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The Inner Journey


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121-144 of 196 products

  • £12.99

    Accidental Saints. Finding God in All the Wrong People

    What if the annoying person you try to avoid is actually seconds away from becoming an accidental saint in your life? What if, even in our persistent failings, holy moments are waiting to happen? In Accidental Saints, New York Times bestselling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls 'a religious but not-so-spiritual life.' Tattooed, angry, and profane, this unlikely priest stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people―a church-loving agnostic, a drag queen, and a gun-toting member of the NRA. As she lives and worships alongside these 'accidental saints,' Nadia is swept into first-hand encounters with grace―a gift that often feels less like being wrapped in a warm blanket and more like being hit by a blunt instrument. But by this grace, people are transformed in ways they couldn't have been on their own. In a time when many have become disillusioned with Christianity, Accidental Saints demonstrates what happens when ordinary people share bread and wine, struggle with scripture together, and tell each other the truth about their real lives. This unforgettable account of their faltering steps toward wholeness will ring true for believer and sceptic alike. Told in Nadia’s trademark confessional style, Accidental Saints is the stunning next work from one of today’s most important religious voices.
  • Sold out

    Body: Biblical Spirituality for the Whole Person

    We hear a lot, these days, about 'spirituality', yet the meaning of that word can be hard to pin down. Often it is use in a vague way to refer to the relationship between our 'spirit' and God, resulting in the belief that we can only relate to God with our 'inner' being and not with any other part of ourselves. Within Christianity, this view is commonly based on the assumption that the Bible contrasts the body and all this is physical with the 'spirit' which is good. But is that really what the Bible says? To answer that question, Paula Gooder explores the evidence, dispelling popular misconceptions, and leading us to a deeper understanding of the value of our bodies in the eyes of God.
  • £4.99

    Seeking God by Carole and Robin Moulton

    To find a place of stillness in our modern world is very difficult. Yet many of us crave such peaceful space. The aim of Seeking God is to help you find that space; to help you come to a closer and deeper relationship with God. The booklet starts with a reflection, which leads into four sections of poems, inspirational photographs and meditations. The authors hope that these will gradually draw you closer to God in the still, silent centre. Seeking God is the second booklet produced  by Travelling Light Publications. The first is entitled Journey with God.
  • £10.99

    The Divine Dance

    'With the wisdom of C.S.Lewis and the accessibility of Rob Bell, Richard Rohr and Mike Morrell unpack our long-lingering questions about God, love, grace, forgiveness, all through the lens of Trinitarian spirituality...Like all good mystics, Rohr and Morrell circle our questions, revelling in the mystery of all that is. Join them. Stand with them "under the waterfall of God's infinite mercy, and know that  you are loved".' David James Poissant, Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist and author of The Heaven of Animals.
  • £9.99

    The Amazing Technicolour Pyjama Therapy

    'When I fell ill and stayed ill, I felt like God had chopped me off at the ankles. I yelped in pain and indignation, I felt abandoned, diminished and finished. It took me a long time to learn that God was not out to kill me.' Some illnesses begin with a bang, whipped off to hospital or flattened into bed. Other conditions creep in until life skills are suddenly out of date. Work, socialising and hobbies are out of reach. It's a scary new world. Emily Ackerman knows this world only too well. She knows what it feels like to cry out to God to relive her suffering, to allow her to fulfil her life plans. She knows what it feels like to wait, year after year, while God works through her suffering, to fulfil his plans for her life. This book is about fighting back against illness; about reclaiming your life now you're ill. You'll find strategies, encouragement, practical advice and fresh ways to view your situation. God hasn't given up on  you: there's good news from the Bible about living abundantly and usefully with illness.
  • £14.99

    Rising Strong

    When you are brave in life, sometimes you fall. Even though you want to get back up, the stories you tell yourself about your personal and professional struggles keep you stuck in a cycle of fear, self-doubt and regret. Rising Strong will help you challenge those stories so you can rewrite your future. It presents a powerful process to rise from fall, overcome mistakes and face hurt in a way that brings more wisdom and meaning int your life.
  • £14.99

