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Everyday Life


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37-48 of 95 products

  • £12.99

    How to Pray : Reflections and Essays

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    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £12.99

    How to Be a Christian : Reflections and Essays

    How to Be a Christian brings together the best of Lewis's insights on Christian practice and its expression in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works. From the revered teacher and best-selling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters comes a collection that gathers the best of C. S. Lewis's practical advice on how to embody a Christian life. The most famous adherent and defender of Christianity in the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis has long influenced our perceptions and understanding of the faith. More than fifty years after his death, Lewis's arguments remain extraordinarily persuasive because they originate from his deep insights into the Christian life itself. Only an intellectual of such profound faith could form such cogent and compelling reasons for its truth. By provoking readers to more carefully ponder their faith, How to Be a Christian can help readers forge a deeper understanding of their personal beliefs and what is means to be a Christian, and strengthen their profound relationship with God.
  • £10.99

    In the Heart of the Temple: my spiritual vision for today’s world

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    Highly provocative and practical spiritual writing on today's most pressing issues The spiritual vision that emerges in this book is a spirituality of both action and contemplation. For to be at the heart of the temple without being in the heart of the world, the author believes, is at most only half a spiritual life. Rather we are required to see what is going on around us and to do everything we can to square it with the will of a loving God for the world God created. Both highly provocative and immensely practical, In the Heart of the Temple addresses today's most pressing questions, challenging readers of every religious and political persuasion to personal, spiritual, social and moral change.
  • £12.00

    God of Earth : Discovering a Radically Ecological Christianity

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    "Informed by rich appeal to religious mystery, voiced in poetic imagery and cadence... offers thick attentiveness to the world" - Professor Walter Brueggemann. "Kristin Swenson blows past petrified Christian traditions to shine light on a profoundly radical new way to experience God" - Stephanie Pearson, contributing editor, Outside magazine. What happens if we imagine the Jesus of Christian theology to be realized in the nonhuman natural world around us?  Basic to Christian belief is the notion that God, the creator of all, inhabited the earth in order to call to us. God of Earth embraces this central premise of Christianity - Jesus as both fully divine and fully human - and then allows for the possibility that such a Jesus need not be limited to a human man. What if Jesus were "God of earth" - not only over earth but also in and through it? As Swenson tracks that question through the cycle of a church year, she invites readers to reconsider our relationship to the nonhuman natural world and so experience new dimensions of the sacred and new possibilities for hope and healing.
  • £9.99

    Forgetful Heart : Remembering God in a Distracted World

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    We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives becoming sometimes treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether. This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God? Here she suggests that it is about more than simply `knowing' things - it is about how we live. Forgetful Heart is a beautifully-written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection and practical challenges and advice.
  • £14.99

    Reclaiming the Common Good : How Christians can help re-build our broken world

    After decades of political consensus, we are entering a time in which everything about the way we live today, and about how our society and communities are structured, is up for discussion. Many people are feeling empowered to ask: What kind of world do we want to live in? One that works for a few, or one that works for the common good?What part can Christians play in building a future of hope, peace, equality an justice?Reclaiming the Common Good is a collection of essays which consider these themes. Beginning with an explanation of the history and meaning of the term `common good', it explores how the sense of working for this ideal has been lost. Focussing, biblically, on issues such as welfare, austerity, migration, environment, peace and justice, it provides a compellingly fresh and insightful analysis on the state of the world today, and offers a realistic vision of how it could be better. This vision is rooted in the idea of a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem, as suggested in the book of Revelation. This collection has been compiled and edited by Virginia Moffatt, a writer, community activist and former Chief Operating Officer of the belief and values think-tank, Ekklesia. Its other contributors are: Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, John Moffatt SJ, Simon Barrow, Bernadette Meaden, Dr Simon Duffy, Rev. Vaughan Jones, Savitri Hensman , Ellen Teague, Edward P. Echlin, Henrietta Cullinan, Susan Clarkson and Rev.Dr Simon Woodman.
  • £10.99

