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289-312 of 517 products

  • £10.99

    In This Light: Thoughts for Christmas

    Christmas should be a time of peace, togetherness and celebration; yet it can leave all too many of us feeling overwhelmed by loneliness, stress and worry. In This Light is a timely collection of thoughtful meditations, The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, leads contributions from celebrities, business leaders, athletes, politicians and others, whose names you might not know but whose stories you will come to love. Alan Titchmarsh, Sally Phillips, Bear Grylls, Afua Hirsch, Bishop Michael Curry, Secretary John Kerry, Dany Cotton, Elif Shafak and Sally Lloyd-Jones – among others – offer their thoughts and insights as we reflect on this time of year. In a world that often seems in turmoil, these personal essays invite us to remember and rejoice in the true, timeless spirit of Christmas.
  • £8.99

    Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas

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    This inspirational book takes the reader through Advent to the celebration of Christmas through the eyes and beliefs of Celtic Christianity. Starting on 15 November – the beginning of Celtic Advent – and reflecting on Jesus' coming at his birth as well as into our lives by the Holy Spirit and at the world's end, the author offers a unique approach to the season to help you gain a new sense of wonder in the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world.
  • Sold out

    Egfroth of Lindisfarne (not a saint!)

    Kate Tristram has written an entertaining and accessible account of the remarkable years of the 7th century Golden Age of Northumbria from the viewpoint of a fictional monk called Egfroth and his cat. She tells the story of Saint Aidan coming to Lindisfarne at the request of King Oswald, the traumatic events of the Synod of Whitby, the ministry of the charismatic Saint Cuthbert, the creation of the Lindisfarne gospels and the emergence of the great historian The Venerable Bede. Like Bede, Kate Tristram is an historian and author; she has lived and worked on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, at the heart of this story, for forty years. Combining her detailed knowledge of the era with a delightfully light touch, she provides a succinct overview of the momentous events that stamped their mark firmly on the religious, cultural and artistic life of our nation.
  • £15.00

    Benedictus: A Book of Blessings

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    In sharing words of grace and wisdom, the poet and writer John O'Donohue offers blessings to shelter and comfort us on our journey through life. As he opens our eyes to the natural beauty and splendour of the world that surrounds us, he inspires in us a new confidence and passion for life and helps us to confront key thresholds of human experience. Guided by these blessings and by a reassuring vision of hope and possibility for the present and the future, we begin to recognise that our relationships with one another and even the most seemingly insignificant rituals which frame our days, are crucial to our emotional and spiritual well-being. Through his poetic blessings, John O'Donohue also ignites in us a greater understanding of our innate qualities and, perhaps for the first time, we experience a true sense of belonging in this often troubled world. Drawing on the heritage of ancient Celtic thought and imagination, Benedictus is, ultimately a sanctuary of peace and a gentle, illuminating gift of light on our path through this world.
  • £3.95

    Celtic Spirituality: Rhythm, Roots and Relationships

    There is something peculiarly attractive about the Christianity of the early Celtic-speaking people. In a world that is drained and fragmented by materialism and rationalism, Celtic Christianity offers the hope of a natural and holistic faith. Drawing on a wide range resources and with questions for personal reflection, this overview offers a warm invitation to explore the riches of the Celtic tradition.
  • £4.00

    Alone Together

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    This booklet, written by Trevor Miller, explores what it means for us to say that we journey 'Alone Together'. As one of the founders of Northumbria Community, Trevor shares his understanding of this central concept as he has lived, studied and prayed it over the past 30 or more years. Chapters include:
    • A Community understanding of the spiritual journey
    • How Alone Together helps us understand the nature of God
    • What Alone Together means for us as a Community and our way of being
    As part of our Gold Series exploring our Core Teaching, this booklet is highly recommended for all those who want to engage more deeply with our Rule of Life of Availability and Vulnerability.
  • £10.99

    Who is my Neighbour? The Global and Personal Challenge

    What should Christ's injunction to 'love your neighbour' mean in practice today? A team of leading theologians and practitioners explores this question and considers its bearing on the politics of poverty, discrimination and immigration, ecology and the fallout from recent political upheavals in Europe and America.

    'This remarkable book is most timely, for it comes in the midst of an acute campaign of anti-neighbourliness ... While the essays are intensely focused, the writers call attention to the thick complexity and multidimensional practice of neighbourliness. These essays are richly suggest of new openings for thought and action of a transformative kind.'


