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Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas £8.99
£8.99 ×
May the Peace: Print £10.00
£10.00 ×
God of Earth : Discovering a Radically Ecological Christianity £12.00
£12.00 ×

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Subtotal £30.99

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  • £10.00

    Wind, water, flame – the Holy Spirit: Print

    A 21cm square print featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £2.25

    Hollow of His hand: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'May the road rise to meet you...'
  • £2.00

    Wind, Water, Flame – the Holy Spirit: Greetings card

    Square Greetings card with image of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £2.25

    Christ Centred Living: A6 greetings card

    Words: None Background: Mary tells us that...'This piece was the result of meditating on what defines a Christ centred life . I wanted to show the fruitfulness that comes from a life rooted in the cross of Christ and the refreshment and cleansing available to us. In the spirals I wanted to express the vibrancy of a Christ-centred life and four aspects of life; birth, death, spirituality and growth. Each arm of the spiral, each aspect of life, is cross hatched and bumpy with patches of light and dark, showing the erratic nature of living. Each arm ends but its outline turns back towards the cross, showing that everything came from God and returns to God.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 105mmX148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope.
  • £10.95

    Timeless Simplicity: Creative living in a consumer society

    This is a book about simplicity - not destitution, not parsimoniousness, not self-denial - but the restoration of wealth in the midst of an affluence in which we are starving the spirit. It is a book about the advantages of living a less cluttered, stressful life than that which many of us are now living in the overcrowded and manic-paced consuming nations. It is a book that has nothing to do with subsistence living on the Lake Isle of Innisfree, but everything to do with having less and enjoying more - enjoying time to do the work you love, enjoying time to spend with your family, enjoying time to pursue creative projects, enjoying time for good eating, enjoying time just to be. Another theme of the book concerns the future of our home, the Earth. Up to the end of the 19th century, the Earth consisted of a world of oceans and land masses teeming with all kinds of life, but our grandchildren will inherit one with less than 20 percent of its original forests still intact, with most of the readily available fresh water already spoken for, with most of the wetlands and reef systems either destroyed or degraded. Sooner or later a more frugal lifestyle will not only be desirable - it will become an imperative.                
  • £2.25

    Blessings: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £10.99

    Who is my Neighbour? The Global and Personal Challenge

    What should Christ's injunction to 'love your neighbour' mean in practice today? A team of leading theologians and practitioners explores this question and considers its bearing on the politics of poverty, discrimination and immigration, ecology and the fallout from recent political upheavals in Europe and America.

    'This remarkable book is most timely, for it comes in the midst of an acute campaign of anti-neighbourliness ... While the essays are intensely focused, the writers call attention to the thick complexity and multidimensional practice of neighbourliness. These essays are richly suggest of new openings for thought and action of a transformative kind.'


    Professor Walter Brueggemann

  • £2.25

    Small boat, wild sea: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £12.99

    An Altar in the World

    , , ,
    In this highly acclaimed and lyrical book, the best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor reveals the countless ways we can discover divine depths in the small things we do and see every day. People go to extraordinary lenghts, she writes, to discover this treasure. 'They will spend hours launching prayers into the heavens. They will travel half way around the world to visit a monastery in India...The last place most people will look is right under their feet, in the everyday activities, accidents and encounters of their lives...the reason so many of us cannot see the red X marks the spot is because we're standing on it.' An Altar in the the World shows us how heaven and earth meet in such ordinary occurrences as hanging out the wahing, doing the supermarket shop, feeding an animal, losing our way. It will transfrom our understanding of ourselves and the word we live in and renew our sense of wonder at the extraordinary gift of life.
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    Prayer: encounter with the living God

    In this deceptively simple set of talks, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev explains with grace and clarity the Orthodox understanding of prayer. Beginning with conception of prayer as creating a space of encounter with God, we are guided through the Orthodox ethos of prayer and its irreplaceable role in our Christian lives. With his usual lucidity, Metropolitan Hilarion reminds us of what lies at the very heart of prayer to the Living God: God does not need words; He needs men s hearts. Words are secondary; of paramount importance are the feeling and disposition with which we approach God. The thirty-two part series on prayer was transcribed and translated from television episodes presented on Russian television in the spring of 1999 by Igumen (now Metropolitan) Hilarion (Alfeyev) with the blessing of His Holiness, the late Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Russia.
  • Building Utopia
    Building Utopia

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  • £2.00

    May the Peace: Greetings card

    An 11.5cm square greetings card. Original artwork by Francesca Ross with the Blessing from Morning Prayer (May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you) from Celtic Daily Prayer.  
  • £2.00

