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625-648 of 705 products

  • Even though the day
    Even though the day

    Even though the day A6 greetings card

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    This Hebridean prayer is used as the Meditation for Day 20 in Celtic Daily Prayer Book 1: The Journey Begins. This calligraphic design is also available as an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.
  • £1.20

    Do not hurry A6 greetings card

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    This poem by Andy Raine, one of the founders of the Community, has proved immensely powerful to many walking through the dark night of bereavement and is particularly appropriate for somebody who is grieving. This design is printed on good quality card and is also available as an A6 postcard. An A4 poster is also available with the same poem as a calligraphic design by Pam French.
  • Christ as a light
    Christ as a light

    Christ as a light A6 greetings card

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    These are the words of the 'canticle' from Morning Prayer in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French is also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 postcard.
  • £1.20

    Calm me O Lord A6 greetings card

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    These words by David Adam form part of the Felgild Compline (for Wednesday each week) in Celtic Daily Prayer. This calligraphic design by Pam French us also available as an A4 poster, an A5 poster and an A6 Greetings card.
  • Ancient Paths
    Ancient Paths

    Ancient Paths CD

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    Anna's first solo album includes some of her 'signature' pieces as well as some songs of her own. Some of you will recognise familiar words from the Complines in Celtic Daily Prayer drawn from Carmina Gadelica and other traditional sources. Here they are set to Anna's own music which has emerged over the years of saying and singing these night-time prayers with her children, Joel and Martha. Anna says, 'I hope you will want to play this album often and that it will capture something of the rhythm of the tides, the sounds of the island and also its stillness.'
  • Sold out

    Prayer Beads

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    Wooden beads plus a metal celtic cross that can be held in the hand as an aid to prayer. Rob Davies, who has lost his sight and puts these together with the help of his wife, finds that holding the cross and using the individual beads helps him to keep praying. Others have also found them very helpful and we commend them. The pack contains suggestions as to how the beads might best be used, showing how each bead can be used to pray through the Midday Office from Celtic Daily Prayer. Colours may vary. A small number of packs containing beads in the form of a string rather than a loop are available on request. Please email the office.
  • The Advent of Peace : A Gospel Journey to Christmas
    The Advent of Peace : A Gospel Journey to Christmas
  • £5.99

    Reaching Out

    A classic work of spirituality that explores the three movements of the spiritual life: reaching out to our innermost self from mere loneliness to creative solitude, reaching out to our fellow human beings from arid independence to self-giving and finally reaching out to God who 'calls us from the darkness of our illusions into the light of his glory.'
  • Sale
    Blessing Europe: The Legacy of the Celtic Saints
    Blessing Europe: The Legacy of the Celtic Saints
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £2.00.

    Blessing Europe: The Legacy of the Celtic Saints DVD

    Join Rainer Wälde as he sets out on a fascinating journey through Europe in the trail of the Celtic Saints. Discover the origins of Christianity in Ireland and journey with the Irish monks as they embark on their great adventure through France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Following the success of his multi-award winning documentary film, My Journey to Life, Rainer tells the stories of four major Celtic saints narrated by Roy Searle of the Northumbria Community. Set out with Columbanus, regarded by some as the 'first European', on his incredible journey that will take him from Bangor in Northern Ireland to Bobbio in Italy. Relive the story of his companion, Gallus, who founded a monastic cell on the banks of Lake Constance out of which emerged a great religions and cultural centre that become the present day town of St Gallen. Accompany Pirmin on the island of Reichenau and join Magnus on his bold adventures into the Allgau region of Southern Germany. Receive fresh inspiration from the beautiful music and soul-stirring prayers of the Celtic tradition. Discover the great legacy of the Irish monks and accompany Rainer on a moving journey to the source of life.
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £2.00.
    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £2.00.
  • £1.00

