Do not hurry A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, The Inner JourneyThis poem by Andy Raine, one of the founders of the Community, has proved immensely powerful to many walking through the dark night of bereavement and is particularly appropriate for somebody who is grieving. This design is printed on good quality card and is also available as an A6 postcard. An A4 poster is also available with the same poem as a calligraphic design by Pam French.£1.20 -
CDP Chapel Booklet
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingAn A5 booklet with the liturgies (including the melody line of the music) for Morning, Midday and Evening Office plus the Meditations for each day of the month from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In. Also available are Braille, Large Print (18 pt) and Giant Print (24pt) versions of the words of the Office and a separate booklet with the words of the Meditations from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2.£4.50 -
Walking with Grief: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, The Inner JourneyThis poem by Andy Raine has been a source of comfort and help to many who are bereaved and grieving. The words are also to be found in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. The poem is also available in this design as an A6 greetings card and, with a different calligraphic design by Pam French, as an A4 poster. A book mark version is also available.£0.75 -
Celtic Daily Prayer – music CD
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingSung and spoken versions of Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer; and Complines for each day of the week. This music and liturgy is recorded in normal Audio CD format and can be played on any CD player or computer. This album is also available as an audio download. To purchase the download please click on one of these options:£10.00Rated 4.50 out of 5 -
Calm me O Lord: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and and A6 greetings card.£0.75 -
May the peace (yellow): A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis is the blessing from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 Greetings card.£0.75 -
CDP Complines Booklet
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingAn A5 booklet with the liturgies for the night office of Compline for each day of the week and the melody lines for those parts of the Complines that have been set to music. Can also be purchased in Braille, Large Print (18 pt) and Giant Print (24pt) versions. Accessible versions are words only.£4.50 -
Christ as a light: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis calligraphic design by Pam French uses the words of the Canticle from our Morning Prayer. The design is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 greetings card.£0.75 -
Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Sites & Saints, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingCeltic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins is the first in a two-volume collection of liturgies, prayers and meditations from the Northumbria Community, inspired by ancient Celtic Christianity, but reaching out to bring inspiration and comfort to all today who seek to be still and to find spiritual truth. As a companion for the journey this book offers meditations for the events of life, and liturgies for its seasons. It also provides a two-year cycle of insights and daily reflections with accompanying scripture readings for use in morning and evening prayer. This is a rich treasury that is loved and trusted by individuals, ministers, families, groups and communities across the world. See a sample CDP Book 1 sample£25.00Celtic Daily Prayer is also available as an INTERACTIVE E-BOOK published by HarperCollins and available for a variety of devices. It can be purchased from:Amazon hereiTunes heregoogleplay herekobo books hereThe e-book has app-like features and includes the Daily Prayer and Compline liturgies, the Meditations for the Day from Book 2 and all four years of Daily Readings from Books 1 and 2. Please be aware that currently the introduction to the theme for each month is not included (we are looking into that). The e-book does not contain any of the communion liturgies or prayers for times and seasons, rites of passages and other themed prayers and liturgies from either Celtic Daily Prayer 1 or 2.However, also included within the e-book are the Scriptures for each day’s readings in full from the New Revised Standard Version Bible and music from the Celtic Daily Prayer CD - ALTHOUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MUSIC FILES WILL NOT PLAY ON ALL DEVICES. Devices that will support the music files include: Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices. -
Let nothing disturb thee: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer, known as 'Teresa's Bookmark', was found in St Teresa of Avila's Bible when she died. It is used in Midday Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster, and an A6 greetings card.£0.75 -
Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Sites & Saints, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingCeltic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In is the long awaited companion volume to Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins, also reissued in a new binding. It contains a further two years of daily readings together with a new set of meditations for each day of the month plus prayers and liturgies that speak into real life as we have experienced it. With the exception of the Daily Offices and Complines, which have been re-issued with melody lines for those parts where a sung version exists, the material included is new. Here you will find additional resources for the Times and Seasons of the year and for Rites of Passage. Here too are liturgies and prayers for the significant events and decisions in life. For those seeking fresh resources for corporate worship there are four new Communion services, an Advent liturgy that could work equally well in either a church or home group setting and fourteen new ‘Follow the Example’ liturgies with suggestions for occasions when they may prove helpful. Beautifully bound in a specially commissioned hardback cover with ribbon markers, this book is built to last. Just as well as we anticipate it becoming as much a part of our journey, alone and together, as its treasured elder sibling! See a sample:CDP Book 2 Sample£25.00Celtic Daily Prayer is also available as an INTERACTIVE E-BOOK published by HarperCollins and available for a variety of devices. It can be purchased from:Amazon hereiTunes heregoogleplay herekobo books hereThe e-book has app-like features and includes the Daily Prayer and Compline liturgies, the Meditations for the Day from Book 2 and all four years of Daily Readings from Books 1 and 2. Please be aware that currently the introduction to the theme for each month is not included (we are looking into that). The e-book does not contain any of the communion liturgies or prayers for times and seasons, rites of passages and other themed prayers and liturgies from either Celtic Daily Prayer 1 or 2.However, also included within the e-book are the Scriptures for each day’s readings in full from the New Revised Standard Version Bible and music from the Celtic Daily Prayer CD - ALTHOUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MUSIC FILES WILL NOT PLAY ON ALL DEVICES. -
The Jesse Tree Pack
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian YearCreate Your own Jesse Tree at home this Advent with this delightful and richly rewarding resource for individuals, families and churches. Originally published in Celtic Daily Readings (now out of print), this month of readings is presented as an A5 booklet beautifully illustrated with newly commissioned drawings by Francesca Ross, and accompanied by a set of 31 double-sided card ornaments, featuring Francesca’s illustrations, for you to colour, cut out and use at home on your own Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree readings are named after the depictions in stained glass or wood that have been used over many centuries to bring to life the characters who are part of Jesus’ family tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. In many homes and churches it has become an Advent custom to use a small tree branch as a Jesse Tree and hang it with pictures or ornaments representing the people, prophecies and stories which anticipated the coming of Christ. Some churches have a special Jesse Tree service, during which the whole series of stories is recalled, and the ornaments added, one by one. At home it is probably more beneficial to take one reading, with its accompanying Scriptures, per day, adding the ornaments as you go through the month so that, rather like the pictures in an Advent calendar, more and more appear as Christmas approaches. Some of the drawings and readings remind us of the people who make up Jesus’ family tree. Some instead are rich in prophetic significance, or mark the feasts of Stephen, the ‘holy innocents’ and John the beloved. They remind us of the covenant that Jesus, the promised Messiah, invites us all to enter into with Him. The Jesse Tree can become a much-loved focal point during December that can offset and pre-empt the onset of an increasingly commercial and secularised Christmas. We hope these readings and ornaments will help you to share in this age-old practice and, by providing a focus for prayer and memory and a spur to the imagination, enrich your Advent as they take you on a journey through image and Scripture.£6.75 -
Calm me O Lord A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French us also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 Greetings card.£1.20Rated 5.00 out of 5 -
May the peace (yellow) A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis is the blessing from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, and A5 poster and an A6 greetings card.£1.20 -
Even though the day: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by Alistair Maclean from Hebridean Altars are used as part of the Day 20 meditation in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster and an A6 greetings card.£0.75 -
Christ as a light A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese are the words of the 'canticle' from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
Celtic Daily Prayer Music Edition
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingSheet music (as an A4 booklet) for the sung version of Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer. This is a new edition with a new cover and updated copyright information. The musical setting inside is the same.£6.50 -
A Prayer in Brokenness: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis A6 Postcard is printed with the words of 'A Prayer in Brokenness' which you can also find in the section of Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins entitled 'In Difficult Times'.£0.75 -
A Blessing for Wilderness Times: DL Postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA DL format postcard with the Blessing from the end of the Small boat, great big sea Communion liturgy in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In which reads: When you no longer know how to be, may the Father take you on your deeper journey. When you no longer know what to do, may the Spirit reveal to you your fitting task. When all feels lost or foreign, may you know your home in Christ. On the path that is before you, may you have companions for the journey, may you find Christ in the stranger, and may you know the love and blessing of God.£0.75 -
