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Celtic Studies & Spirituality


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1-24 of 111 products

  • £1.00

    Advent Candle Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2

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    A tri-fold card of the Northumbria Community Advent Candle Liturgy, taken from Celtic Daily Prayer 2. 10% discount when 5 or more copies are purchased in the same transaction.
  • Edwin_High King
    Edwin_High King

    Edwin: High King of Britain

    Edwin, the deposed king of Northumbria, seeks refuge at the court of King Raedwald of East Anglia. But Raedwald is urged to kill his guest by Aethelfrith, Edwin's usurper. As Edwin walks by the shore, alone and at bay, he is confronted by a mysterious figure - the missionary Paulinus - who prophesies that he will become High King of Britain. It is a turning point. Through battles and astute political alliances Edwin rises to great power, in the process marrying the Kentish princess Aethelburh. As part of the marriage contract the princess is allowed to retain her Christian faith. But, in these times, to be a king is not a recipe for a long life : This turbulent and tormented period in British history sees the conversion of the Anglo-Saxon settlers who have forced their way on to British shores over previous centuries, arriving first to pillage, then to farm and trade - and to come to terms with the world view of the Celtic tribes they have driven out.
  • £14.99

    The Mustard Seed: The Transformation of the Anglo Saxons into the Christian English

    This book is for anyone of any background who has ever wondered what made the English.  Covering the periods 597 to 689 and 878 to 927, it recounts the epic transformation of the Anglo Saxons into the Christian English.  The perspective is unique, combining spiritual with secular, re-discovering lost or hidden things, re-uniting the present with the past. You will recover lost seeds from ancient times – people who laid foundations which endure to this day. SPECIAL OFFER PRICE FOR LIMITED COPIES (RRP £19.99)
  • Sold out
    New Heaven and New Earth
    New Heaven and New Earth

    A New Heaven & A New Earth: St.Cuthbert and the Conquest of the North (Book 3 of 3: The Cuthbert Novels)

    In 1069 Northumbria is in revolt against Norman rule. William the Conqueror’s brutal reprisal devastates the province and brings untold suffering to its people. Caught between the Northumbrian rebels and their new Norman masters, the Community of Saint Cuthbert at Durham is struggling to survive. But the mysterious influence of the Saint brings aid from the furthest corners of the kingdom—and from some of the least likely of his followers:
    • Thorgot, an Anglo-Norse adventurer from Lincoln on the run from the Normans
    • Edith, the repudiated wife of Durham’s dean
    • Aldwyn, a visionary monk of Winchcombe
    Extraordinary twists of destiny draw the three together to bring about a new order from the ashes of the old. By the time the foundation stone is laid for a new cathedral at Durham, their lives have changed for ever and the survival of the shrine is assured. A gripping story of violence, heartbreak and redemption that brings the trilogy of novels about Northumbria’s warrior saint to a dramatic conclusion.
  • Place of Repose
    Place of Repose

    A Place of Repose: St.Cuthbert’s Last Journey (Book 2 of 3: The Cuthbert Novels)

    The year is 875, and the Danish King of York, Halfden Ragnarsson, is carrying fire and sword across Northumbria, burning churches and monasteries and killing their inhabitants. The once-great Christian kingdom is at the mercy of the heathen. The monks of Lindisfarne flee, taking the relics of Saint Cuthbert and the Lindisfarne Gospels with them. Their journey in search of a new home for the Saint lasts for seven years and changes the lives of the men who bear him for ever. Katharine Tiernan's second novel is a tale of violence and intrigue, revenge and reconciliation – and of true love lost and found. An extraordinary story combines with the skilful and engaging recreation of characters and relationships at this fateful moment in the survival of Northumbria. Always in the background is the mysterious presence of Cuthbert, as the threads of destiny that will bind heathen and Christian, Dane and Saxon start to weave together.
  • CuthbertofFarne

    Cuthbert of Farne: A Novel of Northumbria’s Warrior Saint (Book 1 of 3: The Cuthbert Novels)

    What made a young Anglo-Saxon warrior lay down his sword and enter a monastery? Why would he turn his back on wealth and position - and women? Seventh-century England is a time of war and religious divisions that threaten to split the Church. As a reconciler and peace-maker he is much loved by those around him, and his antagonist, the powerful Bishop Wilfrid, respects him. When Cuthbert's vocation takes him to the windswept solitude of Inner Farne, his long-foretold destiny lies in wait for him. He is summoned back to become the most powerful churchman in the land. This gripping historical novel takes us to the heart of Cuthbert's world and sheds new light on the life and times of the North's favourite saint.
  • Z-Rod_Heirs of Promise
    Z-Rod_Heirs of Promise