    Professor Walter Brueggemann

  • £3.75

    Paradox: A5 Spiral-bound notebook

    An A5 size notebook with 50 blank pages. Coloured card covers with white spiral binding. Also available in A6 size.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    Breathing Deep: Life in the Spirit of Easter

    Breathing Deep draws on the stories told in the gospels about the resurrection of Jesus. From the time of their writing and first telling, these stories have been seen as invitations to allow the resurrection to reshape the way that life can be lived. The forty reflections in this book imagine those invitations as gifts for us now, opening up the possibility of something new in our lives, our dreams, our hopes. But they also come with a provocative edge, challenging us to find the courage to live in the spirit of the resurrection when everything seems to gravitate towards death and destruction. The resurrection of Jesus was an extraordinary happening in history, but more than a one-off event. Resurrection reveals that the better, more peaceful and hopeful world we dream of is possible, and that it must first take shape within us.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • £7.99

    Sabbath Time: A hermitage journey of retreat, return, communion

    'A serious health breakdown in my thirties, where I spent over six months in recovery, made me aware of the need for greater balance in my life. Yet since then, I have continued to do too much, say “yes” instead of “no” too often, and I have struggled to set aside time for rest, prayer and reflection. But finally, after a year of thought and planning, I decided to take a whole six months off...' From the Author Preface   Description  Being left alone to embark on a reflective journey is a great gift – particularly in our age, where remaining connected is such a driving expectation. Charles decided to take a whole six months off and to spend much of this time in a hermitage on friends’ property. To enter a space of disconnection is both a scary and an exhilarating experience. And to 'down' tools and be still without an agenda of expectations is wonderfully open and freeing. It is also walking into mystery. Who knows what might happen? About the Author  Charles Ringma has taught in universities, colleges and seminaries in Asia, Australia and N. America. And he has worked in urban and overseas mission for several decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Regent College, Vancouver, is a Franciscan Tertiary (tssf) and companion of Northumbria Community, Brisbane. Besides working for justice, he plants rain forest trees, grows vegetables and pens books on Christian spirituality.
  • £9.99

    Sister Wendy’s Bible Treasury: Stories and wisdom through the eyes of great painters

    From the majesty of Genesis to the mystery of Revelation, the Bible contains some of the world's most powerful stories and sublime wisdom. It is also the inspiration for some the greatest pictures ever painted. Adan and Eve expelled from Paradise, Jacob wrestling with the angel, God appearing to Moses in the burning bush, Samson betrayed by Delilah, David slaying Goliath, the beauty of Bathsheba, the wisdom of Solomon: these are among the dramatic episodes and memorable characters from the Old Testament, portrayed here by artists such as Masaccio, Raphael, Rubens, Degas and Rembrandt Then, in the New Testament, the figure of Jesus takes centre stage, with his compelling parables and miracles depicted by artists such as Poussin, Delacroix and van Gogh, and with major events in his ministry – from the nativity to the resurrection – painted by Botticelli, Piero, Duccio, Leonardo, Giotto, Titian and Craigie Aitchison. Commenting on these and many other fine works, Sister Wendy takes you on a journey into the heart of the Bible and of biblical art, making this a book you will want to turn to again and again.
  • £7.99

    Watching, Waiting, Walking: A pattern of prayer and a path for disciples

    Engaging and anecdotal in style, Watching, Waiting, Walking is structured around three key moments in the transformation of one of Jesus' closest friends: St Peter. In the garden of Gethsemane, Peter is told to 'watch' his life. Then, along with the other disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, he is told to 'wait' for the Holy Spirit. And in Jerusalem, following Pentecost, he 'walks' out to address the crowd, and subsequently heals a crippled man who begins to walk himself. Andy Rider believes that reflecting on this pattern of watching, waiting and walking can not only help to shape our prayers on a daily basis, but also to deepen our ability to perceive where we are in the cycle of discipleship. And given the author's honesty about his now times of struggle and reassurance, this warm-hearted column cannot fail to encourage us – whatever our circumstances – to become more open to the work of God's transforming spirit.
  • £12.99

    Braving the Wilderness: The quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone

    True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are. Brene Brown has sparked a global conversation about the experiences that bring meaning to our lives – experiences of courage, vulnerability, love, belonging, shame and empathy. In Braving the Wilderness, Brown redefines our understanding of what it means to truly belong in an age of increased polarisation shaped by fear and divisive ideological and political rhetoric. With her trademark mix of research, storytelling and honesty, Brown sets out a clear roadmap based on the four practices of true belonging that challenge how we think about ourselves, show up with one another, and find our way back to courage and connection.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £6.99.

    Dust that Dreams of Glory: Reflections on Lent and Holy Week

    In these previously unpublished writings, Michael Mayne reflects on Lent and Holy Week, when Christians prepare to follow Jesus to the cross. Lent, he finds, is not a bleak, forbidding time, but a positive and optimistic opportunity for remembering who and what we truly are: 'Dust, yes, but dust that dreams of glory. Dust that has a deep, aching sense both of its mortality and of its reaching after the God glimpsed in Jesus whom one day we shall see face to face. Lent is a time for remembering where our true home lies, and for setting our face once again in that direction.' Dust that Dreams of Glory also includes sequences of reflections for Good Friday and on the seven last words of Christ, which will be welcomed as a profoundly rich and inspiring resource for worship and personal devotion during Holy Week.
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £6.99.
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.

