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Resources for the Christian Year


Showing 13–24 of 80 results


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13-24 of 80 products

  • £8.99

    40 Days with the Celtic Saints: Devotional Readings for a Time of Preparation

    The life stories of the Celtic Saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming faith, often in the face of insurmountable difficulties. In 40 Days with the Celtic Saints, David Cole draws us to relate our own life journey and developing relationship with God into the life story of the Celtic saint of the day. A corresponding biblical text and blessing encourages and motivates us to transform our lives for today's world in the light of such historic faith.
  • £7.99

    The Journey: With Jesus to Jerusalem and the Cross

    After an unforgettable three years, the charismatic teacher who called you and your brother James to follow him says, ‘Right, lets go to Jerusalem.’ It’s thrilling to be setting out on the next stage of the adventure. But life in the company of Jesus is not for the faint-hearted. Certainly there’s fun as you mess about with the other young disciples. But it’s pretty edgey too, not knowing who is going to turn up next and what might be expected of you. And as the days pass by, the huge demands on Jesus as he heals and teaches invoke both a strange tenderness and a growing dread of why exactly you are journeying to the holy city... Looking through the eyes of the disciple John, The Journey follows Luke’s chronology from Luke 9:51, as Jesus ‘set his face to go to Jerusalem’. Absorbing, exuberant and affective, it offers daily (weekday) readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, with a poem for each Saturday. It is suitable for use by individuals or groups.
  • £12.99

    Joining Jesus on his Journey: Experiencing truth through imaginative prayer

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    Wherever you are on your faith journey: just beginning, questioning, midstream, there is always more! As we encounter Jesus, truth bursts into life.  We move from the realm of concepts to the reality that is found in a person, someone seeking to draw us ever more closely into his friendship.  In this short book, Adrian C Smith invites you to take a ten-week journey, meeting Jesus through imaginative prayer. A journey he hopes will help you to experience first-hand the truth that in Jesus, God loves you more than you can comprehend.  Adrian also looks at some of the questions this way of praying raises, and ways of doing this well. It's time to join Jesus on his journey!
  • £3.99

    Multicoloured Stations. A pocket-sized colouring book based on The Scriptural way of the Cross by Mary Fleeson

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    An A6 colouring book containing a series of 15 images that depict the events from The Garden of Gethsemane through to the Resurrection.  The images are based on a form of devotions called "The Scriptural way of the Cross" to which one more image has been added - "Risen". Each image includes the Bible passage and a suggested action to complete as well as colouring the image.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Seasons

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    A collection of sixteen images to colour based around the Church Year, two images for each season starting at Advent, then Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and Harvest with mediations on the reverse of each image.
  • Sold out

    God is on the Cross: Reflections on Lent and Easter

    ‘This is my second Passiontide here. When people suggest in their letters ... that I’m “suffering” here, I reject the thought. It seems to me a profanation. These things musn’t be dramatized. I doubt very much whether I’m “suffering” any more than you, or most people, are suffering today. Of course, a great deal here is horrible, but where isn’t ? ... No, suffering must be something quite different, and have quite a different dimension, from what I’ve so far experienced. FROM A LETTER TO EBERHARD BETHGE FROM TEGEL PRISON, 9 MARCH 1944 These stirring words are among forty-seven devotions that will guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Lent and Easter, encountering themes of prayerful  reflection, self-denial, temptation, suffering, and the meaning of the cross. Passages from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letters and sermons provide special encouragement as readers prepare themselves spiritually for Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Supplemented by an informative introduction to Bonhoeffer’s life and a Scripture passage for each day of the season, these daily devotions are moving reminders of the true gift of Christ on the cross.
  • Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton
    Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton

    Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton

    Advent and Christmas are special times for all Christians. The spiritual longing of the Advent season can only be satisfied by the joy and celebration of a Christmas focused on Jesus' birth in our hearts. Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton give readers the opportunity to experience Advent and Christmas in a way that unwraps the spiritual joy, allowing it to shine brighter that all the tinsel and trappings that can blind our eyes to the deeper meaning of the season. This book is arranged for use on every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons. Each day's reflection begins with a scriptural quotation, continues with a thought from the writings of Thomas Merton, and concludes with a prayer for the day. Merton's writing capture the familiar themes of the season: the Incarnation, anticipation, angels, giving, and many others - each drawing us closer to the joy of welcoming the Saviour into our lives. An appendix includes a suggested plan for using each day's meditation as part of a morning or evening prayer.
  • £3.99

    The Christmas Creative Retreat Activity Book

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    This book has been designed to be used from Christmas Day to Epiphany. It has been created to help you find moments of meaning amidst the mince pies and re-runs of old sit-coms. Be inspired by the stories of Saints and find peace with the activities. The Christmas Creative Retreat Activity Book offers a combination of meditations, prayers and activities. Some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice'.
  • £9.99

    The Art of Lent: A painting a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter

    Join Sister Wendy on a journey through Lent, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world's greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with over forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye. For those who want to appreciate the spirituality behind some of the world's greatest works of art, this book will be hugely inspiring – not only during Lent but at any time of year. Dr Janina Ramirez, art historian and broadcaster.
  • £8.99

    Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles

    Join Tom Wright on a journey with the Apostles, exploring the New Testament themes of thankfulness, patience, humility and joy. Within each of these themes, Wright offers a week of daily readings and meditations, beginning with the Sunday reading in the Revised Common Lectionary and ending with stimulating questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Drawing on key passages in his popular For Everyone series of commentaries, these sparkling reflections take you on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, guiding you towards the wonder and joy of Christmas.
  • £11.99

    Bread for the Journey: a daybook of wisdom and faith

    A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith. A reading for each day of the year taken from the writings of Henri Nouwen.
  • £14.99

    The Last Journey : Reflections for the Time of Grieving

    The need to express grief, to sing our sorrow, is as old as humanity. The Book of Psalms, sideby side with expressions of deepest praise, contains cries of unfathomable despair. Both are not only acceptable to God, but essential for our mental and spiritual health. In The Last Journey, John Bell explores the myriad of emotions that accompany loss, offeringus a way to grieve, to search through the struggle before us - and perhaps enabling us to findthe courage to face the world with a renewed sense of hope. This book is accompanied by an audio CD of 17 songs.
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