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Spiritual Growth


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121-144 of 430 products

  • £10.99

    A Celtic Liturgy

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    This compact liturgy provides alternative services and prayers for many occasions. It includes: Prayers before Worship; Early Morning Prayer; Morning Prayer; Evening Prayer; Night Prayer; A Service of Marriage; In Praise of Creation; A Funeral Service; A Service of Healing; Prayers of Intercession; A Celtic Calendar of the Lives of the Saints; Selected Psalms, and an Historical Overview. A tried and tested prayer book in an attractive new design.
  • £10.99

    For Good : The Church and the Future of Welfare

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    It is often claimed that local churches provide a significant proportion of social care today. This important new study considers the reality of the church's involvement to offer compelling and concrete recommendations for the future. It proposes a transformational model of welfare that breaks free from the default approach of `eradicating the five giant evils - squalor, ignorance, want, idleness, and disease'. Instead the authors focus on fostering five assets - relationship, creativity, partnership, compassion, and joy - and empowering people to regain control of their lives. With bold and innovative practical recommendations for churches, civil society and public policy, and compelling theological reflection on welfare and poverty, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the church's contribution to society.
  • £14.99

    Incarnational Ministry : Being with the world

    In this follow-up to Incarnational Ministry: Being with the Church, Samuel Wells explores what it means for Christians and churches to engage with the world. Drawing on the Gospels, Acts, and personal insights gleaned from more than two decades in ministry, he shows how `being with' others includes experiences of presence, attention, mystery, delight, participation, partnership, enjoyment and glory. His vivid narratives and wise reflections will help Christian readers better understand how to be with all kinds of people outside the church, including:* Being with Seekers * Being with Those of Other Faiths * Being with the Hostile * Being with Neighbours * Being with Government * Being with the Excluded
  • £16.99

    Incarnational Ministry : Being with the church

    The bestselling writer and popular broadcaster Sam Wells reflects theologically and practically on the essence of discipleship and Christian ministry today. Those in ministry, like Jesus, are called to the task of `being with': with God, with the church, with the created world and those who live in it. Incarnational Ministry explores the concept of `being with' in eight dimensions: presence, attention, mystery, delight, participation, partnership, enjoyment and glory. It challenges readers to deeper discipleship and more vital ministry as they explore what it means to be with the troubled, the hurt, the afflicted and the dying - and all who are embraced by the Church's incarnational ministry.
  • £11.50

    Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge

    Addressing the central question facing the church today--Is the Gospel true?--Dallas Willard offers an impassioned argument that Christian spiritual ideals are a reliable source of wisdom that should be granted the same authority as other intellectual disciplines such as science or philosophy. He shows how faith and reason are complementary and confronts the difficult issues of Christian pluralism (the challenge of other faiths) and how we can know God exists.
  • £12.50

    Seamless Faith: Simple Practices for Daily Family Life

    Faith is learned when it is woven seamlessly into the fabric of everyday life. In Seamless Faith, author Traci Smith shares dozens of simple practices to equip families of all kinds with the tools they need for bringing faith home. Filled with easy-to-organize traditions, ceremonies, and spiritual practices for many of life's stressful and faith-filled moments, this is a resource parents will rely on for years to come.
  • £9.99

    Questions Are The Answer : nakedpastor and the search for understanding

    David Hayward - the `Naked Pastor' - is one of the most prolific Christian cartoonists of the online world. Describing himself as `a graffiti artist on the walls of religion' with the aim of `helping people undress religion to the core essential of their own unique spirituality', his immediately-recognisable images are shared by thousands across social media every day. This book uses David's cartoons and accompanying text to tell his own story from being a `Closed' Christian, with a black and white, fundamentalist view of the world to the freedom of becoming an `Open' Christian with the courage to ask questions and wrestle with some of the tougher challenges of faith.
  • £9.99

    God Lost and Found

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    When you dig a bit below the surface, you are likely to discover that many of us who attend church regularly feel we have lost touch with a living experience of God. Indeed, we may find we no longer believe in God at all. The reasons why faith breaks down are multi-layered and complex, and this sympathetic volume has been written for those who aren't satisfied with pious answers to real questions and disappointments. John Pritchard draws deeply on his own experience of dark times in order to shed light on what we may be going through ourselves. He then offers starting points from which we might rediscover and re-imagine a more realistic faith in the God who, despite appearances, is ever present with us, whether apprehended or not.
  • £14.99

    How Long, O Lord? : The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace

    The task of reconciliation with God, ourselves and others is an integral element of the mission of God that has been entrusted to his people and leads us to be peacemakers in our societies. Dealing with the grand vision of peace and reconciliation, this book unlocks the biblical story of reconciliation and challenges churches to widen their scope of mission and become a healing and restorative community. With a particular focus on case studies from the Philippines, this book gives insight on the work of reconciliation in different parts of the world. Dealing with themes such as repentance, forgiveness, partnership, and multiculturalism, How Long, O Lord? offers a thorough, academic investigation of the ministry of reconciliation that will be useful for pastors, counsellors, and scholars in various contexts.
  • £11.99

