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Celtic Daily Prayer – music CD

Celtic Daily Prayer – music CD

(2 customer reviews)



Sung and spoken versions of Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer; and Complines for each day of the week. This music and liturgy is recorded in normal Audio CD format and can be played on any CD player or computer.

This album is also available as an audio download. To purchase the download please click on one of these options:


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Additional information

Weight 0.063 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 14 × 0.9 cm



  1. These recordings are an excellent way for familiarizing with the music of CDP, for use with small groups, or individually.
    For me, this CD has been a special blessing during illness, when energy seemed at zero. To be carried by the sung Complines was an especial joy, and their words take on a new significance and meaning from the horizontal position of the sickbed.

  2. Worship

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