    The Artist’s Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom

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    , nature, solitude, artists, creativity The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner, author of Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire, invites readers to discover and develop their creative gifts in a spirit of prayer and reflection. This twelve-week course draws on the insights and practices of Benedictine spirituality to explore the interplay between contemplation and creativity. Sumarised in the phrase 'pray and work,' The Rule of St. Benedict provides the inspiration for Christine Valters Paintner's newest exploration of the mutually nourishing relationship between contemplative practices and creative expression. Artists of all stripes and stations in life - poets or painters, potters or photographers - will discover how traditions of Benedictine, Celtic, and desert spirituality can offer new sources of inspiration for their work. Themes like 'Sacred Tools and Sacred Space', 'Creative Solitude and Community,' and 'Nature as a Source of Revelation and Inspiration' are enriched by Paintner's perceptive discussion and enhanced by insightful quotations from well-known artists and writers. Ideally formatted for faith sharing groups and parish retreats, this guide offers suggestions for grounding both the creative and the spiritual life through three basic practices: walking, lectio divina, and journaling. The Artist's Rule is supplemented with online resources, including guided meditation podcasts, video lessons, and discussions.
  • £3.99

    Journey with God

    The aim of this booklet is to help you to slow down and spend time drawing closer to God – not 'doing' just 'being'. It takes the form of a journey, beginning with a question: 'Where am I going?' The booklet is divided into four sections and includes reflective poems, inspirational photographs and meditations. Much of the material in this booklet has been used by the authors at retreats over recent years.  
  • £8.99

    The Book of Forgiving: The fourfold path for healing ourselves and our world

    Each of us has a deep need to forgive, but it sometimes feels like an impossible task. In The Book of Forgiving, Archbishop Desmond and Reverend Mpho Tutu offer to guide you on a path towards forgiveness, leading you away from past pain. Desmond Tutu's role as Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post apartheid South Africa taught him much about forgiveness, as he led the country along a difficult path of healing. After much reflection, the Tutus have seen that there are four important aspects to this path: Telling the Story; Naming the Hurt; Granting Forgiveness; Renewing or Releasing the Relationship. As you travel along the fourfold path yourself, there will be meditations, exercises and rituals to guide and help you as you walk. This will not be an easy journey, but in the end, it is the only path worth taking.
  • £12.99

    Learning to Walk in the Dark

    New from best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor, perhaps best known for An Altar in the World, comes Learning to Walk in the Dark. In this hardback book she writes with wisdom, grace and beauty as she seeks to rehabilitate what we have learned to fear - the dark. Here she reflects on how our lives do not only work when everything is brightly lit; twilight and deep darkness have treasures of their own waiting to be discovered. Babara Brown Taylor writes: 'Darkness is shorthand for anything that scares me - either because I am sure that I do not have the resources to survive ti or because I do not want to have to find out. If I had my way, I would eliminate everything from chronic back pain ti the fear of the devil from my life ad the lives of those I love. At least I think I would. The problem is this: when, despite all my best efforts, the lights have gone off in my life, plunging me into the kind of darkness that turns my knees to water, I have not died. The monsters have not dragged me out of bed and taken me back to their lair. Instead, I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light. Learning to Walk in the Dark is a wise spiritual companion and guide for those times in life when we don't have all the answers. Recognising our tendency to associate all that is good with light, and all that is evil and dangerous with darkness, Barbara Brown Taylor asks whether God doesn't work at night too? With her characteristic grace and generosity, she invites us to put aside our fears and anxieties and to discover all that the darkness has to teach us. She takes us to underground caverns, subterranean chapels, basement night clubs and unlit cabins in the woods on moonless nights. Through darkness, we begin to see the world and sense God's presence around us in new ways, guiding us through things seen an unseen, and teaching us to find out footing in times of uncertainty. Like seeds buried in the ground, we will find how darkness is essential for our own growth and flourishing.
  • £6.00

    My Little Dandelion: Prayer Poems of Longing and Hope

    My Little Dandelion: Prayer Poems of Longing and Hope. An illustrated booklet of 13 meditative poems written and published by Christine Strohmeier. From her afterword: 'These prayer poems are an expression of my own personal journey with God whose love in my life is incredibly precious to me...I hope that as you walk through the prayers and the writing in one way or another you will be drawn deeper into Love.'
  • £6.99