Waymarks: Songs for the Journey CD
Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching14 songs that mark the Community's journey - alone yet together. This music is recorded in normal Audio CD format and can be played on any CD player (or computer with a CD drive). This album is also available as an audio download. To purchase Waymarks as an audio download please visit one of these options: Purchase Waymarks via iTunes Purchase Waymarks via Amazon (MP3) [playlist images="false" ids="8707,8709,8711,8713,8715,8717,8719,8721,8723,8725,8727,8729,8731,8733"]£7.50 -
May God shield: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Patrick Compline (for Saturday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, and A5 poster and an A6 Greetings card.£0.75 -
A Prayer in Time of Darkness: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis A6 Postcard is printed with the words of 'A Prayer in Time of Darkness' which can also be found in the section of Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins entitled 'In Difficult Times'.£0.75 -
Even though the day A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis Hebridean prayer is used as the Meditation for Day 20 in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. This calligraphic design is also available as an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
Let nothing disturb thee: A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer, known as 'Teresa's Bookmark', was found in St Teresa of Avila's Bible when she died. It is used in Midday Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
May God shield: A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Patrick Compline (for Saturday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.£1.20 -
I need some laughter, Lord: A6 Postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA6 postcard with a prayer from the Church of Scotland published in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In. I have had enough of sad saints and sour religion. I have had enough of sin spotting and grace doubting. I need some laughter, Lord, the kind you planted in Sarah. But, please may I not have to wait until I am ninety and pregnant.£0.75 -
Calm me O Lord A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
Christ as a light A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese are the words of the 'canticle' from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
May the Peace music score for SATB
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA4 sheet music for May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you. Arranged in Open Score for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. 10% discount when 5 or more copies of this score ordered in one transaction. PLEASE NOTE: A PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS MUSIC SHEET IS ALSO AVAILABLE HERE£1.00 -
Jesse Tree Ornaments
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian YearThe Jesse Tree has been used over many centuries to bring life to the characters who are part of Jesus' family Tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. This ornament pack contains three sheets of card printed with thirty-one double sided ornaments for you to colour, cut out and use to decorate your own Jesse Tree at home. Each ornament illustrates one of the Jesse Tree readings written by Andy Raine from the Northumbria Community. The readings themselves, one for each day in December, are available in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and available here Also available from the Northumbria Community is the Jesse Tree Pack which contains these card ornaments along with an A5 booklet of the readings - available here Your Jesse Tree can be made from anything you wish but many people use a branch which can be left in its natural state or stripped and painted gold, silver, white and then suspended from a ceiling or 'planted' in a pot. Instructions for preparing the ornaments are included in this pack.£3.50 -
We call upon: A6 greetings card
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is used in the Brigid Liturgy (for house blessing, especially on Brigid's Day, 1 February) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This words on this print make it particularly appropriate for display in a home, perhaps in a porch or alcove. This calligraphic design is also available as A4 and A5 posters and as a postcard.£1.20 -
Calm me O Lord: A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by David Adam are part of our Felgild Compline. This calligraphic design is also available as an A5 poster, an A6 greetings card and an A6 postcard.£2.00 -
May the Peace music score for SATB: PDF download to print up to 10 copies
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingPDF download version of the A4 sheet music for May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you. Arranged in Open Score for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Each purchase gives permission for the printing of up to 10 copies of this music sheet. If further copies are required please make additional purchases (2 purchases for up to 20 copies, 3 purchases for up to 30 etc.) PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS MUSIC SHEET. PRINTED COPIES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE HERE£6.00 -
Waymarks Music Edition (old edition)
Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingSheet music (as an A4 booklet) for the Waymarks album of 14 songs that mark the Northumbria Community's journey - alone yet together.£3.00 -
May the Peace Music Edition
