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Scripture & Prayer


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25-48 of 90 products

  • £1.49

    Pocket Prayers for Crib Blessing

    Pocket Prayers - Crib Blessings is a small collection of prayers that are ideal for using over babies and small children. It is a threefold leaflet (99mmX105mm) unfolded (297mm X 105mm).
  • Sold out

    Pocket Prayers for Children

    Pocket Prayers for Children contains straightforward meaningful prayers for the Morning, Midday and Evening to help practice a rhythm of prayer. It also contains the ACTS framework for prayer which a good basis for any time with God. Pocket prayers for Children is a threefold leaflet (99mmX105mm) unfolded (297mm X 105mm)
  • Sold out

    Pocket Prayer Walk

    The short prayers in this card are designed to be used on a prayer walk, and are small enough to be slipped into a pocket.
  • £1.49

    Pocket Prayers for Home Blessing

    The short prayers in this card may be used to help you pray and seek God's blessing in a new home.
  • £10.99

    The Universal Christ : How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe

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    Across the 30,000 or so varieties of Christianity, believers universally love Jesus. They have no trouble accepting his humanity and his divinity. Many express intimations of his close presence in their lives; a fear of his judgment and wrath as well as a love of his compassion; a justification for their worldviews and politics (of all persuasions), and firm convictions about his atonement for their sins and thus his centrality in their personal salvation. But who is Christ? Is Christ simply Jesus's last name, denoting his role as saviour of humanity, as messiah? What is Christ? How is his function or role different from Jesus's? Are we missing something fundamental because of our overwhelming emphasis on Jesus to the exclusion of the Christ, or our misunderstanding of what it means that Jesus was `the Christ'? Could it be that such limited views are contributing to the slow and painful erosion of Christianity in western culture, to its insularity and insistence on purity and exclusion? These are questions Fr Richard Rohr has been pondering for many years. In his ecumenical and scripturally grounded books on contemplation, mysticism and many more topics, he has emphasized the importance of a large framework for understanding the nature of 'what is' and what lasts, of unity and the ultimate reality of God's presence in all of creation-Christian and non-Christian, human and non-human. Could it be that Jesus, who is the Christ, is offering us a model and example on how to live inside `this Big Frame?'
  • £19.99

    For Peace and For Good : A History of the Community of St Francis

    Wolfgang Bader offers a fresh translation of 55 of St. Francis of Assisi's most beautiful prayers including Poverty: My Only Riches, Like the Tax Collector in the Temple, Greatness of the Little Ones, Canticle of the Creatures, and Dear Brother Fire. This graceful translation of a spiritual classic belongs in the devotional library of anyone who seeks to deepen his or her own prayer life. Editorial commentaries place each prayer in its historical context allowing the reader to experience it from the saint's own perspective.
  • £3.95

    Francis of Assisi: living prayer today

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    Francis of Assisi was very much a man of his time; and yet his influence continues today in a surprising range of ways. This study briefly outlines his life journey, before considering Francis' attitude to prayer, and then exploring the ways in which the Franciscan approach to life relates to a wide range of contemporary concerns.
  • £11.50

    Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge

    Addressing the central question facing the church today--Is the Gospel true?--Dallas Willard offers an impassioned argument that Christian spiritual ideals are a reliable source of wisdom that should be granted the same authority as other intellectual disciplines such as science or philosophy. He shows how faith and reason are complementary and confronts the difficult issues of Christian pluralism (the challenge of other faiths) and how we can know God exists.
  • £8.99

    Compelling Reason: essays on ethics and theology

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    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £12.99

    How to Pray : Reflections and Essays

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    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £12.99

    Undivided Heart : Finding Meaning and Motivation in Christ

    `"Give me an undivided heart."`Something in my soul has always been snagged by that phrase in Psalm 86. Something in it speaks to me of my own heart division, my own disarray. It captures a deeper longing, beyond the surface chatter of my mind. I find, amid the muddle that is me, that there is something - someone - calling me on, gathering together my disparate, fraying threads and weaving them into a story greater than I could ever perceive.'Why do we do what we do? What makes us who we are? And what could make us more?In Undivided Heart, Lucy Mills digs deep in search of an understanding of human identity, purpose and living by faith, asking what the influences are that shape us and define us. She explores what it might mean to have an undivided heart - to live a life compelled by Christ's love, undistracted by all other motives. This is not a book of easy answers. It is a book of deep questioning, of relationship, honesty and encounter, counter-cultural in our age of social media, soundbite news and mass communication. But God can meet us in our confusion and distraction as much as in our certainty. Join Lucy on her exploration of this demanding, fragmented life, and the quest for a faith that is deeper, stronger and undivided.
  • £10.99