    Walking with Grief Bookmark

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    The poem 'Walking with grief' (from the 'In the shadow of death' section of Celtic Daily Prayer) was written by Andy Raine, one of the founders of the Northumbria Community. It has proved to be of enormous help to countless people all over the world who are struggling with loss, particularly bereavement. This presents the words in the form of a bookmark that can easily be given to somebody in these circumstances, so that they may often remind themselves of the words.
  • Sold out

    The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

    The Sayings of the Desert Fathers – The Alphabetical Collection Translated by Benedicta Ward, SLG The fourth-century ascetic flight to the desert indelibly marked Christianity. The faithful who did not embrace the austerity of the desert admired those who did and sought them out for counsel and consolation. The ‘words’ the monks gave were collected and passed around among those too far away or too feeble to make the trek themselves – or lived generations later. Previously available only in fragments, these Sayings of the Desert Fathers are now accessible in its entirety in English for the first time. ‘We have a great deal to learn from their integrity and their unrelenting courage, from their vision of God – so holy, so great, possessed of such a love, that nothing less than one’s whole being could respond to it,’ wrote Archbishop Anthony of Sourzah in the preface. ‘If we wish to understand the sayings of the Fathers, let us approach them with veneration, silencing our judgments and our own thoughts in order to meet them on their own ground and perhaps to partake ultimately – if we prove to emulate their earnestness in the search, their ruthless determination, their infinite compassion – in their own silent communion with God.’
  • Spirituality and Remembering
    Spirituality and Remembering

    Spirituality and Remembering

    This Grove Booklet grew out of a sense of that since memory is such an essential part of our being human, it must be important in our spirituality. Spirituality concerns the way we live out what we believe about God and the way he relates to us. Much of our internal reflecting depends on what we carry in our memories and so God must be concerned about them as he is about the rest of us. But some many people look back with nostalgia, or pain, or large parts of our memory may be suppressed. Chapters cover Memory ...and the Christian faith ... and God ... the Bible ...and prayer ...and pastoral care ...and identity.
  • £10.99

    Streams of Living Water

    Isn't it a shame that the rich tapestry of Christian belief and practice has so often been rigidly carved up, crammed into denominational boxes and padlocked shut? Richard Foster addresses this by identifying six major strands of Christian spirituality within the worldwide church that have contributed at various times and places across the centuries. They are: The Contemplative tradition - or the Prayer-filled life, The Holiness tradition - or the Virtuous life, The Charismatic tradition - or the Spirit-empowered life, The Social Justice tradition - or the Compassionate life, The Evangelical tradition - or the Word-centred life, The Incarnational tradition - or the Sacramental life, Foster's celebration of spiritual life incorporates history's most significant Christian figures and movements. It serves as a refreshing example of how real peopl have evaded preconceived ideas and lived wonderful Christ-centred lives in spite of constricting labels.
  • £10.99

    The Wounded Healer

    What does it mean to be a healer in the modern world? In this hope-filled and profoundly simple book, Henri Nouwen offers a radically fresh interpretation of modern ministry. Here he inspires devoted men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways of ministry alienating and ineffective. According to Nouwen, ministers are called to identify the suffering in their own hearts and make that recognition the starting point of their service. For Nouwen, ministers must be willing to go beyond their professional, somewhat aloof role and leave themselves open as fellow human beings with the same wounds and suffering as those they serve. In other words, we heal from our wounds. Generally recognized as one of Nouwen’s finest works, this book is a modern classic.
  • Paradox in the Gospel
    Paradox in the Gospel

    Paradox in the Gospel

    Life and the gospel contain a good deal of paradox, but a survey has showed that evangelists often ignore it. Here Jim Currin wants to stir a discussion to make evangelism more effective, in the belief that acknowledging paradox makes the gospel more exciting, relevant, and attractive to today's spiritual seeker.
  • The Wisdom of the Desert
    The Wisdom of the Desert