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingSheet music (as an A4 booklet) for the Northumbria Community's four Songs of Blessing (May the road rise to meet you, May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, May the saints and saviour watch over you and My prayer for you) 10% discount when buying 5 or more copies NB. This is a new edition of our Songs of Blessing book with a new cover and updated copyright information. The songs inside are the same.£3.50 -
Ancient Paths CD
Celtic Prayer, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Spiritual GrowthAnna's first solo album includes some of her 'signature' pieces as well as some songs of her own. Some of you will recognise familiar words from the Complines in Celtic Daily Prayer drawn from Carmina Gadelica and other traditional sources. Here they are set to Anna's own music which has emerged over the years of saying and singing these night-time prayers with her children, Joel and Martha. Anna says, 'I hope you will want to play this album often and that it will capture something of the rhythm of the tides, the sounds of the island and also its stillness.'£12.00 -
On Separation from Loved Ones: A6 postcard
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis A6 Postcard is printed with the words of the prayer 'On Separation from Loved Ones' by Stephen Lawhead which you can also find in the section of Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins entitled 'In Difficult Times'.£0.75 -
Even though the day A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words by Alistair Maclean from Hebridean Altars are repeated as part of the Day 20 meditation every month in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
Alone Together CD
Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingAn eclectic collection of music written and performed by Community musicians and singers. The musical styles represented in these 19 tracks include a capella, chant, folk, rock, instrumentals - from solo sitar to string quartet - and a children's song. Over 50 Community folk, from USA, Scotland, England, the Netherlands and Germany, have sung in English, Old English, Gaelic and Dutch to create this eclectic collection that forms a snapshot of the diversity that is Northumbria Community. The lyrics for the CD can also be downloaded from our website. You can also download this album via iTunes or at Amazon (MP3) [playlist images="false" ids="6001,6003,6004,8435,8437,8439,8441,8443,8445,8447,8449,8451,8453,8455,8458,8460,8464,8466,8468"]£7.50Rated 4.00 out of 5 -
Christ as a Light: A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis calligraphic design by Pam French uses the words of the Canticle from our Morning Prayer. This design is also available as an A5 poster, an A6 greetings card and an A6 postcard.£2.00 -
Waymarks Music Edition
Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingNew edition of the sheet music (as an A4 booklet) for the Waymarks album of 14 songs that mark the Northumbria Community's journey - alone yet together. As well as a new cover, this booklet has new four-part accompaniments for 6 of the songs.£6.00 -
Celtic Daily Prayer Colouring Book 2
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & CreativityNEW RESOURCE; to compliment our Celtic Daily Prayer Books 1 & 2 and Colouring Book Volume 1 Great for holidays, retreats, quiet times and calming restless minds, this colouring book contains seven of the section divider illustrations drawn for the Northumbria Community's Celtic Daily Prayer books by Francesca Ross. They are each matched with a meditation from the books, surrounded by a knotwork border especially designed to go with it. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER PRICE UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER £5 (Normal RRP £5.50)£5.50 -
Let nothing disturb thee A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer, known as 'Teresa's Bookmark', was found in St Teresa of Avila's Bible when she died. It is used in Midday Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
Walking with Grief: A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis calligraphic design by Pam French is of a poem by Andy Raine published in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. The poem is also available, on a different background design, as an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£2.00 -
We call upon: A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is used in the Brigid Liturgy (for house blessing, especially on Brigid's Day, 1 February) in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. The words on this print make it particularly appropriate for display in a home, perhaps in a porch or alcove. This calligraphic design is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
May the peace (pink) A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis is the blessing from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster. Pam has also produced this blessing in a yellow design that is available as A4 and A5 posters, A6 Greetings cards and A6 postcards.£2.00 -
Jesse Tree Bumper Pack: 1 Jesse Tree readings booklet + 10 Ornament sets
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian YearBumper Jesse Tree pack, including an A5 booklet containing the Jesse Tree readings, one for each day in December, plus 10 sets of 31 double sided card ornaments illustrating the readings. This pack is ideal for groups wanting to use a Jesse Tree activity together. The readings, also available in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and available here , have been written by Andy Raine from the Northumbria Community. Each ornament set consists of three sheets of card printed with a total of thirty-one double sided ornaments for you to colour, cut out and use to decorate your own Jesse Tree at home. The Jesse Tree has been used over many centuries to bring life to the characters who are part of Jesus’ family Tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. Your Jesse Tree can be made from anything you wish but many people use a branch which can be left in its natural state or stripped and painted gold, silver, white and then suspended from a ceiling or ‘planted’ in a pot. Instructions for preparing the ornaments are included in this pack. Also available from the Northumbria Community is the standard Jesse Tree Pack which contains 1 set of these card ornaments along with the A5 booklet of the readings – available here and the standard ornament pack which contains 1 set of card ornaments without the booklet – available here£15.99 -