    Love is His Meaning : Understanding the Teaching of Jesus

    In Love Is His Meaning, Keith Ward explores the various figures of speech and images that Jesus used, and finds they are all ways of expressing and evoking the self-giving love of God, manifested supremely in Jesus' life. They communicate spiritual truths, often not in a literal but in a poetic way. They encourage us to take our own moral decisions with sensitivity and care for others. They show that God's love will never abandon anyone, and that it extends to everyone in the world without exception. And they promise a fulfilment of our hopes for a just and peaceable world that surpasses anything we might describe or imagine.Putting aside presentations of Jesus' teachings that focus on a literalist, authoritarian, legalistic, judgmental and divisive interpretation, the author shows that what remains is the Gospel of a divine love that is stronger than death, and is the only power that can and will redeem our broken and disordered world.
  • £11.99

    Psalm Conversations : Listening In as They Talk with One Another

    The Psalms' insights are remarkable, unexpected, eye-opening. They have vital things to say to us if we listen intently to the ancient wisdom, much of which has been lost to modern ears. Using the insights of the "shape and shaping of the Psalms" work done by Psalms scholars over the past twenty-five years, James Chatham presents an inviting study for nonexperts to explore the interactions that various psalms have with one another. The book invites us to listen in on several psalm conversations, to realize how contemporary they are, and to join them. Chatham encourages us to immerse ourselves in the mind, heart, and world of the Psalms editor, to get to know those editors well, and to realize that their world was, in important ways, very much like ours. Through this process, the messages spoken by the Psalms editors emerge with words of faith about everyday issues in human living, both then and now.
  • £5.99

    Prayers for Dementia : And how to live well with it

    `Lord, in my darkening path, take me by the hand and share your courage with me.'~This simple book offers Bible verses and poems of hope and comfort, and short items of information, support and advice about dementia. Each is accompanied by a suggested prayer. It is divided into three sections. The first group is for the use of those with dementia. The second is for carers. And the final prayers are for the use of family, friends and the wider community. But you can use any of them with, or on behalf of, someone else. Half of the royalties for this book will be given to Alzheimer's Society:
  • £5.99

    Prayers for Anxiety: and how best to cope with it

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    All of us experience anxiety at some time. It can be useful in helping us rise to a challenging situation. With some people, the fear goes far beyond what the situation requires. Instead of sharpening our responses, it becomes disabling. This is anxiety disorder. It's commoner than you might think. One in ten of the population will suffer from it at some point. It can have a serious effect on your life. Take heart; there are things you can do to help. In this book you will find information and advice about different aspects of the condition: causes, symptoms, managing the illness, treatment, how others can help. Each is accompanied by a prayer. The book is divided into two sections. Part A is for, or on behalf of, those with anxiety disorder. Part B is for family, friends and the wider community. Half the royalties from this book will go to the charity Mind. There are also blank pages where you may wish to add prayers you have written or discovered for yourself, and notes of other resources you have found useful.
  • £3.99

    Ill Health: Bible readings for special times.

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    Whether we are going through a period of being house-bound through ill health or facing a short or longer stay in hospital, we can find help and consolation in the Bible. This book offers 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages, and offering ways of connecting more closely with God and drawing strength, peace and security from the knowledge of his presence with us.
  • £9.00

    Walking in Valleys of Darkness : A Benedictine Journey through Troubled Times

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    Trusting in the Lord and his benevolence is easy when life is going well - not so easy when life seems difficult. Yet, walking through what the author calls 'valleys of darkness' can bring us opportunities for insight and grace we might not experience when we are walking through good times. Benedictine monk Fr. Albert Holtz invites the reader to walk with him through five periods of pain and difficulty in his own life, including being diagnosed with cancer and dealing with the death of his brother. In a series of twenty-four meditations, the author shows how insights behind such New Testament words such as courage, compassion, and trust, became a source of practical help and spiritual strength for him during those difficult times. His down-to-earth reflections can do the same for anyone trying to understand how the mystery of Christ's passion, death and resurrection can help us cope with, and even profit from, life's inevitable struggles and sufferings.
  • Sold out

    15 Days of Prayer with Saint Clare of Assisi

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    To enter into a relationship with Clare of Assisi for fifteen days is to race along carried by the momentum of a woman burning with love. What a paradox: the cloister of Saint Damian - closed in upon itself - opens to the infinite. Clare, a pilgrim of the interior adventure, always re-directs her readers onto the road towards the Lord. The loving kenosis of Christ captivates her and incites her to a Passover, brisk as a dance step, on the path of happiness. The love that fills Clare with life springs forth like a fountain in her heart. This is one of several books we stock in the "15 Days of Prayer" series,  providing direction from foundational spiritual figures. Each volume in the series contains: * A brief biography of the saint or spiritual leader introduced in that volume, a guide to creating a format for prayer and retreat, 15 meditations sessions with focus points and reflection guides.
  • £10.99

