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Spiritual Growth


Showing 145–168 of 429 results


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145-168 of 429 products

  • £9.99

    Mere Spirituality : The Spiritual Life According to Henri Nouwen

    Henri Nouwen's compelling spirituality of the heart is at once simple and complex, accessible but deeply profound. For this Catholic theologian, whose ecumenical writings continue to inspire Christians of all denominations and levels of involvement, spirituality is, at its most basic, simply 'attention to the life of the spirit in us'.Wil Hernandez's sensitive distillation of Nouwen's vast literary legacy invites us to take courage and be still, creating space for God and our true selves. It is in this place of trust and solitude that we discover our belovedness and our capacity to love God and others.A scholar and spiritual director intimately acquainted with Nouwen's understanding of the spiritual life, Wil Hernandez offers an elegant synthesis of Nouwen's main themes, inspiring us to embrace the power and vulnerability of mere spirituality.
  • £12.95

    Wounded Prophet : A Portrait of Henri J.M.Nouwen

    This new edition of Wounded Prophet, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the death of Henri J M Nouwen, remains essential reading for all those who have been touched by Nouwen's writing, presenting a compelling picture of a man whose spiritually profound books emerged from his own wounded and searching soul. Wounded Prophet was the first full portrait of Henri Nouwen to emerge after his untimely death in 1996 and paints an honest and sympathetic picture, examining all areas of Nouwen's life, including his outstanding gifts as a writer and speaker, his sexuality and his deep restlessness. In a new Introduction, Michael Ford reflects on the process of writing the book and the reactions to its publication, as he received positive endorsements from people in every corner of the world, pleased especially that he had highlighted Nouwen's wounds. Ultimately this portrait strengthens Nouwen's enduring appeal and his legacy as a great spiritual writer.
  • £9.99

    Sabbatical Journey : The Diary of His Final Year

    This journal was written during the last year of Henri Nouwen's life, ending shortly before his death in 1996. In it, he describes his struggles with other people, his difficulty discerning what God intends for him, the direction his ministry is to take, and, woven throughout the book, are the continual, endless and beautiful themes of God's reconciling love, the Eucharist, forgiveness, friendship and love. Three weeks after writing his final words of this book, Nouwen died following a heart attack.
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    Finding My Way Home : Pathways to Life and the Spirit

    This collection consists of four short essays: The Path of Living and Dying,The Path of Power, The Path of Peace, and The Path of Waiting.
  • £8.99

    Letters to Marc About Jesus

    'If I were to let my life be taken over by what is urgent, I might very well never get around to what is essential. It's so easy to spend your whole time being preoccupied with urgent matters and never starting to live, really to live.'In seven Letters to Marc about Jesus, Henri Nouwen writes from the conviction that Jesus is the centre of his own life. From that perspective, he shares the joys and sufferings of his own spiritual journey with his 19-year old nephew in Holland. The letters deal with deep questions about life and faith in the light of the Gospel message, and with the spiritual search as experienced by a young adult today.
  • £9.99

    The Road to Daybreak : A Spiritual Journey

    The Road to Daybreak is Henri Nouwen's intimate diary recording his most poignant year at l'Arche, which began in the summer of 1985, a precious time of inner renewal and self-discovery. With simplicity and honesty, he describes how the experience changed his attitudes and enriched his spiritual life. He recounts the struggles and self-doubts he faced along this rocky road to a new vocation, and introduces us to the people of l'Arche and many others whose impact on him was deep and long-lasting. Such was the impact of this experience that he chose to say yes to the call to go to l'Arche Daybreak Community in Toronto and make it his permanent home and ministry. Rich in insights and sparkling with touching and inspiring anecdotes, The Road to Daybreak invites the reader to join this renowned spiritual writer on his journey to a deeper understanding of God and the human family.
  • £10.99

    The Genesee Diary: report from a Trappist monastery

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    This touching observation is central to the probing spiritual journal of Henri Nouwen recorded during his seven-month stay in a Trappist monastery. During this period he had a unique opportunity to explore crucial issues of the spiritual life and discover 'a quiet stream underneath the fluctuating affirmations and rejections of our little world'. Henri Nouwen participated fully in the daily life and routine of the Abbey of the Genesee in upstate New York - in work and in prayer. He relates here the typical human experiences and questions that had somehow prevented Christ from being the centre of his existence. From the early weeks in the abbey - dominated by conflicting desires and concerns - to the final days of Advent, when he has found a new sense of calm expectation, Henri Nouwen never loses his critical honesty. Insightful, compassionate, often humorous, always realistic, The Genesee Diary is both an inspiration and a challenge to those who are in search of themselves.  
  • £10.99

