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Your selection (6 items)

Item Description Unit Price Quantity Subtotal  
The Last Journey : Reflections for the Time of Grieving £14.99
£14.99 ×
An Altar in the World £12.99
£12.99 ×
Celtic Daily Prayer - music CD £10.00
£10.00 ×
Time to Live : The Beginner's Guide to Saying Goodbye £8.99
£8.99 ×
One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book One Day Creative Retreat Activity Book £3.99
£3.99 ×
Prayer Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home £8.99
£8.99 ×

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Subtotal £59.95

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  • Sold out

    Journey: A4 signed print

    Words: None Background: Artist Mary Fleeson comments...'The design of ‘Journey’ was an experiment inspired by a manuscript at the British Library. The parchment I saw had been painted with a rich purple-red ink and the script was formed using gold ink which appeared coppery in colour. Therefore I formed my cross in a similar way and to achieve the layered textural depth effect I experimented with collage. The working title for the piece was ‘Unknown Journey’, its layers representing C.S Lewis’ view of death as an ‘onward and upward’ journey to a better, brighter, more ‘real’ place.' Printing and Sizing: This item is 210mm x 297mm and is printed on 300gsm card stock.
  • Into the depths
    Into the depths

    Into the depths: A Journey of Loss and Vocation

    In January 1984, Sr Mary Margaret Funk, a Benedictine nun from Indiana, paid a visit to Maryknoll missionary nuns working in Bolivia. On what should have been a routine trip to the local town for a convocation ceremony, a flash flood swept away the jeep in which she, three nuns, a priest, and a disabled boy they had adopted were travelling. Only she and the priest survived What happened that night catapulted Sr Meg into twenty-five years of prayer and self-examination. She relentlessly explored her relationship with the transcendent and immanent God, the profundities of her religious tradition, her commitment to spiritual practice, and her very human failings. It was a journey that left her spiritually naked before the terrible love of God; a journey to keep one's heart open to the transforming wounds of suffering. In the great tradition of spiritual confessions from Augustine to Thomas Merton's The Seven-Story Mountain, Into the Depths is a fearlessly honest and simply told account of one woman's struggle to engage at the deeper levels with the most profound questions of faith.
  • £3.49

    Multicoloured Blessings

    A pocket collection of designs to colour in. Multicoloured Blessings is inspired by Matthew 5: 1-12 also known as 'The Beatitudes'. Each colouring is a blessing to aid meditation, prayer or relaxation.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Devotions

    A collection of sixteen images to colour, some are outlines of pieces already created for the Lindisfarne Scriptorium and some are completely new. The aim of the book is to help you relax, to inspire, to allow God to speak to you as you focus and meditate on the images.
  • £4.99

    Bereavement: Bible readings for special times

    This book of 24 undated reflections draws comfort and inspiration from the Bible and from experience for those who are going through a time of bereavement, as well as providing insight for those wanting to support others who are bereaved. Jean Watson suggests how it might feel to get through the dark days and to move, however slowly, from `getting by' with help, to `getting a life' in which living with loss goes alongside the gains in terms of new insights on faith and life and a greater ability to empathise with others.
  • Sold out

    When God is Silent

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    “Barbara Brown Taylor’s concise, pithy and challenging prose is evidence that she is practicing what she preaches:that Christian pastors take more care with the words they use and treat language with economy, courtesy and reverence. . . .She offers concrete and practical suggestions for ways to improve our relationship with both silence and the words God has given us.” - KATHLEEN NORRIS, for Christian Century Renowned minister Barbara Brown Taylor focuses on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for communication with a God who often seems to be silent. Originally delivered as the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in preaching at Yale Divinity School, When God is Silent   addresses questions essential not only to preachers, but also to anyone yearning to hear from God.
  • £11.99

    Psalm Conversations : Listening In as They Talk with One Another

    The Psalms' insights are remarkable, unexpected, eye-opening. They have vital things to say to us if we listen intently to the ancient wisdom, much of which has been lost to modern ears. Using the insights of the "shape and shaping of the Psalms" work done by Psalms scholars over the past twenty-five years, James Chatham presents an inviting study for nonexperts to explore the interactions that various psalms have with one another. The book invites us to listen in on several psalm conversations, to realize how contemporary they are, and to join them. Chatham encourages us to immerse ourselves in the mind, heart, and world of the Psalms editor, to get to know those editors well, and to realize that their world was, in important ways, very much like ours. Through this process, the messages spoken by the Psalms editors emerge with words of faith about everyday issues in human living, both then and now.
  • £16.00

    Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

    A compassionate and compelling meditation on discovering your path in life. With wisdom, compassion and gentle humour, Parker J. Palmer invites us to listen to the inner teacher and follow its leadings toward a sense of meaning and purpose. Telling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have made a difference , he shares insights gained from darkness and depression as well as fulfilment and joy, illuminating a pathway towards vocation for all who seek the true calling of their lives.
  • £3.99

    The Christmas Creative Retreat Activity Book

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    This book has been designed to be used from Christmas Day to Epiphany. It has been created to help you find moments of meaning amidst the mince pies and re-runs of old sit-coms. Be inspired by the stories of Saints and find peace with the activities. The Christmas Creative Retreat Activity Book offers a combination of meditations, prayers and activities. Some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice'.
  • £3.50

    A Call To Be

    A Call to Be is a little 16-page book of prayers and liturgy for those who minister. Not just clergy but for everyone who hears God's call to be who He wants them to be. It is for:
    • people who visit,
    • people who bake,
    • people who pray,
    • people who listen,
    • people who teach,
    • people who write,
    • people who serve,
    • people who give,
    • people who put God and others first,
    • people who love God and others unconditionally,
    • people who have a desire to see God's Kingdom prosper on earth...
    • people being who God wants them to be.
  • £3.99

    Multicoloured Advent

    A collection of designs to colour in, with a Bible meditation for each.  Use this book to guide your thoughts and meditations in the run-up to Christmas.
  • £4.99

    The Creative Prayer Manual

    This little book includes ideas for enhancing your personal prayer time and ideas for groups and prayer days. Mary writes, 'I believe that conversation, both listening to and talking with God, is as vital as breathing and that prayer is a creative expression of communication which enhances and nurtures a closer relationship with God.'  
  • The Promise of Paradox
    The Promise of Paradox

    The Promise of Paradox: a celebration of contradictions in the Christian life

    First published in 1980 - and reissued here with a feisty new introductory essay - The Promise of Paradox launched Parker J. Palmer s career as an author and his ongoing exploration of the contradictions that vex and enrich our lives. In this probing and heartfelt book, the distinguished writer, teacher, and activist examines some of the challenging questions at the core of Christian spirituality. How do we live with the apparent opposition between good and evil, scarcity and abundance, individuality and community, death and new life? We can hold them as paradoxes, not "either/ors", allowing them to open our minds and hearts to new ways of seeing and being. Animated by the insights of the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, The Promise of Paradox explores spiritual questions in the open and generous spirit of Christian mysticism, challenging forms of Christianity  that are closed and even cruel. There are no easy answers to these questions, and there may be no answers at all. But with the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, Palmer advocates the rich possibilities that emerge when we learn to "live the questions".
  • £6.50

    Who is it that you seek?: Spiral-bound journal

    The second of a new range of notebooks made for the Community with cover artwork by Francesca Ross who designed the covers of the new Celtic Daily Prayer. This design incorporates the question 'Who is it that you seek?' These spiral bound notebooks have 80 blank pages and printed card covers protected by a clear polypropylene outer cover
  • £9.99

    Destiny : Learning to Live by Preparing to Die

    Only a proper perspective on death provides the true perspective on life.Living in the light of your death will help you to live wisely, freely and generously. It will give you a big heart and open hands, and enable you to relish all the small things of life in deeply profound ways. Death can teach you the meaning of mirth.The author encourages us to take the one thing in the future that is certain - our death - and work backwards from that point into all the details and decisions and heartaches of our lives, and to think about them from the perspective of the end. It is the destination which makes sense of the journey. If we know for sure where we are heading, then we can know for sure what we need to do before we get there.Learn to find true joy and satisfaction in God's good gifts, and, in realizing your own smallness, see just how great God is.
  • £12.50

    Walking Home Together: Spiritual Guidance and Practical Advice for the End of Life

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    Very few books address this sensitive subject, and none do so more beautifully than chaplain Mike mercer's tender and practical guide. In the tradition of Nouwen and Rolheiser, he offers thoughts, practices, stories, and prayers that can bring comfort and strength for those in their final season of life. Where will I find love right now? How is my death a gift for others? How can I cope when I'm so afraid? Mercer explores these difficult questions as well as practical considerations like advance directives as he helps readers immerse themselves in the powerful love of the Good Shepherd, who always walks this journey with us.
  • £13.99