    Love is His Meaning : Understanding the Teaching of Jesus

    In Love Is His Meaning, Keith Ward explores the various figures of speech and images that Jesus used, and finds they are all ways of expressing and evoking the self-giving love of God, manifested supremely in Jesus' life. They communicate spiritual truths, often not in a literal but in a poetic way. They encourage us to take our own moral decisions with sensitivity and care for others. They show that God's love will never abandon anyone, and that it extends to everyone in the world without exception. And they promise a fulfilment of our hopes for a just and peaceable world that surpasses anything we might describe or imagine.Putting aside presentations of Jesus' teachings that focus on a literalist, authoritarian, legalistic, judgmental and divisive interpretation, the author shows that what remains is the Gospel of a divine love that is stronger than death, and is the only power that can and will redeem our broken and disordered world.
  • £8.99

    Time to Live : The Beginner’s Guide to Saying Goodbye

    "Ann writes honestly about death and dying. It is easy to read, written from the heart and mixes philosophical /spiritual thought with highly practical ideas about ways forward. Ann writes from the perspective of her strong Christian faith and her writings are backed up with clear, useful, encouraging Scripture readings. As a Christian I found it very inspiring and hopeful. Death is a certainty for all of us, yet her society hides it away and pretends in collusion with her own unconscious minds that we are immortal. Ann tackles the subject comprehensively and uses a mix of personal stories, quotes, philosophical thinkers, poetry and scripture to ilustrate her ideas. The book flows well and I liked the way it illustrated the pitfalls one can slip into , from denial to an overwhelming belief in healing that can prevent one from preparing both spiritually and practically. I loved her positivity and encouragement to focus on love - the love of God, of each other and of ourselves. I have taken away some practical ideas to implement. For instance I have a lasting power of attorney but now realise how useful making an advance decision will be. Thank you Ann for this book."
  • £9.99

    One for Sorrow : A Memoir of Death and Life

    One for Sorrow relates the story of the loss of 21-year-old Tom from cancer, and how his family struggled to live through the aftermath. When Alan started to write the book, he thought it was about his son's illness and death. He soon realised, however, that it dealt largely with own journey through that painful 'valley of the shadow of death', as someone responsible for ministering to others in similar situations. His core beliefs were challenged and his perspective on life changed. Now retired from ministry, he is passionate about the capacity each of us has to make a difference, for the better, by living our lives to the full each and every day.
  • £5.99

    Prayers for Anxiety: and how best to cope with it

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    All of us experience anxiety at some time. It can be useful in helping us rise to a challenging situation. With some people, the fear goes far beyond what the situation requires. Instead of sharpening our responses, it becomes disabling. This is anxiety disorder. It's commoner than you might think. One in ten of the population will suffer from it at some point. It can have a serious effect on your life. Take heart; there are things you can do to help. In this book you will find information and advice about different aspects of the condition: causes, symptoms, managing the illness, treatment, how others can help. Each is accompanied by a prayer. The book is divided into two sections. Part A is for, or on behalf of, those with anxiety disorder. Part B is for family, friends and the wider community. Half the royalties from this book will go to the charity Mind. There are also blank pages where you may wish to add prayers you have written or discovered for yourself, and notes of other resources you have found useful.
  • £10.99

    Breathing Under Water Companion Journal : Spirituality and the Twelve Steps

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    A valuable new companion journal to the bestselling "Breathing Under Water" We are all addicted to something, according to Franciscan Father Richard Rohr. This Companion Journal can help you work your way through the wisdom of the twelve-step program as outlined in Breathing Under Water to help you determine the source and solution for your own addictions. The journal contains reflections, discussion questions, and room for your own notes to help you explore the process in a way that's relevant and meaningful in your own life.
  • £11.99

    Breathing Under Water : Spirituality And The Twelve Steps

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    We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Under Water, Richard Rohr shows how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from addiction - from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addiction that we all have to sin.
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