Christmas Reflections: Meditations and prayers inspired by art
Artist: Mary Fleeson
Christmas Reflections contain nine of Mary’s Christmas themed pieces of artwork along with thoughtful meditations, prayers and comments intended to provide a preparation for Christmas Day.
We have also included ‘Behind the Scenes’ bonus pages with the stage drawings of some of the artwork from first lines to the finished piece to demonstrate how Mary produces her art.
Christmas Reflections is a glossy softcover book, A5 size (14.8X21cm) and 28 pages.
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Additional information
Weight | .087 kg |
Dimensions | 21 × 15 × .04 cm |
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The Jesse Tree Pack
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian Year
Create Your own Jesse Tree at home this Advent with this delightful and richly rewarding resource for individuals, families and churches.
Originally published in Celtic Daily Readings (now out of print), this month of readings is presented as an A5 booklet beautifully illustrated with newly commissioned drawings by Francesca Ross, and accompanied by a set of 31 double-sided card ornaments, featuring Francesca’s illustrations, for you to colour, cut out and use at home on your own Jesse Tree.
The Jesse Tree readings are named after the depictions in stained glass or wood that have been used over many centuries to bring to life the characters who are part of Jesus’ family tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary. In many homes and churches it has become an Advent custom to use a small tree branch as a Jesse Tree and hang it with pictures or ornaments representing the people, prophecies and stories which anticipated the coming of Christ.
Some churches have a special Jesse Tree service, during which the whole series of stories is recalled, and the ornaments added, one by one. At home it is probably more beneficial to take one reading, with its accompanying Scriptures, per day, adding the ornaments as you go through the month so that, rather like the pictures in an Advent calendar, more and more appear as Christmas approaches.
Some of the drawings and readings remind us of the people who make up Jesus’ family tree. Some instead are rich in prophetic significance, or mark the feasts of Stephen, the ‘holy innocents’ and John the beloved. They remind us of the covenant that Jesus, the promised Messiah, invites us all to enter into with Him.
The Jesse Tree can become a much-loved focal point during December that can offset and pre-empt the onset of an increasingly commercial and secularised Christmas. We hope these readings and ornaments will help you to share in this age-old practice and, by providing a focus for prayer and memory and a spur to the imagination, enrich your Advent as they take you on a journey through image and Scripture.

Jesse Tree Ornaments
Advent & Christmas, Celtic Daily Prayer & Liturgy, Music & Creativity, Northumbria Community Resources & Teaching, Resources for the Christian Year
The Jesse Tree has been used over many centuries to bring life to the characters who are part of Jesus' family Tree from Jesse through David to Joseph and Mary.
This ornament pack contains three sheets of card printed with thirty-one double sided ornaments for you to colour, cut out and use to decorate your own Jesse Tree at home. Each ornament illustrates one of the Jesse Tree readings written by Andy Raine from the Northumbria Community. The readings themselves, one for each day in December, are available in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2: Farther Up and Farther In published by Collins and available here
Also available from the Northumbria Community is the Jesse Tree Pack which contains these card ornaments along with an A5 booklet of the readings - available here
Your Jesse Tree can be made from anything you wish but many people use a branch which can be left in its natural state or stripped and painted gold, silver, white and then suspended from a ceiling or 'planted' in a pot. Instructions for preparing the ornaments are included in this pack.

Responding to the Light: Reflections on Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
Advent & Christmas, Resources for the Christian Year
Responding to the Light is a collection of previously unpublished work by Michael Mayne, one of the most outstanding spiritual voices of his generation. Timeless, fresh and relevant as they were when they were first given, these seasonal addresses reflect his extraordinary giftedness with the spoken and written word.

Waiting on the Word: A poem a day for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
Advent & Christmas, Resources for the Christian Year
Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation in which the waiting itself is strangely rich and fulfilling. Its focus is on the coming of Christ – in humility in the manger at Bethlehem, in majesty as the fulfilment and finality of all things, and in the countless moments of encounter and transformation in the time between these two great comings in which we live. The other sense we have of the word 'advent' is in the word 'adventure'. 'Let us take the adventure that God sends us,' say the knights in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, recognising that the God in whom we live and move and have our being may come and meet us when and where he pleases.
Poetry can help us fathom the depths and inhabit the tensions of Advent's many paradoxes: past and future, dark and light, waiting and consolation, emptiness and fulfilment, ancient and ever new. In the spirit of the season, this anthology includes the familiar and adventures upon the new. Malcolm Guite selects and reflects on a poem for each day. The selection ranges from spiritual classics such as Edmund Spenser, John Donne, George Herbert and Christina Rossetti, to new and contemporary voices such as Luci Shaw and Scott Cairns. His own acclaimed sequence of sonnets for great Advent antiphons is also included.
This anthology moves through Advent into its fulfilment in Christmas, and on to Epiphany where the choice of poetry is influenced by the stargazing pagan wise men. Here are works by non-Christian poets who seem, nevertheless, to see in the heavens such signs as declare the glory of the Lord.
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