Most powerful holy spirit: A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words are the 'Invocation of the Holy Spirit' in found in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins by the Northumbria Community. This calligraphic design is also available as an A4 poster.£1.50 -
May God shield A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Patrick Compline (for Saturday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£1.50 -
Let nothing disturb A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer, known as 'Teresa's Bookmark', was found in St Teresa of Avila's Bible when she died. It is used in Midday Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£2.00 -
We have come: A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis song is written by Anita Haigh and is also available on the Waymarks CD and in the accompanying music book. This calligraphic design is by Pam French.£1.50 -
Shabbat liturgy booklet: pdf download
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA downloadable pdf version of our 40 page booklet containing the Shabbat Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. Ideal for families and small groups sharing Shabbat. Following purchase, you will receive a link to download the file. This link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded your purchase well within this time.£4.00 -
Celtic Knot Work: Spiral-bound journal
Music & CreativityThe first of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover.£6.50 -
Your Love is Right CD
Music & CreativitySongs by Kerst inspired by words from St John's gospel. 7 tracks, 24 minutes duration [playlist images="false" ids="9013,9015,9017,9019,9021,9023,9025"]£6.00Original price was: £6.00.£3.00Current price is: £3.00. -
See that ye be A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Creativity, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is 'Columba's Blessing' from Evening Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. St Columba was an Irish monk who established the mission base on the island of Iona from which Scotland was evangelised. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster.£2.00 -
O God and Spirit A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Cuthbert Compline (for Tuesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design is by Pam French.£2.00 -
I cannot speak: A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words are from the Caedmon Liturgy in Celtic Daily Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. Caedmon had a stammer and thought he was useless - until one day he realised he had a wonderful gift for singing and writing songs. This calligraphic design is by Pam French.£2.00 -
Paradox: A6 spiral-bound notebook
Music & CreativityAn A6 size notebook with 50 blank pages. Coloured card covers with white spiral binding. Also available in A5 size.£2.75 -
Who is it that you seek?: Spiral-bound journal
Music & CreativityThe second of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. This design incorporates the question 'Who is it that you seek?' These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover£6.50 -
Most Powerful Holy Spirit A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThese words are the 'Invocation of the Holy Spirit' in Celtic Daily Prayer by the Northumbria Community. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster.£2.00 -
How then shall we live?: Spiral-bound journal
Music & CreativityThe third of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. This design incorporates the question 'How then shall we live?' These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover£6.50 -
Office Quotidien et Meditations de Northumbria Community
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingAn A5 booklet with the liturgies (including the melody line of the music) for Morning, Midday and Evening Office translated into French. Also included are a selection of 31 of the Meditations for each day of the month from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins, and Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and also available from Northumbria Community. A separate A5 booklet containing the French translation of our Complines is also available from Northumbria Community. It is words only (i.e. no music).£4.00 -
May God Shield A4 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is part of the Patrick Compline (for Saturday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A5 poster, an A6 Greetings card and an A6 postcard.£2.00 -
‘When You No Longer Know How To Be’ music score: PDF download
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingPDF download of the sheet music for ‘When You no Longer Know How to Be’ - the blessing from our ’Small Boat, Great Big Sea’ liturgy.It includes the melody line and guitar chords both for the original key (G major) and, as a bonus, an additional key (A major).The leadership team recently recorded this as a special blessing from The Northumbria Community ‘for such a time as this.’ and you can watch and listen at https://youtu.be/2XZKuMnWTvA -
We Face into The Wind
