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73-91 of 91 products

  • £11.00

    Preventing a Sheep Attack

    by Dennis R. Maynard, Illustrated by Chris Koonce There is a cancer attacking worshipping communities! Congregations that once were growing and spiritually dynamic in a matter of days (not weeks or years) go into decline. The ministries of faithful pastors filled with enthusiasm and vision are destroyed and slandered. This book is necessary because educating our healthy lay leaders is the key to disarming those that would attack clergy and destroy congregations. The intent of this particular book is to provide clergy and Church leaders with a vehicle they can use to educate their parish leadership on the dynamics of preventing a sheep attack. This book explains why conflict with antagonists requires that someone will be ejected from the congregational system. Denominational and parish leaders much choose.
  • £10.99

    When God is Silent

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    “Barbara Brown Taylor’s concise, pithy and challenging prose is evidence that she is practicing what she preaches:that Christian pastors take more care with the words they use and treat language with economy, courtesy and reverence. . . .She offers concrete and practical suggestions for ways to improve our relationship with both silence and the words God has given us.” - KATHLEEN NORRIS, for Christian Century Renowned minister Barbara Brown Taylor focuses on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for communication with a God who often seems to be silent. Originally delivered as the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in preaching at Yale Divinity School, When God is Silent   addresses questions essential not only to preachers, but also to anyone yearning to hear from God.
  • Sold out
    Colonies of Heaven
    Colonies of Heaven

    Colonies of Heaven: Celtic Models for Today’s Church

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    'Celtic' Christianity continues to fascinate us, but is it relevant to the life and witness of the church today? Ian Bradley is convinced that it is; that the building of 'colonies of heaven' drawing on Celtic models provides the way forward for the churches in the twenty-first century. Colonies of Heaven explores how the distinctive themes in the early Christianity of the British Isles – monasticism, blessing and cursing, penance and pastoral care, worship, the communion of saints and pilgrimage – might be applied in practical terms to Christian life today. Building 'colonies of heaven' (communities of prayer, artistic and creative activity, hospitality and team ministry), Bradley argues, would revitalise our churches with a new spiritual and social role in an increasingly secular and fragmented society.
  • £12.99

    Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith

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    In the words of Frederick Buechner: 'This beautiful book is rich with wit and humanness and honesty and loving detail. It is a book about the wonderful mess of being alive in this world, and about the wonderful and terrible things that happen to us in it, and about the dream of God. I cannot overstate how liberating and transforming I have founs Leaving Church to be.'    
  • Sale
    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £5.00.

    Cargo CD

    2007 Music & Narration based on the abolition of the Slave trade and to raise awareness of contemporary Human Trafficking. Narration by Sir Tom Courtenay. Vocals by Coco Mbassi, Sadie Chamberlain & Paul Field
    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £5.00.
    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £5.00.
  • At Home in Exile
    At Home in Exile

    At Home in Exile: the journey towards a new paradigm

    The numbers of people attending church are declining. Churches are closing and the influence the church once had in society is waning. The natural response is to immediately look for solutions to the problems. However, finding appropriate solutions depends on a correct understanding of the problem. In 'At Home in Exile', Peter McDowell shows how the experience of exiles in the Old Testament can provide a way for the church to understand its current experience of marginalisation. The feelings associated with the three stages of the exile experience resonate with our current experience. The first stage is entering exile, and has associated feelings of shock and denial. The second stage, being in exile, has feelings of anger and depression. The third stage, departing from exile, is associated with acceptance and integration.
  • Building Utopia
    Building Utopia

    Building Utopia: seeking the authentic church for new communities

    The new urban areas are reshaping much of Britain. Those who live, work or minister within them are not only at the cutting edge of new forms of built environment, they must also discover new ways of being community and contemplate new expressions of Church. All this demands careful and bold analysis and creative theological reflection. While powerful global economic forces are changing our landscapes, human beings have to wrestle with themes of belonging and identity. The gospel engages with these human narratives, driving and shaping a Christian search for alternative perspectives and practices. What are the appropriate building projects, mission programmes and lifestyles that will be effective in meeting the challenges of the urban settlements? How should other areas respond? The writers of this book have worked together as a group, mapping the new situation, analysing their findings and drawing out those themes which demand attention – making it possible to reflect theologically about the challenges of our newly built urban developments.
  • Godzone

    Godzone: a guide to the travels of the soul

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    Godzone is a book of mystery and illumination, a guide-book to the travels of the heart. With humour, story-telling and captivating originality, it entices the reader to join its hitchhiking author on the most important journey of all.
  • Urban to the Core
    Urban to the Core

    Urban to the Core: Motives for Incarnational Mission

    Urban to the Core – Motives for Incarnational Mission – Juliet Kilpin The world is urban at its core – over half the world’s population live in cities and most of the global poverty resides there too. Urbanisation affects all of us, whether we live in cities or not, and this impact will increase in the coming decades. For fifteen years Urban Expression has been motivating people to get up and move into inner-city neighborhoods to see what they can learn and what difference they can make. This book gets into the heads and hearts of our teams and unpacks the values that have inspired these missionaries to be urban to the core. Grass-roots honest reflections from some of our one hundred current and former team members and mission partners, capture the essence of what has shaped the thinking and activity of this experimental urban mission agency. If you are concerned about cities, those on the margins of society, cross-cultural mission or new forms of church this book will inspire and challenge your core convictions about mission priorities in an urban world.
  • The Irresistible Revolution
    The Irresistible Revolution

    The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical

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    In The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne invites you into a movement of the Holy Spirit that begins in the heart and extends through our hands into a broken world. Using examples from his own unconventional life, Shane Claiborne stirs up questions about the church and the world, challenging you to live out an authentic Christian faith. This book will comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable, and invite believers to change the world with Christ's radical love.
  • Hope against darkness

