God's good news to every realm of society, while those who have needed it most have frequently deemed themselves unworthy due to social circumstances or sinfulness. In Reading the Bible with the Damned, Ekblad offers concrete advice on how to bridge this gap through a variety of insights ultimately leading to spiritual transformation. This book is full of examples of how Scripture changes lives for those who attend Bible studies and for those who lead them, offering practical suggestions on many passages from the Old and New Testaments.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £8.99.

    Preventing a Sheep Attack

    by Dennis R. Maynard, Illustrated by Chris Koonce There is a cancer attacking worshipping communities! Congregations that once were growing and spiritually dynamic in a matter of days (not weeks or years) go into decline. The ministries of faithful pastors filled with enthusiasm and vision are destroyed and slandered. This book is necessary because educating our healthy lay leaders is the key to disarming those that would attack clergy and destroy congregations. The intent of this particular book is to provide clergy and Church leaders with a vehicle they can use to educate their parish leadership on the dynamics of preventing a sheep attack. This book explains why conflict with antagonists requires that someone will be ejected from the congregational system. Denominational and parish leaders much choose.
    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £8.99.
    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £8.99.
  • Sold out

    Embracing Conflict: Jesus as a model for church leaders

    To be human is to know conflict; to be a leader is to know conflict intensified.  This invaluable guide explores some of the many instances when Jesus dealt with tension and hostility throughout his ministry. It invites leaders to enter into and experience these tense events from Jesus’ point of view.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.

    Prayers for OCD : Understanding and healing

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    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not well understood by most people. It is sometimes the subject of jokes. To those who suffer it, it is definitely no laughing matter. It can jeopardise your job, your relationships and gives you no peace of mind. This book seeks to shed light on the condition, both for those who have it and for others. Its pages explore different aspects of the condition and its treatment. Each one is accompanied by a prayer. The book is divided into two sections. Part A is for those with OCD, Part B for family, friends and the wider community. When praying for someone, you may wish to insert their name, or the pronoun he or she. There is a list of resources at the end, and pages for your own prayers. Half the royalties from this book will go to OCD-UK.
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.
    Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £4.50.
  • New

    When the Church Harms God’s People : Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded

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    Christianity Today 2025 Book Award (Church/Pastoral Leadership)  "A heartbreaking but necessary book."--Christianity Today Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg has come face to face with the crushing trauma of sexual abuse, trafficking, domestic abuse, and rape--and its cover-up. Even more tragic, she has encountered it all within Christian communities and the church. As a highly respected trauma scholar and psychologist working in the United States and around the world for more than 50 years, she envisions a better way. In When the Church Harms God's People, Langberg unveils what she has learned about how churches cause harm and why Christian communities often foster unhealthy leaders who end up hurting rather than protecting God's people. She also offers hope for the future, describing how churches can reflect Christ not just in what they teach but also in how they care for themselves and others. This book is an invaluable tool for leaders and laypeople alike who want to help the church resist abuses of power and become a safe place for survivors.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.

    Leading with Everything to Give : Lessons from the Success and Failure of Western Capitalism

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    Having looked at the personal character of an undefended leader in Leading out of Who You Are and at the pragmatics of wielding power in Leading with Nothing to Lose, Simon Walker next looks at the Politics - and economics - of undefended leadership. In this final volume of his leadership trilogy, The Undefended Leader, he analyses the crisis in social ecology in Western culture and its global repercussions. Walker offers a piercing analysis that sets the current economic problems within broader, deeper narrative of social dysfunction in the West. Sane, wide-ranging and acutely relevant in the chaos of the current crisis, his analysis offers a clear perspective and points to the future. This is a provocative book, and, in the light of current events, most timely. With study questions and practical ideas to help readers apply the undefended vision wherever they are. "I have come to see that idealism and pragmatism are not incompatible bedfellows - the grand and the noble and the humble and immediate are both necessary."
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.

    The Gospel Driven Church : Retrieving Classical Ministries for Contemporary Revivalism

    Charismatic renewal has at the core of its ideology an aspiration for revival. This is a laudable aspiration, but in recent years, in the absence of a large-scale evangelistic impact, it has encouraged a faddist mentality among church leaders. The Gospel-Driven Church documents this development and the numerous theological and pastoral distortions that take place when genuine revival fervor transmutes into revivalism. Moreover, Stackhouse aims to show how a retrieval of some of the core practices of the church, such as preaching, sacraments, the laying on of hands, and prayer is essential at this crucial stage in the trajectory of the renewal movement in the United Kingdom. He commends to church leaders a recovery of these means of grace - including Spirit baptism - as a way of keeping the church centered on the gospel rather than mere pragmatic concerns about size and numbers.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99.
  • £8.99

