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Seven Sacred Spaces £4.00
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God_on_mute God on Mute: engaging the silence of unanswered prayer £12.99
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The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach £16.99
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    Hidden Wings: Emerging from troubled times with new hope and deeper wisdom

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    You must become the change you long for. Fine words, a great vision, but where to begin? We caterpillars know. From the moment we are conceived in our parents' mating dance, we already contain the cells that hold our future butterfly. Let us tell you our story... Tumultuous changes are occurring in the world around us, and the structures and values by which we have charted our lives seem to be collapsing. Many of us are struggling to plot a spiritual path through this unfamiliar landscape, and to believe in a positive future. Hidden Wings is a book offering hope and understanding. Using the example of a caterpillar entering the devastating, world-altering stage of the chrysalis, before emerging – transformed – as a butterfly, Margaret Silf helps us to see that these times of chaos could in fact be an opportunity for profound spiritual transformation.
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    The Contemplative Minister : Learning to lead from the still centre

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