    The Way of the Carmelites: a prayer journey through Lent

    For Carmelites, prayer is friendship with God in a silent communion of love. By fixing our eyes on the vulnerability of Jesus and on his unrequited love for us, we are transformed. And for a life permeated by closeness to him, contemplation becomes the source of action. This beautifully written book, replete with reflections on the Bible, is a spiritual companion and guide for Lent – and the rest of the year – that will introduce readers to the riches of the Carmelite tradition. It also includes questions at the end of each chapter that enable us to follow the profound and practical way of the Carmelites.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.00.
  • £9.99

    The Art of Lent: A painting a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter

    Join Sister Wendy on a journey through Lent, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world's greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with over forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye. For those who want to appreciate the spirituality behind some of the world's greatest works of art, this book will be hugely inspiring – not only during Lent but at any time of year. Dr Janina Ramirez, art historian and broadcaster.
  • £12.50

    Walking Home Together: Spiritual Guidance and Practical Advice for the End of Life

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    Very few books address this sensitive subject, and none do so more beautifully than chaplain Mike mercer's tender and practical guide. In the tradition of Nouwen and Rolheiser, he offers thoughts, practices, stories, and prayers that can bring comfort and strength for those in their final season of life. Where will I find love right now? How is my death a gift for others? How can I cope when I'm so afraid? Mercer explores these difficult questions as well as practical considerations like advance directives as he helps readers immerse themselves in the powerful love of the Good Shepherd, who always walks this journey with us.
  • £9.99

    Desperately Seeking Spirituality: A Field Guide to Practice

    In Desperately Seeking Spirituality, sacred spelunker (someone who explores caves as a hobby!) Meredith Gould combines practical wisdom with lived experience to explain why and when traditional practices don't work for today's seeker and then how to choose ones that will. In short, easy-to-read chapters and with characteristic wit, Gould provides counsel for reframing perception to discover the sacred in everyday life. This guide for self-identified seekers who have tried some, many, or even all the classic spiritual practices and then given up on them when they stop working.
  • £11.50

    Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church

    'I am convinced nothing is more important for the recovery of preaching as a central act of the church than that those who preach trust that God is going to show up when the Word is rightly proclaimed. Too often those who preach fear those to whom they preach when in fact we ought to fear God. If God is rightly expected to show up, if God is rightly feared, then those who preach and those who hear will understand no explanation is required.' (from the introduction) • Seventeen sermons from one of the best-known theologians in the US, from Saints and Letting Go to Recognising Jesus/Seeing Salvation and Clothe Your Ministers in Righteousness • Two bonus presentations on Leadership and An Open Letter to Christians Beginning College in the appendix
  • £8.99

    Feast + Fast: Food for Lent and Easter

    As Lent approaches you may be wondering how best to mark it. Lent is traditionally a period of abstinence, so should you deny yourself little luxuries such as chocolate or alcohol? Or should you do something positive and, if so, what? How best can you nourish your body and soul through this special period in the year? In this original book, Christina Rees takes us on a spiritual and culinary exploration of the Christian traditions around fasting and feasting in Lent and Easter. Christina examines the significance of our daily meals and includes recipes for quick but satisfying breakfasts, lunches and dinners through the forty days of Lent as well as ideas for an Easter feast to savour, rich in symbolism and style. Full of spiritual wisdom as well as inspiring ideas for down to earth living, Feast + Fast offers simple and delicious nourishment to sustain you on your Lenten journey.
  • £8.99

    Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles

    Join Tom Wright on a journey with the Apostles, exploring the New Testament themes of thankfulness, patience, humility and joy. Within each of these themes, Wright offers a week of daily readings and meditations, beginning with the Sunday reading in the Revised Common Lectionary and ending with stimulating questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Drawing on key passages in his popular For Everyone series of commentaries, these sparkling reflections take you on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, guiding you towards the wonder and joy of Christmas.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £6.50.

    In Touch with God: Advent Meditations on Biblical Prayers

    The Archbishop of York's Lent Book for 2017. Make this Advent a time to refresh and enhance your spiritual life by reflecting on some of the greatest prayers in the Bible and the people who prayed them. Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Isaiah, Mary ... This sequence of twenty-five inspiring meditations looks at how our forebears in faith turned to God, both in times of trouble and time of joy and celebration.
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £6.50.
    Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £6.50.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £4.99.

    Songs for a Saviour’s Birth

    Journey through Advent with Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, the Angels, Simeon and Anna. Christmas has always been a time for songs and singing. In this book, the author helps us to feel the joy of those who first welcomed Christ into the world.
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £4.99.
    Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £4.99.
  • Sale
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.

    Rise Up Shepherd! Advent reflections on the spirituals

    Valuable not only for their sublime musical expression, the African American spirituals give us profound insights into the human condition and the Christian life. Luke Powery leads the reader through the spirituals as they confront the mystery of incarnation and redemption throughout the season of Advent.
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.
    Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.99.
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