    The Recovery of Love: Walking the Way of Wholeness

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    “…Washed flat and almost clean by the ebb of the tide, the sand is bare except for a single set of footprints. And – why are we not surprised? – there he is again ahead of us, waiting. Although it is barely dawn, there is light enough to see his face, recognise  his smile. The shadows have gone, for this in-between time, anyway. When he speaks, we know his voice, although we cannot place his accent. Five words; a question: “What do you really want?”’ Some people like to be taken on mystery tours; others prefer to know where they are going, how long it will take, and where they will stop for lunch. This book is a bit of a mystery tour, exploring aspects of faith and truth through storytelling and reflection on the Bible. At its heart is the meaning of love on the one hand, our hunger for it and often weary search to find it, and on the other hand God’s breathtaking love for us. ‘ All too often the world of faith exists in a separate compartment from where our real living has to happen. This fresh and honest book seeks to bring the two together in an authentic relationship, not by giving answers but by following the questions. Through story telling, gentle and tough by turns, the invitation is to awaken to a presence, often hidden, that waits to meet us in the midst of daily living.’ David Runcorn (spiritual director and author of Spirituality Workbook) ‘This is a highly unusual book blending imaginative narrative with Bible quotes and reflection. It won’t be to everyone’s taste but, for people who are prepared to think differently, to find themselves challenged and have their thoughts stretched, it will take you on a journey into the heart of God’s love.’ Paula Gooder (biblical studies lecturer and author of Heaven: A Rough Guide)  

  • Sold out

    When God is Silent

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    “Barbara Brown Taylor’s concise, pithy and challenging prose is evidence that she is practicing what she preaches:that Christian pastors take more care with the words they use and treat language with economy, courtesy and reverence. . . .She offers concrete and practical suggestions for ways to improve our relationship with both silence and the words God has given us.” - KATHLEEN NORRIS, for Christian Century Renowned minister Barbara Brown Taylor focuses on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for communication with a God who often seems to be silent. Originally delivered as the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in preaching at Yale Divinity School, When God is Silent   addresses questions essential not only to preachers, but also to anyone yearning to hear from God.
  • £10.99

    Finding Your Hidden Treasure: The Way of Silent Prayer

    The most important journey in life is the journey inwards, to the depths of our own being. It is a journey we are all invited to make. It takes us beyond words and images into silence. The silence allows the restless mind to become still and in the stillness we enter a new world. We return to our hearts. Here we find our true selves. We discover an ancient way of finding God that has almost become lost. Slowly, we realize that we are in union with the source of life and love itself. Our whole life changes. Our goal now is to take God’s love to others in our everyday lives.  
  • £10.99

    Adam: God’s Beloved

    In the year before his death in 1996, Henri Nouwen had planned to write a book about the Apostles’ Creed. But then the death of his friend Adam Arnett, a severely handicapped young man from his Daybreak Community, changed his mind. He found that by reflecting on the story of Adam he had found a way of describing his own understanding of the Gospel message, and in Adam, a book completed only weeks before his own death, he has left a fitting reflection of his essential message and legacy. Adam could not speak, or even move without assistance. Gripped by frequent seizures, he spent his life in obscurity. And yet for Henri Nouwen he became ‘my friend, my teacher and my guide’: it was Adam who led him to a new understanding of his Christian faith and what it means to be Beloved of God. Following the structure of the gospels, Henri Nouwen describes Adam’s ‘hidden life’ in the desert of institutionalised care, the ‘public life’ that came about when his family entrusted him to the Daybreak community, his ministry, his miracles, and finally his passion, death and ‘resurrection’. Gradually, under Adam’s instruction, Henri learned to adjust to a new, slower rhythm of life and to speak with the language of the heart. In Adam Henri Nouwen has found a new way to tell God’s story and the story of all human creatures, broken and yet beloved, who live in a world charged and alive with the mystery of the incarnation. It becomes a poignant and precious gift.  
  • £12.99

    Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the long walk of faith

    96 800x600 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} Henri Nouwen, beloved author, priest, and world-famous counsellor and guide, understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community and relationships. Though he counseled many people during his lifetime, his principles of spiritual direction were never written down. Now two of his longtime students, Michael Christensen and Rebecca Laird, have taken his famous course in spiritual direction and supplemented it with his unpublished writings to create the definitive work on Nouwen’s thoughts about the Christian life.  
  • Sanctuary of the Soul
    Sanctuary of the Soul

    Sanctuary of the Soul: A Journey into meditative prayer

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    Richard Foster, bestselling author of Celebration of Discipline and founder of Renovare, has written this book for all who hunger to go deeper into prayer but don’t know where to start. Sanctuary of the Soul gently guides you along the path of meditative prayer, so that you too can know a deeper fellowship with God. Weaving together quotes and stories from the lives of the mothers and fathers of the faith as well as powerful encounters with God from his own life, Foster describes the riches to be gained through quietening your mind and heart in order to listen to and obey God more closely. Along the way, at his clearest, most practical best, he also provides the biblical teaching and step-by-step help you need to begin to find this sanctuary of prayer yourself.      
  • £10.95