    In the Name of Jesus : Reflections on Christian Leadership

    Reflections on ministry and Christian leadership by one of our greatest modern spiritual writers.  
  • £7.99

    I Thought There Would be Cake: navigating the ups and downs of adult life

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    EVER THOUGHT LIFE ISN'T TURNING OUT QUITE AS YOU EXPECTED? Growing up, Katharine Welby-Roberts imagined that being an adult was one big party. But depression, anxiety and crippling self-doubt led her to alienate herself from others. To replay events and encounters as nightmares, occasionally, to be unable to leave the house. Aware of the cacophony of voices in her head, Katharine invites us to join her as she journeys to the depths of her soul. Here, with instinctive honesty and humour, she confronts the parts of her story that hinder her most.
    As she charts a course that offers ways of coping with everyday issues, we are encouraged to embrace our own self-worth. To recognise the value of our existence. To let ourselves be loved. Exactly as we are.
  • £9.00

    Walking in Valleys of Darkness : A Benedictine Journey through Troubled Times

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    Trusting in the Lord and his benevolence is easy when life is going well - not so easy when life seems difficult. Yet, walking through what the author calls 'valleys of darkness' can bring us opportunities for insight and grace we might not experience when we are walking through good times. Benedictine monk Fr. Albert Holtz invites the reader to walk with him through five periods of pain and difficulty in his own life, including being diagnosed with cancer and dealing with the death of his brother. In a series of twenty-four meditations, the author shows how insights behind such New Testament words such as courage, compassion, and trust, became a source of practical help and spiritual strength for him during those difficult times. His down-to-earth reflections can do the same for anyone trying to understand how the mystery of Christ's passion, death and resurrection can help us cope with, and even profit from, life's inevitable struggles and sufferings.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £5.99.

    The Love That Made Saint Teresa

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    Part biography and part spiritual reading, this book brings to light little-known stories from Mother Teresa's life that will help you to grow in your love of God. You will learn her approach to reading Scripture, what enabled her to persevere through agonizing nights, and the remarkable -- some would say mystical -- events that led her to start the Missionaries of Charity.In considering Mother Teresa, her private visions, and her secret sufferings, David Scott has discovered scores of early episodes and chance encounters that point to later, larger meanings. These remarkable patterns, he suggests, show that Mother Teresa's life was choreographed from above, as if a divine script had been written for her from before her birth.In these pages, you will meet for the first time the Mother Teresa who challenged the ancient Goddess of Death and became the first saint of our global village. You will read as she describes, in long-secret letters, the dark night of her soul. The woman you will meet is one that God himself sent to you as a clear sign that despite pain and suffering in our lives and in our world, God's good love will prevail ...beginning in what she called the slums of our hearts. We are all called to holiness, and the saints are sent to us as real-life examples of God's love. With Mother Teresa as your guide, you'll learn how to follow God's call and find holiness in a world marked by the shadow of death and growing indifference to God. Indeed, you'll learn how to be an everyday missionary of Christ's love in the ordinary activities of your daily life.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £5.99.
    Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £5.99.
  • £12.99

    Face to Face. Meeting Christ in Friend and Stranger

    This is a book of epiphanies - moments when it became clear that God was present in ordinary events or extraordinary coincidences. It's intended as an encouragement to all who minister, and a reminder of why we do what we do, especially should we ever feel discouraged, underappreciated or bewildered. It's also designed as a way to gain fresh perspective on the humble and surprising ways God shows up.
  • £12.99

    Understanding Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Ministry Leaders and Survivors

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    A many as one in four girls and one in six boys experience sexual abuse during childhood, and it's estimated that up to half of the incidents are never reported. Countless millions, both children and adults, carry this complex, often hidden pain. What does the path to healing look like for survivors? And how can ministry leaders, pastors and counsellors best help them as they walk this difficult road? Drawing on both his own and is wife's experience as survivors of childhood sexual abuse, minister and lecturer Tim Hein offers his expertise, practical guidance and empathy. Filled with sober truths and the hope of Christ, this book is a rich resource both for them and for those who have suffered sexual abuse and those is a position to help them.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £7.99.

    Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church

    'I am convinced nothing is more important for the recovery of preaching as a central act of the church than that those who preach trust that God is going to show up when the Word is rightly proclaimed. Too often those who preach fear those to whom they preach when in fact we ought to fear God. If God is rightly expected to show up, if God is rightly feared, then those who preach and those who hear will understand no explanation is required.' (from the introduction) • Seventeen sermons from one of the best-known theologians in the US, from Saints and Letting Go to Recognising Jesus/Seeing Salvation and Clothe Your Ministers in Righteousness • Two bonus presentations on Leadership and An Open Letter to Christians Beginning College in the appendix
    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £7.99.
    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £7.99.