    Hope against darkness: The Transforming Vision of St Francis in an Age of Anxiety

    'The misuse of power by many of our leaders and institutions often leaves us feeling helpless, wondering if we can really make a difference. Jesus and St Francis of Assisi lived in similar times of crisis and they did find a way to make a difference. This book shares their vision in a way that enlarges ours, and offers practical solutions  that empower us to heal ourselves and society.' Dennis, Sheila and Matt Linn, Re-member Ministries
  • Paradox in the Gospel
    Paradox in the Gospel

    Paradox in the Gospel

    Life and the gospel contain a good deal of paradox, but a survey has showed that evangelists often ignore it. Here Jim Currin wants to stir a discussion to make evangelism more effective, in the belief that acknowledging paradox makes the gospel more exciting, relevant, and attractive to today's spiritual seeker.
  • Embracing Chaos
    Embracing Chaos

    Embracing Chaos

    Understanding the importance of chaos and complexity is well established in the sciences, and increasingly impinges on everyday life. But how does it affect our understanding of leadership and theology? This wide-ranging study looks at the key elements of chaos theory, and makes helpful connections with the practical issues of leadership within and beyond ministry.
  • Encountering Exile
    Encountering Exile

    Encountering Exile

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    The decline of the Church in the West means many Christian leaders are forced to taste a bittersweet draught of hopes fulfilled and deferred, liberally laced with failure and even shame. Our world seems so different to the joyful simplicity of the new Church of the New Testament. Where else in the Scriptures could we look to cope and hope?' George Lings investigates. This booklet is part of the Encounters on the Edge series. A downloadable PDF version of the booklet is also available.
  • £13.99

    Life Together

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the now famous theologian who was martyred by the Nazis in 1945, wrote this book on the eve of World War II. It resulted from his experience as head of a semiary of the German 'Confessing Church' at Finkenwalde near Stettin. Here many of the pastors who witnessed against Hitler received their inspiration. It was, as Professor John D. Godsey points out in his study of The Theology of Deitrich Bonhoeffer, 'a kind of theological education that was startlingly new in Germany: a communal life in which Jesus Christ's call to discipleship was taken seriously.' Professor Godsey calls Life Together 'simply written, powerfully convincing and unusually quotable...It is an attempt to give practical guidance to those who want to take their lives as Christians seriously.'
  • Exiles

    Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture

    This book is for exiles: Christians who find themselves caught in that dangerous wilderness between contemporary secular Western culture and and old-fashioned church culture of respectability and conservatism. Frost presents a plea for such Christians to embrace a dynamic, life-affirming, robust Christian faith that can be lived confidently in a world that no longer values such a faith.
  • Lost Icons
    Lost Icons

    Lost Icons

    Why does our contemporary culture find it so hard to handle certain concepts and images? What aspect of the range of human possibilities have been lost in modernity and postmodernity? Rowan Williams argues that we have let go of a number of crucial imaginative patterns ‘icons’ – for thinking about ourselves. He considers areas such as images of childhood. Our awkwardness at speaking about community, our unwillingness to think seriously about remorse, and our devastating lack of vocabulary for the growth and nurture of the self through time. This book by a master of contemporary Christian thought sketches out a renewed language for the soul. "There is nothing remotely sentimental in these clearsighted, closely-argued pages, in which Archbishop Williams pleads, with wisdom, compassion and cool articulate anger, for the recovery of habits of self understanding in grave danger of becoming unavailable: for childhood, friendship and remorse, as aspects of identity fashioned and discovered over time." Professor Nicholas Lash "Those who are already familiar with the writings of Rowan Williams will know of his git of taking the ordinary stuff of human experience and opening it up to show how it can carry is into the mystery of God incarnate. They will not be surprised to discover that in this new book he once again enlightens us." The Most Revd Frank T Griswold
  • £8.99

    A Generous Orthodoxy

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    A confessional manifesto from a senior leader in the emerging church movement, A Generous Orthodoxy calls for a radical, Christ-centred orthodoxy of faith and practice in a missional, generous spirit. Brian McLaren argues for a post-liberal, post-conservative, post-protestant convergence that will stimulate lively interest and global conversation among thoughtful Christians from all traditions. In a sweeping exploration of belief, author Brian McLaren takes us across the landscape of faith, envisioning an orthodoxy that aims for Jesus, is driven by love, and is defined by missional intent. A Generous Orthodoxy rediscovers the mysterious and compelling ways that Jesus can be embraced across the entire Christian horizon. Rather than establishing what is and is not 'orthodox', McLaren walks through the many traditions of faith, bringing to the centre a way of life that draws us closer to Christ and to each other. Whether you find yourself inside, outside or somewhere on the fringe of Christianity, A Generous Orthodoxy draws you toward a way of living that looks beyond the 'us/them' paradigm to the blessed and ancient paradox of 'we'.
  • £12.99

    An Altar in the World

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    In this highly acclaimed and lyrical book, the best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor reveals the countless ways we can discover divine depths in the small things we do and see every day. People go to extraordinary lenghts, she writes, to discover this treasure. 'They will spend hours launching prayers into the heavens. They will travel half way around the world to visit a monastery in India...The last place most people will look is right under their feet, in the everyday activities, accidents and encounters of their lives...the reason so many of us cannot see the red X marks the spot is because we're standing on it.' An Altar in the the World shows us how heaven and earth meet in such ordinary occurrences as hanging out the wahing, doing the supermarket shop, feeding an animal, losing our way. It will transfrom our understanding of ourselves and the word we live in and renew our sense of wonder at the extraordinary gift of life.
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