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The Inner Journey


Showing 157–168 of 195 results


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157-168 of 195 products

  • Gift from the Sea

    Gift from the Sea

    First published in 1955 and an instant bestseller, Gift from the Sea is a classic, wise book for women about how to flourish in life, how to balance life, work, motherhood; about finding space to think and breathe. Holidaying by the sea, and taking inspiration from the shells she finds on the seashore, Anne Morrow Lindbergh meditates on youth and age, love and marriage, peace, solitude and contentment. Her insights – into aspects of the modern world that threaten to overwhelm us, the complications of technology, the ever multiplying commitments that take us from our families – are as relevant today as they ever were, perhaps even more so. By recording her thoughts during a brief escape from everyday demands, Ann Morrow Lindbergh helps readers find a space for contemplation and creativity within their own lives.
  • Money Sex and Power
    Money Sex and Power

    Money Sex and Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life

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    Money, Sex and Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life asks how we can apply the classic Christian vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a modern world that seeingly rejects these values. ‘Foster follows a road few in recent years have travelled, and does so with depth, wit and down-to-earth wisdom. Don’t assume for one moment that this book is anti-money, anti-sex or anti-power: the author has a healthy respect and admiration for all three as sacred gifts of a loving creator. What he does urge us to do, though, is to “live rightly” in respect of these key areas, and so to be freed into a life of creative celebration’. (Gerard Kelly)                                  
  • £0.75

    Walking with Grief: A6 postcard

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    This poem by Andy Raine has been a source of comfort and help to many who are bereaved and grieving. The words are also to be found in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. The poem is also available in this design as an A6 greetings card and, with a different calligraphic design by Pam French, as an A4 poster. A book mark version is also available.
  • £11.99

    Places of Enchantment: Meeting God in Landscapes

    There is a great and honourable tradition of finding God in landscapes. Many who have given up on church appreciate the spiritual benefits they gain from climbing a mountain or walking in nature. But how and why do we encounter God in land, forest, river, mountain, desert, garden, sea and sky? That is what Graham Usher explores in this captivating volume which takes us from the giant Redwoods of the Californian Sierra Nevada to the jagged New York skyline; from the wilds of the ancient Scottish Highlands to the rolling pastures of English Shropshire. Drawing on material from biblical and church history traditions, as well as scientific research and contemporary art, he seeks to ascertain how such encounters support our Christian pilgrimage and challenge our assumptions. More than anything, the author's desire is to encourage readers to look at the world with fresh eyes - and so be enchanted by the world all around us.
  • The Journey of a Pilgrim
    The Journey of a Pilgrim

    The Journey of a Pilgrim: Prayer and reflections on a journey with God through the seasons of life

    Prayer and reflections on a journey with God through the seasons of life. In her introduction, Valerie Hicks writes: 'These prayers and reflections are the outcome of a journey that began in September 2008. I had just begun a three-month period of study leave. I was spiritually in a wilderness, but during this time of study, and prayer, I began this new journey with God. Wherever you are on your journey with God may you find the reflections of help.'
  • The Irresistible Revolution
    The Irresistible Revolution

    The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical

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    In The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne invites you into a movement of the Holy Spirit that begins in the heart and extends through our hands into a broken world. Using examples from his own unconventional life, Shane Claiborne stirs up questions about the church and the world, challenging you to live out an authentic Christian faith. This book will comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable, and invite believers to change the world with Christ's radical love.
  • The Inward Journey
    The Inward Journey

    The Inward Journey: The road towards transformation

    The Cross, suffering, transformation, and God's ultimate purpose are the issues that unfold in this unique book by Gene Edwards. Though written for the new believer, it speaks with a depth and newness that will arrest even the most mature believer. A story that traverses time, space and eternity to deliver its beautiful, moving and profound message while pioneering a new style of Christian literature.
  • £9.99

    The Inner Voice of Love: A journey through anguish to freedom

    This is Henri Nouwen's 'secret journal'. It was wrtten during the most difficult period of his life, when, following the breakdown of a close relationship, he suddenly lost his self-esteem, his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved, even his hope in God. Although he experienced excruciating anguish and despair, he was stilla ble to keep a journal in which he wrote eah day a spiritual imperative to himself, which emerged from his conversations with friends. For more than eight years, Henri Nouwen felt that what he wrote was too raw and private to share with others. Instead he published The Return of the Prodigal Son in which he expressed some of the insights gained during his mental and spiritual crisis. But then friends asked hi,, 'Why keep your anguish hidden from the many people who have been nurtured by your writing? Wouldn't it be of consolation for many to know about the fierce inner battle that lies underneath many of your spiritual insights? For the countless men and women who have to live through the pain of broken relationship, or who suffer from the loss of a loved one, this book offers new courage, new hope, even new life.
  • £13.99

    Home by another way: Biblical meditations through the Christian year

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    Written by one of the world's greatest preachers, these insightful meditations began their life as beautifully crafted sermons that explore the meanings of the major seasons and holy days of the Christian year. Reviewer Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James's Picadilly, writes: "This is a deeply compassionate book that takes seriously what it's like to live in the world now, while holding out the scriptural hope of a life not yet imagined. Barbara Brown Taylor tells new parables that reveal meaning in everyday holiness, and the thoroughly human states of confusion, suffering and joy of which she is keenly aware.This book is for all who want to believe but can't quite get there, or for those whose jaded spirit needs a long cool drink at a freshwater spring. Reading these reflections is like being drenched in grace." Recently voted one of the world's top ten contemporary spiritual sages, Barbara Brown Taylor is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia. Her previous books include An Altar in the World and Leaving Church.
  • Healing the Purpose of Your Life
    Healing the Purpose of Your Life

    Healing the Purpose of Your Life

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    The Linns have a knack for choosing topics that are very timely and communicating them in a way that speaks to our everyday experience. In this book they explore how we discover our unique calling and develop it as a gift – for ourselves, others and the earth. For those caught up in our hectic culture, this little book is a rich source for reflection and prayer that can be used either individually or with groups.

    Robert T Sears, SJ Professor of Pastoral Theology, Loyola University

  • £1.20

    Do not hurry A6 greetings card

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    This poem by Andy Raine, one of the founders of the Community, has proved immensely powerful to many walking through the dark night of bereavement and is particularly appropriate for somebody who is grieving. This design is printed on good quality card and is also available as an A6 postcard. An A4 poster is also available with the same poem as a calligraphic design by Pam French.
  • £5.99

    Reaching Out

    A classic work of spirituality that explores the three movements of the spiritual life: reaching out to our innermost self from mere loneliness to creative solitude, reaching out to our fellow human beings from arid independence to self-giving and finally reaching out to God who 'calls us from the darkness of our illusions into the light of his glory.'
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