    Z-Rod: Heirs of Promise

    "Heirs of Promise', the second part in the gripping Z-Rod trilogy set in 6th century Scotland, intriguingly contrasts the lives of Pictish cousins striving to establish themselves - one as warlord, the other as a spiritual warrior. Styling himself on the boar, Oengus uses power and wily intelligence in a bid for independence from his overlord under the gathering gloom of war. Other shadows disturb: his ousted cousin, who bears the powerful 'Z-rod', still haunts; unrequited love for the inaccessible Alpia, consumes; and influential druids question his commitment to the volatile mother goddess. Abbot Fillan prophetically directs the exiled Taran to remake himself as a warrior-saint by acquiring nine graces. Propelled on an ominously named 'white martyrdom', Taran is tested by a series of quests and friendships to find his soul companion in his ultimate aim of 'bearing fire to the north'. The plot moves forward, with clever twists and dramatic moments that intrigue and shock the reader. The characters are sensitively depicted, their struggles laid bare, making for a complex story that the reader will follow with intrigue.
  • clear book cover for CDP
    clear book cover for CDP

    Slip-over cover for Celtic Daily Prayer Books 1 and 2

    This strong, clear, phthalate-free plastic cover offer protection and increased durability for Celtic daily Prayer 1: The Journey Begins, and Celtic Daily Prayer 2: Further Up and Further In Please note CDP books are NOT INCLUDED in the price, and the photograph of the cover on these prayer books is for illustration only.
  • Daily Office Hungarian
    Daily Office Hungarian

    CDP Daily Office card: Hungarian

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    A folded A4 card in Hungarian with the words of the Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer. This is a handy resource to carry in your pocket or in your Bible. 10% discount when you purchase 5 or more.  
  • Sold out

    Z-Rod: Chosen Wanderers : A Celtic Saga of Warriors and Saints

    Chosen Wanderers is the first book in the Z-Rod series: a gripping saga set in the upheavals of Pictish Scotland in the 6th century. At the initiation of two princes preparing one to rule the tribe, a mysterious power symbol, the Z-Rod, is tattooed on one, unleashing uncontrollable consequences. Tribal power struggles are further intensified when two Irish saints arrive whose vibrant faith and daring spirit, preserving them through the Scottish wilds, demonstrates to capricious warlords and their powerful druids, an alternative worldview of reconciliation and hope. Straddling these two worlds is a mysterious bard with prophetic abilities. His revelation has little relevance initially, but later becomes the lifeline to recover a seemingly lost destiny. What significance does the Z-Rod and 'bearing fire to the north' have on an exile, and how will anything be achieved amidst poverty and obscurity.  By turns epic and homely, spiritually searching and thoroughly adventurous, this story of great undoing and remaking propels us through multiple scenes and characters in a setting which is utterly convincing in its detail.
  • £22.99

    The Naked Hermit : A Journey to the Heart of Celtic Britain

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    Descending into the darkness of a long-abandoned hermit's cave, wading naked into an icy sea to pray, spending the night on a sacred mountain, Nick Mayhew-Smith recounts an extraordinary one-man mission to revive the ancient devotions of Britain's most enigmatic holy places. Based on ground-breaking research into the transition from Paganism to Christianity, this book invites the reader on a journey into the heart of the Celtic wilderness, exploring the deep-seated impulse to mark natural places as holy. It ends with a vision of how we can recover our harmony with the rest of creation: with the landscape, the weather and the wildlife, and ultimately with the body itself. Follow the footsteps of holy men and women such as Columba, Patrick, Cuthbert, Gildas, Aidan, Bede, Ninian, Etheldreda, Samson and others into enchanting Celtic landscapes, and learn the unvarnished truth behind the stories that shape our spiritual and natural heritage.
  • City without a church
    City without a church

    City Without a Church: PDF download

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    This is a downloadable pdf of the booklet "City without a Church" by Henry Drummond, which has been produced as one in a series of booklets exploring responses to one of the basic questions of the Northumbria Community: "How Then Shall We Live?" The city without a church The City Without a Church is a meditation by Henry Drummond on a selection of verses from Revelation chapters 21 (verses 2 and 22) and 22 (verses 2 and 3). Extracts from it feature in the Finan series of readings for July in Celtic Daily Prayer and it has become an important text for the Northumbria Community because it deals with ‘church without walls’ and ‘kingdom in the streets’. Although this meditation is framed in the muscular, self-confident language of the Victorian era, its underlying message to us is as fresh as if it was written yesterday. The message is this: the institutional churches have ‘stolen Christ from the people’. What struck Drummond about John’s vision of the New Jerusalem was not just that he saw a city (rather than some kind of pastoral idyll) but that he saw no temple (or church) there. Although Drummond has hard words for the institutional church, he is by no means anti-church: he just wants it to wake up to the realities of real faith and get its priorities right. For Drummond, this involves getting out of our church buildings and getting totally involved in the concrete realities of our streets − starting right where we are, with the mess of real life all around us. He says that ‘it is only because the secular is so intensely sacred that so many eyes are blind before it.’ When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download your pdf.  The link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded it long before then!
  • £0.65