Music & CreativityAn early name for Northumberland's Holy Island, where Anna Raine lives, was Innis Medcaut, or Island of the High Winds. "We Face Into the Wind" is Anna's second solo album, and is produced by Martin Neil. 12 Tracks: Northumberland; Bonny at Morn; Aiden's Song; Felton Lonnen; Cool of the Night; Cuddy's Call for Lindisfarne; Rigging and Bell; Night Watching; Waters of Tyne; Cheviot Hills; Woman of the Ages; Hard Times.£13.50 -
Sold out
A Northumbrian Office Dance Edition
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Prayer, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingDance scripts for Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer from Celtic Daily Prayer. A4 sheets with a card cover.£4.00 -
See that ye be at peace: A5 poster
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingThis prayer is 'Columba's Blessing' from Evening Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. St Columba was an Irish monk who established the mission base on the island of Iona from which Scotland was evangelised. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster.£1.50 -
Shabbat liturgy booklet
Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Celtic Studies & Spirituality, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching40 page booklet containing the Shabbat Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. Ideal for families and small groups sharing Shabbat. 10% discount when buying 5 or more copies.£4.00 -
Image and Vision: reflecting with the Book of Kells
Creativity, Music & CreativityThe book of Kells was originally prepared as a devotional and liturgical work. Image & Vision; reflecting with the Book of Kells explores the intricate relationship between the text, image and vision, and the scriptural texts which underpin them. Concentrating on twelve of the magnificent illuminations in the Book of Kells, this beautiful book provides clear and accessible guidelines on ways to reflect and meditate on these illuminations and scriptures as a whole. The book contains original research, especially on some of the lesser-known illuminations, and is filled with fascinating analysis of this sacred and ancient work. In Image & Vision; reflecting with the Book of Kells, Rosemary Power shows how we can use the beauty, humour and insight of this ancient devotional work today to deepen our understanding of scripture and society.£7.99 -
Walkin’ The Road
Creativity, Music & Creativity, Spiritual GrowthNewly-released in 2019, community companion Norman Cumming has written and performs a new CD of songs, which we are delighted to stock and offer for sale.£10.00 -
Go To Your Cell: A6 spiral-bound notebook
Music & CreativityAn A6 size notebook with 50 blank pages. Coloured card covers with spiral binding. Also available in A5 size.£2.75 -
Paradox: A5 Spiral-bound notebook
Music & CreativityAn A5 size notebook with 50 blank pages. Coloured card covers with white spiral binding. Also available in A6 size.£3.75 -
Opening Door
Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & TeachingA CD of 6 songs with original tunes by Community Companion Paul Lucas.£5.00Original price was: £5.00.£3.00Current price is: £3.00. -
“How then shall we Sing? How then Shall we Live? Who is it that you Seek?” Pack of 3 greetings cards
Music & CreativityA pack of three A6 greetings cards with envelopes in cellophane bags. The pack contains one of each design of the following cards by Francesca Ross, also available to purchase individually: "How then Shall we Sing?" "How then Shall we Live?" "Who is it that you Seek?" Buy this pack of one card of each design and save £0.50£6.25 -
How then shall we live?: Greetings card
Music & CreativityAn A6 greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross. Francesca writes: 'How then shall we live? ' has circles of ripples, which echo how our lives and actions have an impact on others, and how others impact our lives. I used the aqua blue to make it look like water.£2.25 -
Go To Your Cell: A5 Spiral-bound notebook
Music & CreativityAn A5 size notebook with 50 blank pages. Coloured card covers with spiral binding. Also available in A6 size.£3.75 -
Morningstar: A6 card
Music & CreativityAn A6 greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross. Francesca writes: "This card is based on Bede's 'Christus est stella matutina' (with my own translation), with the other stars dancing in praise around the Morning Star (Psalm 148:3). "£2.25 -
Celtic Stars: A6 card
Advent & Christmas, Music & CreativityAn A6 greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross. Francesca writes: "Winter is the best time to see the stars, in all their complexity and variety, and I wanted to combine them with the wonderful words from Isaiah 9:6. I started by designing patterns - part star, part snowflake - drawn as knotwork, from the simple to the complex, and then spent ages shuffling them round with the words round so that they complemented each other. "£2.25 -
Who is it that you Seek?: Greetings card
Music & CreativityAn A6 greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross. Francesca writes: ''Who is it that you seek?' features a star motif, referencing the guidance of the wise men by the star as they searched for the King of Kings. For this question I chose the contrasting colour of lemon yellow for the brightness of the star."£2.25 -
How then shall we sing?: Greetings card
Music & CreativityAn A6 greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross. Francesca writes: 'How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?' The development of the design started with a stave and a treble and bass clef, and then I added swirling interlinking lines to echo the complexity of music twisting and turning in unexpected directions. I chose purple as a colour of kingship of the Lord whose song we are singing.£2.25