    Compassion : A Reflection on the Christian Life

    In this provocative essay on that least understood virtue, compassion, the authors challenge themselves and us with these questions: Where do we place compassion in our lives? Is it enough to live a life in which we hurt one another as little as possible? Is our guiding ideal a life of maximum pleasure and minimum pain? Compassion answers no. After years of study and discussion among themselves, and with men and women at the very centre of national politics, the authors look at compassion with a vigorous new perspective. They place compassion at the heart of a Christian life in a world governed far too long by principles of power and destructive control. Compassion, no longer merely an eraser of human mistakes, is a force of prayer and action - the expression of God's love for us and our love for God and one another. Compassion is a book that says no to a compassion of guilt and failure and yes to a compassionate love that pervades our spirit and moves us to action. Henri Nouwen, Donald McNeill, and Douglas Morrison have written a moving document on what it means to be a Christian in a difficult time.  
  • £11.99

    Psalm Conversations : Listening In as They Talk with One Another

    The Psalms' insights are remarkable, unexpected, eye-opening. They have vital things to say to us if we listen intently to the ancient wisdom, much of which has been lost to modern ears. Using the insights of the "shape and shaping of the Psalms" work done by Psalms scholars over the past twenty-five years, James Chatham presents an inviting study for nonexperts to explore the interactions that various psalms have with one another. The book invites us to listen in on several psalm conversations, to realize how contemporary they are, and to join them. Chatham encourages us to immerse ourselves in the mind, heart, and world of the Psalms editor, to get to know those editors well, and to realize that their world was, in important ways, very much like ours. Through this process, the messages spoken by the Psalms editors emerge with words of faith about everyday issues in human living, both then and now.
  • £15.99

    Dementia : Living in the Memories of God

    Winner of the Michael Ramsay Prize 2016 Dementia is one of the most feared diseases in Western society today. Some have even gone so far as to suggest euthanasia as a solution to the perceived indignity of memory loss and the disorientation that accompanies it. In this book John Swinton develops a practical theology of dementia for caregivers, people with dementia, ministers, hospital chaplains, and medical practitioners as he explores two primary questions: ' Who am I when I've forgotten who I am?' What does it mean to love God and be loved by God when I have forgotten who God is?Offering compassionate and carefully considered theological and pastoral responses to dementia and forgetfulness, Swinton's Dementia: Living in the Memories of God redefines dementia in light of the transformative counter story that is the gospel.
  • £14.99

    The Last Journey : Reflections for the Time of Grieving

    The need to express grief, to sing our sorrow, is as old as humanity. The Book of Psalms, sideby side with expressions of deepest praise, contains cries of unfathomable despair. Both are not only acceptable to God, but essential for our mental and spiritual health. In The Last Journey, John Bell explores the myriad of emotions that accompany loss, offeringus a way to grieve, to search through the struggle before us - and perhaps enabling us to findthe courage to face the world with a renewed sense of hope. This book is accompanied by an audio CD of 17 songs.
  • £3.99

    Facing Death: Bible readings for special times

    This collection of 18 undated reflections draws comfort and encouragement from the Bible and from the author's own experience for those going through life-limiting illness and for their family and carers. With moving vulnerability and without denying the difficult reality of the situation, Rachel Boulding suggests a way to confront terminal illness with faith and hope in a loving God. Facing Death grew out of the overwhelming response to Rachel's Bible notes in New Daylight (May-August 2016). Readers recognised in her comments her courage to be authentic in the face of terminal illness, her appropriate vulnerability and her faith.
  • £4.99

    Bereavement: Bible readings for special times

    This book of 24 undated reflections draws comfort and inspiration from the Bible and from experience for those who are going through a time of bereavement, as well as providing insight for those wanting to support others who are bereaved. Jean Watson suggests how it might feel to get through the dark days and to move, however slowly, from `getting by' with help, to `getting a life' in which living with loss goes alongside the gains in terms of new insights on faith and life and a greater ability to empathise with others.
  • £9.99

    Destiny : Learning to Live by Preparing to Die

    Only a proper perspective on death provides the true perspective on life.Living in the light of your death will help you to live wisely, freely and generously. It will give you a big heart and open hands, and enable you to relish all the small things of life in deeply profound ways. Death can teach you the meaning of mirth.The author encourages us to take the one thing in the future that is certain - our death - and work backwards from that point into all the details and decisions and heartaches of our lives, and to think about them from the perspective of the end. It is the destination which makes sense of the journey. If we know for sure where we are heading, then we can know for sure what we need to do before we get there.Learn to find true joy and satisfaction in God's good gifts, and, in realizing your own smallness, see just how great God is.
  • £12.99

    Saying Goodbye

    Losing a baby, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death, leaves so many parents lost in grief and full of unanswered questions. Zoë Clark-Coates, and her husband Andy, have personally faced the loss of five babies. Out of their experiences came the charity The Mariposa Trust (more often known by its leading division Saying Goodbye), offering support to thousands of grieving parents and relatives around the world each week. Now, Zoë writes a moving account of their experiences and how they found a way through to provide help and support for others. Alongside this are 90 days of daily support for those who are grieving, offering comfort and hope during the difficult days, weeks and months.
  • £8.99