    The Father’s Heart in Flowers

    For years Margaret Brewer has delighted the church with her flower arrangements, each providing a visualisation of an important Christian teaching or presenting the gospel. This book is a collection of her teachings, along with decorative paintings of the flower arrangements that accompany them. It can be read as a daily devotional, with an inspiring message and illustrations to start each day. Or the reader can reproduce the flower arrangements as a beautiful way to share the good news of Jesus with those around.
  • £12.00

    This Must Be the Place : Reflections on Home

    Connects the metaphor of home that runs through the stories of our faith - the Prodigal Son, the Son of Man has nowhere to call home, heaven as home - with the deep desire to belong and to feel wanted* Author of Keeping the Feast turns discussions about food and faith into what it means to live in community, to create home, and to feel at homeThe author writes, "One of the characters in Robert Frost's `Death of a Hired Man' says, `Home is that place where, when you go there, they have to let you in.' I have found that place in my marriage, around our dining room table for Thursday Night Dinners, with friends who have helped me make a mosaic out of the shards of my fractured past. Home, for me, means to belong, to feel wanted."As a writer, chef, and minister, Brasher-Cunningham has spoken to churches, taught cooking classes, hosted dinners, and found as many ways as possible to get people together to talk about food and faith. That discussion turns often to what it means to live life together, which is an entry point to talk about what it means to feel at home together. For readers of Keeping the Faith and Brasher-Cunningham's blog, churches seeking to be "home" for their members, people who have moved and searching for a sense of home.
  • £15.99

    A Future and a Hope: Mission, Theological Education, and the Transformation of Post-Soviet Society

    After more than twenty years since the fall of the USSR, the evangelical movement in post-Soviet society has entered a crucial phase in its historical development. Setting out a transformative vision of mission and theological education, this book makes an important contribution towards the renewal of the church in this fascinating--but deeply troubled--part of the world. After the violent and disruptive events that followed the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and Freedom in 2013/14, the evangelical movement in post-Soviet society now has an unprecedented opportunity to become a shining example of a "church without walls." Searle and Cherenkov reflect on the political, social, cultural, and intellectual legacy of the Soviet Union and offer bold and innovative proposals on how the church can rediscover its prophetic voice by relinquishing its debilitating dependence on the state and, instead, expressing solidarity with the people in their legitimate aspirations for freedom and democracy. Notwithstanding the pessimism and lament expressed on many pages, the authors conclude on a positive note, predicting that the coming years will witness a flowering of evangelical ecumenism in action as Christian solidarity flourishes and overflows denominational boundaries and parochial interests.
  • £12.99

    Carnival Kingdom

    The first Christians lived out a new social order and envisaged the world anew. Divisions, inequalities and injustices would be overturned as the world would reflect a new kind of reign. In the Kingdom of God, the powerful are brought low, while the oppressed are raised up; the hungry are filled with good things, while the rich are sent empty away; the wolf lives with the lamb, and the leopard lies down with the goat; the slave becomes the son, the master is the servant of all and the meek will inherit the earth. This same upside-down Kingdom is echoed in the Carnival festivals of the Medieval era, which both parodied the oppressive structures of their day and dramatically portrayed an alternative reality. In this book, twelve scholars, theologians, and social activists from around the world take up the Carnival's call for justice and a renewed society, and portray in their own contexts the Kingdom of God coming in justice and fullness of life - the coming of the Carnival Kingdom.
  • £3.95

    Mission-Shaped Hermit: Thomas Merton, Mission and Spirituality

    The church is rediscovering a passion for mission‚ and with that there is the danger that it finds an addiction to action, and puts itself, rather than God, at centre stage.Thomas Merton was a radical and engaging thinker who saw contemplation as the necessary partner to action.  This profound and challenging study distils some of his insights and offers a radical agenda for mission in the new realities of today.
  • £12.99

    Thomas Merton: The Exquisite Risk of Love : The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance

    While recuperating from an operation on his spine in a hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, Thomas Merton befriended a female nurse charged with his care. They fell in love. On returning to the Abbey of Gethsemani, where Merton had been living as a Trappist monk, their clandestine romance continued. In his journal Learning to Love and a collection of eighteen poems, Merton chronicled his relationship with `M.', the gentle, kind and mysterious young woman who opened a window to his heart after his life long refusal of women. Here, for the first time, Robert Waldron explores Merton's rich and full experience of the sacred game of love with reference to Eighteen Poems as well as Merton's own personal account, and how it made it possible for him to attain a spiritual and psychological wholeness he had never known before. Indeed, the book wonderfully illustrates the value in daring to live for the love of another.
  • £20.00