    Where Prayer Flourishes

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    Thomas Merton is one of the most influential spiritual figures of the twentieth century. A Trappist monk, he was also a bestselling writer whose works are regarded as spiritual classics. Originally published under the title The Climate of Monastic Prayer, Where Prayer Flourishes is his final work. It is full of accessible and practical teaching for anyone that wants to explore prayer to its full dimensions. Merton argues that prayer flourishes best in the desert. Here, he shows how to find the desert in the midst of the busy world. Where Prayer Flourishes will open a treasury of teaching about prayer to a wider audience.
  • £5.99

    To Live is To Pray: an introduction to Carmelite spirituality

    Carmelite spirituality is a way of life that spells Freedom. Rooted in the experience of the desert mothers and fathers who sought God in solitude, it can accommodate many temperaments and approaches. The primary focus is on Finding the way of prayer that will bring you closest to God. This warm and engaging book introduces six great Carmelite Figures and their individual ways of prayer. Let Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Brother Lawrence, Therese of Lisieux and others help you discover the pathway to authentic spiritual growth.
  • £10.99

    Evelyn Underhill’s Prayer Book

    Such is the far-reaching influence of the modern mystic Evelyn Underhill that she is commemorated liturgically by the Church of England on 15 June. Her best-known book, Mysticism, was widely read in the first half of the twentieth century and her work continues to have great impact on the theology of contemporary spiritual writers, such as Richard Rohr. Between 1924 and 1938, Evelyn Underhill compiled two personal prayer books for use when conducting spiritual retreats at Pleshey (the retreat house for the diocese of Chelmsford). The prayers were carefully selected and include quotes from a variety of theologians and writers in Christian spirituality, as well as her own very rich, metaphorical and theologically deep prayers. This volume makes these collections available for the first time.
  • £7.99

    Prayer: encounter with the living God

    In this deceptively simple set of talks, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev explains with grace and clarity the Orthodox understanding of prayer. Beginning with conception of prayer as creating a space of encounter with God, we are guided through the Orthodox ethos of prayer and its irreplaceable role in our Christian lives. With his usual lucidity, Metropolitan Hilarion reminds us of what lies at the very heart of prayer to the Living God: God does not need words; He needs men s hearts. Words are secondary; of paramount importance are the feeling and disposition with which we approach God. The thirty-two part series on prayer was transcribed and translated from television episodes presented on Russian television in the spring of 1999 by Igumen (now Metropolitan) Hilarion (Alfeyev) with the blessing of His Holiness, the late Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Russia.
  • £14.99

    Anxious For Nothing: finding calm in a chaotic world

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    When it comes to anxiety, depression, and stress-related illnesses, America is the frontrunner. Thankfully, there's a practical prescription for dealing with them. Anxious for Nothing, the most recent book from New York Times bestselling author, Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for battling with and healing from anxiety. Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night?Is irrational worry your constant companion?Could you use some calm?If the answer is yes, you are not alone. According to one research program, anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Stress-related ailments cost the nation $300 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity. And use of sedative drugs like Xanax and Valium have skyrocketed in the last 15 years. Even students are feeling it. One psychologist reports that the average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s. Chances are, you or someone you know seriously struggles with anxiety. Max writes, "The news about our anxiety is enough to make us anxious." He knows what it feels like to be overcome by the worries and fear of life, which is why he is dedicated to helping millions of readers take back control of their minds and, as a result, their lives. Anxious for Nothing invites readers to delve into Philippians 4:6-7. After all, it is the most highlighted passage of any book on the planet, according to Amazon: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. In the characteristic tone of his previous books like You'll Get Through This and Fearless, Max guides readers through this Scripture passage and explains the key concepts of celebration, asking for help, leaving our concerns, and meditating. Stop letting anxiety rule the day. Join Max on the journey to true freedom and experience more joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit. Anxiety comes with life. But it doesn't have to dominate your life.
  • To Dare the Our Father
    To Dare the Our Father

    To Dare the Our Father: A transformative spiritual practice

    The Lord's Prayer accompanies the lives of Christians. When we are happy or sad, when we eagerly wait for a child to be born or silently keep watch as an elder dies, alone in the woods or together in liturgy, filled with gratitude or emptied by grief, driven to praise or dragged to repent, the Our Father finds its way to our lips. To Dare the Our Father recognizes and respects these experiences but it envisions praying the prayer as a more sustained and challenging undertaking. How does praying the Our Father inform our thinking, feeling, willing, and acting? How does it become for us a transformative spiritual practice? John Shea explores these questions and more to discover what it looks like to become people of prayer.
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