    Time to Live : The Beginner’s Guide to Saying Goodbye

    "Ann writes honestly about death and dying. It is easy to read, written from the heart and mixes philosophical /spiritual thought with highly practical ideas about ways forward. Ann writes from the perspective of her strong Christian faith and her writings are backed up with clear, useful, encouraging Scripture readings. As a Christian I found it very inspiring and hopeful. Death is a certainty for all of us, yet her society hides it away and pretends in collusion with her own unconscious minds that we are immortal. Ann tackles the subject comprehensively and uses a mix of personal stories, quotes, philosophical thinkers, poetry and scripture to ilustrate her ideas. The book flows well and I liked the way it illustrated the pitfalls one can slip into , from denial to an overwhelming belief in healing that can prevent one from preparing both spiritually and practically. I loved her positivity and encouragement to focus on love - the love of God, of each other and of ourselves. I have taken away some practical ideas to implement. For instance I have a lasting power of attorney but now realise how useful making an advance decision will be. Thank you Ann for this book."
  • £9.99

    One for Sorrow : A Memoir of Death and Life

    One for Sorrow relates the story of the loss of 21-year-old Tom from cancer, and how his family struggled to live through the aftermath. When Alan started to write the book, he thought it was about his son's illness and death. He soon realised, however, that it dealt largely with own journey through that painful 'valley of the shadow of death', as someone responsible for ministering to others in similar situations. His core beliefs were challenged and his perspective on life changed. Now retired from ministry, he is passionate about the capacity each of us has to make a difference, for the better, by living our lives to the full each and every day.
  • Sold out

    Prayers for Dementia : And how to live well with it

    `Lord, in my darkening path, take me by the hand and share your courage with me.'~This simple book offers Bible verses and poems of hope and comfort, and short items of information, support and advice about dementia. Each is accompanied by a suggested prayer. It is divided into three sections. The first group is for the use of those with dementia. The second is for carers. And the final prayers are for the use of family, friends and the wider community. But you can use any of them with, or on behalf of, someone else. Half of the royalties for this book will be given to Alzheimer's Society:
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    Prayers for Anxiety: and how best to cope with it

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    All of us experience anxiety at some time. It can be useful in helping us rise to a challenging situation. With some people, the fear goes far beyond what the situation requires. Instead of sharpening our responses, it becomes disabling. This is anxiety disorder. It's commoner than you might think. One in ten of the population will suffer from it at some point. It can have a serious effect on your life. Take heart; there are things you can do to help. In this book you will find information and advice about different aspects of the condition: causes, symptoms, managing the illness, treatment, how others can help. Each is accompanied by a prayer. The book is divided into two sections. Part A is for, or on behalf of, those with anxiety disorder. Part B is for family, friends and the wider community. Half the royalties from this book will go to the charity Mind. There are also blank pages where you may wish to add prayers you have written or discovered for yourself, and notes of other resources you have found useful.
  • £10.99

    Breathing Under Water Companion Journal : Spirituality and the Twelve Steps

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    A valuable new companion journal to the bestselling "Breathing Under Water" We are all addicted to something, according to Franciscan Father Richard Rohr. This Companion Journal can help you work your way through the wisdom of the twelve-step program as outlined in Breathing Under Water to help you determine the source and solution for your own addictions. The journal contains reflections, discussion questions, and room for your own notes to help you explore the process in a way that's relevant and meaningful in your own life.
  • Sold out

    Breathing Under Water : Spirituality And The Twelve Steps

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    We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Under Water, Richard Rohr shows how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from addiction - from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addiction that we all have to sin.
  • £3.99

    Ill Health: Bible readings for special times.

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    Whether we are going through a period of being house-bound through ill health or facing a short or longer stay in hospital, we can find help and consolation in the Bible. This book offers 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages, and offering ways of connecting more closely with God and drawing strength, peace and security from the knowledge of his presence with us.
  • £9.99

    Depressive Illness: The Curse of the Strong : Helping Christians Cope with Mental Health Problems

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    The last 10 years have seen an upturn in the number of people reporting difficulties with emotional and mental health issues, particularly anxiety and depression. And, it is often the strongest who struggle under the weight of all they have nobly tried to shoulder. Turn to the Bible, and this truth is played out in the lives of some of its greatest characters. King David led a nation - yet wrote some of the Bible's bleakest laments. Elijah worked outlandish public miracles - and later pleaded God to take his life. Dedicated, hardworking mother and woman of God Naomi acknowledged that she had become characterised by bitterness. And lifelong God follower Job found himself longing for a death that would not come. This book affirms that depressive illness can strike anyone - not least the capable, busy people with the `can-do' attitude of the title. This special bespoke edition for the Christian market takes a destigmatising, thoroughly informed approach to depression, with a foreword by Will Van Der Hart, whose own experience of ill mental health led to him founding Mind & Soul, the leading Christian mental health organisation.
  • Sold out

    Prayers for Depression : And how to best live with it

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    `Lord,When the night is darkest, when I can see no end to this tunnel, lift my soul with the remembrance of things beautiful.'~This simple book offers short items of information, support and advice about depression, each accompanied by a suggested prayer. It is divided into two sections. The first is for the use of those with depression, or on their behalf. The second is for family, friends and the wider community. Half of the royalties for this book will be given to Mind, the mental health charity:
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