    Timeless Simplicity: Creative living in a consumer society

    This is a book about simplicity - not destitution, not parsimoniousness, not self-denial - but the restoration of wealth in the midst of an affluence in which we are starving the spirit. It is a book about the advantages of living a less cluttered, stressful life than that which many of us are now living in the overcrowded and manic-paced consuming nations. It is a book that has nothing to do with subsistence living on the Lake Isle of Innisfree, but everything to do with having less and enjoying more - enjoying time to do the work you love, enjoying time to spend with your family, enjoying time to pursue creative projects, enjoying time for good eating, enjoying time just to be. Another theme of the book concerns the future of our home, the Earth. Up to the end of the 19th century, the Earth consisted of a world of oceans and land masses teeming with all kinds of life, but our grandchildren will inherit one with less than 20 percent of its original forests still intact, with most of the readily available fresh water already spoken for, with most of the wetlands and reef systems either destroyed or degraded. Sooner or later a more frugal lifestyle will not only be desirable - it will become an imperative.                
  • Franciscan Spirituality
    Franciscan Spirituality

    Franciscan Spirituality: Following St Francis Today

    What is special about the spirituality of St Francis? Can it be possible for ordinary men and women today, with family, jobs, and other responsibilities, to follow in the way of a thirteenth-century friar? Brother Ramon, an Anglican Franciscan Friar, shows us that Franciscan spirituality is as compelling and relevant today as ever. It is marked by spontaneity and emotional freedom, by openness to every human being and love for the natural world. It treasures both the evangelical and the catholic nature of the gospel. It is rooted in a biblical faith and in reverence for the whole of creation. Franciscan Spirituality introduces us to the world of Francis and his first followers and shows how their excitement and wonder at Jesus alive in their midst can still be recaptured. The book is illustrated throughout by Molly Dowell  
  • £9.99

    The Heart of Creation: Meditation: a way of setting God free in the world

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    In the spirituality of the desert fathers and mothers, the Benedictine monk, John Main, discovered a tradition of contemplative prayer he believed could re-energise the Church in prayer and restore its capacity to communicate a sense of wonder at the heart of creation. In his teachings on prayer, the contemplative power of early Christianity, which for centuries has been diverted to dogmatic issues and institutional structures, is once again released. The contemplative experience is simply pure attention to God in the present moment. A way of prayer that is totally simple, it invites you to set aside your own thoughts, feelings and perceptions and to let God be God. In silent contemplation, relating to God becomes more than thought, dialogue or contractualy bargaining. Instead of questioning, we awaken to the basic relationship of life which determines all other relationships, with others and with ourselves. In a busy and frenetic world, it enables us to discover redemptive, healing silence.
  • £12.99

    Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith

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    In the words of Frederick Buechner: 'This beautiful book is rich with wit and humanness and honesty and loving detail. It is a book about the wonderful mess of being alive in this world, and about the wonderful and terrible things that happen to us in it, and about the dream of God. I cannot overstate how liberating and transforming I have founs Leaving Church to be.'    
  • £16.00

    Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

    A compassionate and compelling meditation on discovering your path in life. With wisdom, compassion and gentle humour, Parker J. Palmer invites us to listen to the inner teacher and follow its leadings toward a sense of meaning and purpose. Telling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have made a difference , he shares insights gained from darkness and depression as well as fulfilment and joy, illuminating a pathway towards vocation for all who seek the true calling of their lives.
  • £10.99

    Lectio Divina: The Sacred Art

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    Drawing on her own experience as a monk in the world, Christine Valters Paintner breaks open the movements of the ancient contemplative practice of lectio divina for the contemporary reader. Wise and accessible, this volume will be valued by those who long for a more pervasive experience of the holy in the everyday, but live far away from the sanctuary of a monastery.
  • God Doesn't Do Waste
    God Doesn't Do Waste

    God Doesn’t Do Waste: Redeeming the Whole of Life

    Meet 'the Bookless Bunch', a very ordinary family who went green. When God challenged him over his attitude to the environment, Dave Bookless did a total rethink. This led to major changes, not only in his family's lifestyle but also eventually in his career: full time involvement in the global A Rocha movement that aims to care for God's fragile world. But in one sense this book isn't about going green at all. It's a personal account of a life lived in relationship. It's about roots and belonging, suffering and healing, identity and meaning, faith and doubt. It's about how in God's economy nothing need be wasted. It's about the messiness that each human being wades through in every area of life, and about a God who can take all that seems most wasteful and useless, and recycle it into something of infinite worth.
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