    CDP Daily Office card: Brazilian Portuguese

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    A folded A4 card in Brazilian Portuguese with the words of the Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer. This is a handy resource to carry in your pocket or in your Bible. 10% discount when you purchase 5 or more.  
  • £2.00

    Communion: Small Boat Great Big Sea: pdf download

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    This downloadable pdf contains a Northumbria Community Communion liturgy entitled "Small Boat Great Big Sea". This is already available as a communion booklet and within Celtic Daily Prayer 2, but having received several requests for this to be made available individually, is now published as a pdf download. When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download your pdf.  The link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded it long before then!
  • £4.00

    Shabbat liturgy booklet: pdf download

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    A downloadable pdf version of our 40 page booklet containing the Shabbat Liturgy from Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. Ideal for families and small groups sharing Shabbat. Following purchase, you will receive a link to download the file. This link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded your purchase well within this time.    
  • Placeholder

    Communion: Family Breaking of the Bread: pdf download

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    This downloadable pdf contains a Northumbria Communion liturgy entitled "Family Breaking of the Bread". This is already available within an existing communion booklet, but having received several requests for this to be made available individually, is now published as a pdf download. When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download your pdf.  The link will expire in 3 days, although we imagine you will have downloaded it long before then!
  • £2.00

    CDP Daily Office A5 booklet

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    The Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer in an A5 booklet.  
  • £4.50

    The Heart Alone with God

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    Celtic and Desert spirituality was essentially monastic, and praying was learned in the context of cell (alone) and community (together). There was no separation of praying and living; one flowed from the other. For us too, life is prayer and prayer is life. Making inner space to cultivate the God-life within is at the centre of the contemplative experience, which is entering into the self to be with God. This interior life is also a journey through the darkness and dangers of ‘the world, the flesh and the devil’. This booklet explores how we can thwart even the most ‘devious’ of attacks of the enemy and find inner peace as we understand the full meaning and significance of ‘The Heart Alone with God’. 
  • £2.00

    CDP Daily Office card (Braille)

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    A Braille edition of the Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer.  
  • £2.00

    CDP Daily Office card (giant print)

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    A giant print edition (25pt)  of the Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer.  
  • £5.00

    Herebert’s Hymnbook

    Illustrated by Francesca Ross, 'Herebert's Hymnbook' tells the story of Herebert of Derwentwater, a seventh century priest and hermit whose soul friend was St Cuthbert. It also contains eight poems by Andy Raine and Bailey Thaw. This is a stapled A5 booklet of 32 pages published by the Northumbria Community.
  • £7.99

    The Abbess of Whitby : A novel of Hild of Northumbria

    Chosen as handmaid to Eostre, the Saxon goddess, Hild would spend a year serving the goddess before she was wed. Her future was mapped out - until her father was murdered, and King Edwin claimed her as kin. Hild's first love was given a key command in Edwin's forces, and vanished from her life, wed to her elder sister. That same day, the court was baptised, ending the people's fertility religion and Hild's role. Life looked bleak - even more so when the husband to whom she was given was killed, along with her child. Hild resented the compulsory baptism, but became intrigued by the Iona priests, and eventually converted. Aidan, the charismatic figure who taught, and lived, a new kind of love, persuaded Hild to help spread the new faith. In thanks for a significant victory, King Oswy ordered her to found one of his new monasteries at Whitby. She would see the men she trained appointed by the Pope as missionary bishops, carrying the faith across Britain.
  • £5.00

    CDP Daily Office card: PDF download for up to 10 copies

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    PDF download of our folded A4 card with the words of the Daily Office (Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer) from Celtic Daily Prayer. Each purchase gives permission for the printing of up to 10 copies of this liturgy card. If further copies are required please make additional purchases (2 purchases for up to 20 copies, 3 purchases for up to 30 etc.) PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THE DAILY OFFICE CARD. PRINTED COPIES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE HERE
  • £6.00

    May the Peace music score for SATB: PDF download to print up to 10 copies

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    PDF download version of the A4 sheet music for May the Peace of the Lord Christ go with you. Arranged in Open Score for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Each purchase gives permission for the printing of up to 10 copies of this music sheet. If further copies are required please make additional purchases (2 purchases for up to 20 copies, 3 purchases for up to 30 etc.) PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS MUSIC SHEET. PRINTED COPIES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE HERE
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