    The Wisdom of the Desert

    The Wisdom of the Desert was one of Thomas Merton's favourites among his own books - surely because he had hoped to spend his last years as a hermit. The personal tone of the translations, the blend of reverence and humour so characteristic of him, show how deeply Merton identified with the legendary authors of these sayings and parables, the fourth century Christian Fathers who sought solitude and contempation in the deserts of the Near East. The hermits of Scete who turned their backs on a corrupt society remarkably like our own had much in common with the Zen Masters of China and Japan, and Father Merton made his selection from them with an eye to the kind of impact produced by the Zen mondo.
  • Finding a Personal Rule of Life
    Finding a Personal Rule of Life

    Finding a Personal Rule of Life

    How can I discover a pattern of life which expresses the discipline God calls me to live by but also the freedom that I am to enjoy as a follower of Christ? This engaging study, full of practical wisdom, shows how the concept of 'rule of life' can do just that when used aright. It explores the practical need and biblical basis for 'rule,' looks at what makes 'rule' helpful, and guides the reader through the process of building a personal rule of life.
  • Into the Silent Land
    Into the Silent Land

    Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation

    An introduction to contemplative prayer that draws on insights from the Eastern Orthodox tradition of the Jesus Prayer, from the Western Carmelite tradition, from poets and novelists and from the author's own experience as a retreat director and confessor.
  • Embracing Chaos
    Embracing Chaos

    Embracing Chaos

    Understanding the importance of chaos and complexity is well established in the sciences, and increasingly impinges on everyday life. But how does it affect our understanding of leadership and theology? This wide-ranging study looks at the key elements of chaos theory, and makes helpful connections with the practical issues of leadership within and beyond ministry.
  • One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book
    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

    One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book

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    This book has been designed to guide you through a day long creative retreat or quiet day whether it be at home or away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities, some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice.'
  • The Rhythm of Life
    The Rhythm of Life

    The Rhythm of Life

    Celtic Daily Prayer by David Adam Life has its rhythms. We all need to be able to cope with its ebb as well as its flow. We have to survive its darkness as well as its light. We face dry times as well as times of richness. To survive this intricate pattern, we need to have an overriding rhythm of prayer. We need to know that whatever is happening, we are loved by God and in Him we live and move and have our being.
  • Rule cards
    Rule cards

    Rule cards

    There are 52 (business card size) cards in this set - one a week of the year to use how you please to help the Rule of the Northumbria Community sink deep. Each card contains a quotation from, or about, the Rule. The idea is that you can take one out of the box at a time and keep it in your pocket or handbag, or prop it on your desk or beside your bed - wherever it works for you to be regularly reminded through the week of the thought displayed. It can be an aid to meditation or a spur to action. Alternatively, you might choose to use them as bookmarks - or in all sorts of other ways that might work for you. The words are set against 3 designs: A candle for AVAILABILITY, A beach lifebuoy for VULNERABILITY, A 'coracle' for words from or about the Rule which apply to both categories. The set of 52 cards is supplied in a plain clear plastic box.
  • Your Breath

    Your Breath: A4 signed print

    Created: 1998 Words: Your breath I hear as the wind, whispering worship Your peace I seek as I travel Your face I see as the sun, smiling solace Your peace I seek as I travel Your hand I feel as the water, cradling comfort Your peace I seek as I travel Mary says: 'Your Breath' is about the feeling I get when I think about leaving our Island home to travel inland and how much the everyday experience of being surrounded by its infinite changes - and constancy - relates to my experience of God. Printing and Sizing: This item is 297mm x 210mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock using our in-house printer. Each print is individually signed by Mary Fleeson and is packaged in a cellophane wrapper with a descriptive backing sheet explaining more about the piece and the Scriptorium.
  • Sold out
    The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See

    The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See

    The enlightenment you seek in other religions has been present in Christianity from the beginning. Richard Rohr helps you recognise the forces (such as ego resistance and dual thinking) that separate you from your deeper self. then, drawing from the Gospels and the greatest Christian contemplatives, he shows you what it means to be spiritually awake. You'll learn:
      • why your ego resists change and growth
      • - What Jesus, the first mystical leader in the West, can teach you
      • - What is useful about popular ideas such as 'the law of attraction'
      • - how you can enhance spiritual awareness without sacrificing reason
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