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241-252 of 700 products

  • Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton
    Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton

    Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton

    Advent and Christmas are special times for all Christians. The spiritual longing of the Advent season can only be satisfied by the joy and celebration of a Christmas focused on Jesus' birth in our hearts. Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Thomas Merton give readers the opportunity to experience Advent and Christmas in a way that unwraps the spiritual joy, allowing it to shine brighter that all the tinsel and trappings that can blind our eyes to the deeper meaning of the season. This book is arranged for use on every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons. Each day's reflection begins with a scriptural quotation, continues with a thought from the writings of Thomas Merton, and concludes with a prayer for the day. Merton's writing capture the familiar themes of the season: the Incarnation, anticipation, angels, giving, and many others - each drawing us closer to the joy of welcoming the Saviour into our lives. An appendix includes a suggested plan for using each day's meditation as part of a morning or evening prayer.
  • Consecrated Celibacy
    Consecrated Celibacy

    Consecrated Celibacy: a fresh look at an ancient calling

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    Christians who want to remain unmarried often face the challenge of identifying, naming and responding to their vocation, both within and outside church life. Reflecting on her own journey and encounters with others, Christine Barnabas takes a fresh look at consecrated celibacy, a calling which, she believes, experiences a new lease of life on the edge of the institutional church. Consecrated Celibacy  is a resource for all who are trying to discern their calling  to a committed and meaningful life before God and for those who accompany them on the journey of exploring this ancient charism God continues to give to the body of Christ.  
  • £2.25

    Spirit of God: A6 greetings card


    When Jesus was baptised the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove according to Luke 3:22 and as fire in Acts 2:1-6.

    “And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” NIV Luke 3:22

    When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. NIV Acts 2:1-6

    Printing and Sizing:

    This item is 105mm x 148mm and is printed on 300gsm gloss card stock. Each card is blank inside, has its title and copyright details on the back and is individually wrapped in cellophane with an envelope. 

  • Sold out

    Pocket Prayers for Sleep

    Pocket Prayers for sleep contains prayers, bible passages and calming activities to help you switch off to daily worries and focus on God and peaceful sleep.
  • £11.00

    Large Northumberland Cross

    Large Northumberland Cross. The base detaches for packing flat. When assembled the cross is approx. 19cm tall and 12 cm wide. Cut from 4mm board, these crosses are lightweight and easily transported.
  • £1.49

    Pocket Prayers for Home Blessing

    The short prayers in this card may be used to help you pray and seek God's blessing in a new home.
  • £10.00

    Walkin’ The Road

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    Newly-released in 2019, community companion Norman Cumming has written and performs a new CD of songs, which we are delighted to stock and offer for sale.
  • Sold out

    Threshold of Light: daily readings from the Celtic tradition

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    This delightful book draws on one of out richest native spiritual traditions, the Celtic heritage, and presents extracts from Irish, Welsh and Scottish sources in a form suitable for daily meditation. The Celts had an extraordinarily clear spiritual vision, born of close association with nature. They thought in vivid images: making a fire, the wind in the wood, the song of the birds, the white waves of the sea. Yet the sense of light and the sense of incarnation which runs through so much Celtic writing is only possible because of its recognition of the dark of sin and evil, and also its acknowledgement of the power of the cross of the resurrection. A belief in the sacredness of the earth, a belief that the victory of the cross illumines and transforms the everyday, an awareness that despite the dark, heaven is not far from us, all this shines through these pages and brings us into closer contact with these fascinating people.
  • £3.50

    A Call To Be

    A Call to Be is a little 16-page book of prayers and liturgy for those who minister. Not just clergy but for everyone who hears God's call to be who He wants them to be. It is for:
    • people who visit,
    • people who bake,
    • people who pray,
    • people who listen,
    • people who teach,
    • people who write,
    • people who serve,
    • people who give,
    • people who put God and others first,
    • people who love God and others unconditionally,
    • people who have a desire to see God's Kingdom prosper on earth...
    • people being who God wants them to be.
  • £9.99

    The Art of Lent: A painting a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter

    Join Sister Wendy on a journey through Lent, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world's greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with over forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye. For those who want to appreciate the spirituality behind some of the world's greatest works of art, this book will be hugely inspiring – not only during Lent but at any time of year. Dr Janina Ramirez, art historian and broadcaster.
  • £8.99

    Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles

    Join Tom Wright on a journey with the Apostles, exploring the New Testament themes of thankfulness, patience, humility and joy. Within each of these themes, Wright offers a week of daily readings and meditations, beginning with the Sunday reading in the Revised Common Lectionary and ending with stimulating questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Drawing on key passages in his popular For Everyone series of commentaries, these sparkling reflections take you on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, guiding you towards the wonder and joy of Christmas.
  • £7.99

    Dust & Glory: Daily Bible Readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day

    Lent is one of the three 40-day seasons in the church's year, besides Advent and the period from Easter to Pentecost. The name itself, Lent, derives from an ancient word meaning 'spring' or 'long', referring to the time of year when days are beginning to lengthen and the world is turning from winter cold and dark to the warmth and promise of spring. During this time, the church calls us to a special period of prayer, self-examination and teaching – and this book has been written to accompany you through that period, a time of turning from winter to spring, from death to life. Dust & Glory ranges across the whole business of living and believing, where the questions are as important as the answers and may call us to deep heart-searching. The goal is always to draw us to authentic faith – a way of living and believing that is real and vulnerable, strong in knowing its limits, rooted in joy and wonder, blessed with the healing and merciful presence of God. Such faith acknowledges both the dust of our mortality and the glory that keeps breaking in with unexpected life, hope and new beginnings.
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