    Divine Discontent : The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton

    Thomas Merton's best-selling spiritual autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, was one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. The original (1948) hardback edition sold 600,000 copies and by 1984 paperback sales had exceeded 3m. It has been translated into 15 languages and remains in print today. The 2015 centenary of Merton's birth provides an opportunity to reconsider both his international reputation and his startling relevance in today's world. Merton was a Trappist monk, writer, contemplative, social critic, pacifist, jazz lover and (in the context of world faiths) ecumenist whose sudden, premature death in unexplained circumstances prompted a further surge of interest in the man and his work. His extensive writings, many only recently available, provide the basis for a fresh examination of his story, permitting Merton to speak for himself whenever possible, but enabling also an analysis of his abiding fascination and the discontents - human and divine - that dominated so much of his life. The author inspires us to look again at our preconceived ideas about the natural world, the prevailing culture, abuses of power, questions of war and peace, contemplation and action, institutions and the freedom of the individual - and the search for God. NB The International Thomas Merton Society has 40 Chapters in the US alone, overseas Chapters in Argentina, Australia (2), France, Japan, New Zealand and Russia, and affiliated organisations in 11 further countries (Belgium & the Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Poland, Spain and Sweden).
  • £10.99

    Thomas Merton My Brother : His Journey to Freedom, Compassion and Final Integration

    This intriguing expose not only traces Merton's remarkable journey through life, but it also explores the various deposits of his vast literary heritage. Pennington, one of the leading spiritual writers of our times, was a close friend of Merton. As a fellow Cistercian monk for many years, he can understand as few others can the lifestyle and concerns of Thomas Merton. Chapters deal with Merton's quest for inner freedom, his growth to compassion, his attraction to the Orient and its mysticism, his vast literary output. Pennington's personal recollections of their times spent together allows his writing an original warmth that cannot be found elsewhere.
  • £8.99

    The Pilgrim’s Regress

    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £8.99

    Compelling Reason: essays on ethics and theology

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    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £12.99

    How to Pray : Reflections and Essays

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    C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God-prayer-in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings. C. S. Lewis's insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis's enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don't know how to begin.  Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
  • £12.99

    How to Be a Christian : Reflections and Essays

    How to Be a Christian brings together the best of Lewis's insights on Christian practice and its expression in our daily lives. Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works. From the revered teacher and best-selling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters comes a collection that gathers the best of C. S. Lewis's practical advice on how to embody a Christian life. The most famous adherent and defender of Christianity in the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis has long influenced our perceptions and understanding of the faith. More than fifty years after his death, Lewis's arguments remain extraordinarily persuasive because they originate from his deep insights into the Christian life itself. Only an intellectual of such profound faith could form such cogent and compelling reasons for its truth. By provoking readers to more carefully ponder their faith, How to Be a Christian can help readers forge a deeper understanding of their personal beliefs and what is means to be a Christian, and strengthen their profound relationship with God.
  • £10.99

    In the Heart of the Temple: my spiritual vision for today’s world

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    Highly provocative and practical spiritual writing on today's most pressing issues The spiritual vision that emerges in this book is a spirituality of both action and contemplation. For to be at the heart of the temple without being in the heart of the world, the author believes, is at most only half a spiritual life. Rather we are required to see what is going on around us and to do everything we can to square it with the will of a loving God for the world God created. Both highly provocative and immensely practical, In the Heart of the Temple addresses today's most pressing questions, challenging readers of every religious and political persuasion to personal, spiritual, social and moral change.
  • £12.00

    God of Earth : Discovering a Radically Ecological Christianity

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    "Informed by rich appeal to religious mystery, voiced in poetic imagery and cadence... offers thick attentiveness to the world" - Professor Walter Brueggemann. "Kristin Swenson blows past petrified Christian traditions to shine light on a profoundly radical new way to experience God" - Stephanie Pearson, contributing editor, Outside magazine. What happens if we imagine the Jesus of Christian theology to be realized in the nonhuman natural world around us?  Basic to Christian belief is the notion that God, the creator of all, inhabited the earth in order to call to us. God of Earth embraces this central premise of Christianity - Jesus as both fully divine and fully human - and then allows for the possibility that such a Jesus need not be limited to a human man. What if Jesus were "God of earth" - not only over earth but also in and through it? As Swenson tracks that question through the cycle of a church year, she invites readers to reconsider our relationship to the nonhuman natural world and so experience new dimensions of the sacred and new possibilities for hope and healing.
  • £9.99

    Forgetful Heart : Remembering God in a Distracted World

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    We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives becoming sometimes treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether. This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God? Here she suggests that it is about more than simply `knowing' things - it is about how we live. Forgetful Heart is a beautifully-written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection and practical challenges and advice.
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