    Trinity: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • Urban to the Core
    Urban to the Core

    Urban to the Core: Motives for Incarnational Mission

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  • £12.50

    Small Boat, Wild Sea: Print

    Print featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £2.00

    Labyrinth: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £2.00

    Wingshadow: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross and uses wording from our Community's Evening Prayer.
  • £2.00

    Deep Peace: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'Deep peace of the running wave to you...'
  • £2.00

    Faith, hope and love: Greetings card

    A square greetings card with envelope in a cellophane bag. The card has a print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £10.00

    Faith, Hope and Love: Print

    A 21cm square print of original artwork by Francesca Ross.
  • £14.99

    Reclaiming the Common Good : How Christians can help re-build our broken world

    After decades of political consensus, we are entering a time in which everything about the way we live today, and about how our society and communities are structured, is up for discussion. Many people are feeling empowered to ask: What kind of world do we want to live in? One that works for a few, or one that works for the common good?What part can Christians play in building a future of hope, peace, equality an justice?Reclaiming the Common Good is a collection of essays which consider these themes. Beginning with an explanation of the history and meaning of the term `common good', it explores how the sense of working for this ideal has been lost. Focussing, biblically, on issues such as welfare, austerity, migration, environment, peace and justice, it provides a compellingly fresh and insightful analysis on the state of the world today, and offers a realistic vision of how it could be better. This vision is rooted in the idea of a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem, as suggested in the book of Revelation. This collection has been compiled and edited by Virginia Moffatt, a writer, community activist and former Chief Operating Officer of the belief and values think-tank, Ekklesia. Its other contributors are: Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, John Moffatt SJ, Simon Barrow, Bernadette Meaden, Dr Simon Duffy, Rev. Vaughan Jones, Savitri Hensman , Ellen Teague, Edward P. Echlin, Henrietta Cullinan, Susan Clarkson and Rev.Dr Simon Woodman.
  • £8.99

    A Generous Orthodoxy

    , ,
    A confessional manifesto from a senior leader in the emerging church movement, A Generous Orthodoxy calls for a radical, Christ-centred orthodoxy of faith and practice in a missional, generous spirit. Brian McLaren argues for a post-liberal, post-conservative, post-protestant convergence that will stimulate lively interest and global conversation among thoughtful Christians from all traditions. In a sweeping exploration of belief, author Brian McLaren takes us across the landscape of faith, envisioning an orthodoxy that aims for Jesus, is driven by love, and is defined by missional intent. A Generous Orthodoxy rediscovers the mysterious and compelling ways that Jesus can be embraced across the entire Christian horizon. Rather than establishing what is and is not 'orthodox', McLaren walks through the many traditions of faith, bringing to the centre a way of life that draws us closer to Christ and to each other. Whether you find yourself inside, outside or somewhere on the fringe of Christianity, A Generous Orthodoxy draws you toward a way of living that looks beyond the 'us/them' paradigm to the blessed and ancient paradox of 'we'.
  • £10.00

    Deep Peace: Print

    A 21cm square print featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Illustrated text of the traditional blessing 'Deep peace of the running wave to you...'
  • £2.25

    Times and seasons: Greetings card

    Greetings card supplied with envelope featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £8.99

    The Shed That Fed A Million Children: The extraordinary story of Mary’s Meals

    In 1992, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint with his brother when he got an idea that would change his life – and radically change the lives of others. After watching a news bulletin about war-torn Bosnia, the two brothers agreed to take a week’s hiatus from work to help. What neither of them expected is that what began as a one-time road trip in a beaten-up Landrover rapidly grew to become Magnus’s life’s work – leading him to leave his job, sell his house and direct all his efforts to feeding thousands of the world’s poorest children. Magnus retells how a series of miraculous circumstances and an overwhelming display of love from those around him led to the creation of Mary’s Meals; an organisation that could hold the key to eradicating child hunger altogether. This humble, heart-warming yet powerful story has never been more relevant in our society of plenty and privilege. It will open your eyes to the extraordinary impact that one person can make. All royalties from the sale of this book go to support the work of Mary's Meals.
  • £2.00

    Wings and Waves Celtic Cross: Greetings card

    Square greetings card with Celtic knot work design by Francesca Ross. Blank inside.
  • £10.00

    Wingshadow: Print

    A 21cm square print featuring original artwork by Francesca Ross and using wording from our Community's Evening Prayer.