    Home by another way: Biblical meditations through the Christian year

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    Written by one of the world's greatest preachers, these insightful meditations began their life as beautifully crafted sermons that explore the meanings of the major seasons and holy days of the Christian year. Reviewer Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James's Picadilly, writes: "This is a deeply compassionate book that takes seriously what it's like to live in the world now, while holding out the scriptural hope of a life not yet imagined. Barbara Brown Taylor tells new parables that reveal meaning in everyday holiness, and the thoroughly human states of confusion, suffering and joy of which she is keenly aware.This book is for all who want to believe but can't quite get there, or for those whose jaded spirit needs a long cool drink at a freshwater spring. Reading these reflections is like being drenched in grace." Recently voted one of the world's top ten contemporary spiritual sages, Barbara Brown Taylor is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia. Her previous books include An Altar in the World and Leaving Church.
  • £10.99

    The Art of Healing Prayer : Bringing Christ’s Wholeness to Broken People

    The Art of Healing Prayer aims to help both clergy and laity to develop a greater understanding of those who come seeking healing, and to become skilled in praying for such people biblically, imaginatively and sensitively. The authors recognize that this is a costly ministry, requiring counsellors to find time in their own often busy lives to guide others, and necessitating that they continue to be open to the gifts of God's grace. However, it is a ministry that often results in joy and transformation, as those healed from long standing inner woundedness become sources of goodness and healing for others.
  • £10.99

    Speaking of Sin

    In Speaking of Sin, Barbara Brown Taylor brings her fresh perspective to words that often cause us discomfort and have widely fallen into neglect: sin, damnation, repentance, penance, and salvation. Asking why we should speak of sin at all, she argues that abandoning words will not make sin go away, and that alienation, deformation, damnation and death will continue no matter what we call them. Abandoning the language will simply leave us speechless before them, and increase our denial of their presence in our lives. Ironically, it will also weaken the language of grace, since the full impact of forgiveness cannot be felt apart from the full impact of what has been forgiven. Contrary to the prevailing view, Taylor calls sin “a helpful, hopeful word.” Naming our sins, she contends, enables us to move from guilt to grace. In recovering this lost language of salvation in our worship and in the fabric of our individual lives, we have an opportunity to take part in the divine work of redemption.
  • £16.00

    Journaling as a Spiritual Practice: Encountering God Through Attentive Writing

    Whether you are a longtime journal keeper or someone who has never kept a journal at all, this book will help you to go below the surface of your life with God. It is not about the art of writing, but about how journaling can form us spiritually. Every chapter combines descriptive text, illustrations from journals and the author's own experience with journaling practices integrated along the way to help you bring your own life and world into sharper focus. God wants to surprise you with the beauty of your own life, growing and alive, filled with movement, light and shadow. This is the book to do just that.
  • £9.99

    One for Sorrow : A Memoir of Death and Life

    One for Sorrow relates the story of the loss of 21-year-old Tom from cancer, and how his family struggled to live through the aftermath. When Alan started to write the book, he thought it was about his son's illness and death. He soon realised, however, that it dealt largely with own journey through that painful 'valley of the shadow of death', as someone responsible for ministering to others in similar situations. His core beliefs were challenged and his perspective on life changed. Now retired from ministry, he is passionate about the capacity each of us has to make a difference, for the better, by living our lives to the full each and every day.
  • £3.99

    The Creative Pilgrimage Activity Book

    This little book has been created to inspire the would-be pilgrim, as a companion for the travelling pilgrim and as an introduction to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Included are prayers and activities to help you focus on your journey whether your pilgrimage is part of your inward journey or a physical journey to a sacred place.
  • £14.00

    A Retreat with Thomas Merton

    The celebrated spiritual writer Thomas Merton remains one of the most influential voices of our day. His many books have become modern spiritual classics and he opened up the riches of the monastic tradition for many. Here, Esther de Waal devises a seven day personal or group retreat programme using extracts from Thomas Merton's writings and a selection of the photography for which he was also renowned. She creates a retreat that can be made at home, at a centre or on holiday, over a week or a period of weeks. The focus of each of the seven days is: The Call; Response; The Solitary Within; Encounter With Christ; The Demands of Love; Common and Natural and Ordinary; Integration.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Praises

    A collection of sixteen simple outlines to colour in. Ideal for children and adults, use Multicoloured Praises for relaxation or prayer, on holiday or retreat.
  • £3.99

    The Holiday Creative Retreat Activity Book

    This book has been designed to help you make the most of your holiday whether you have a long weekend or two weeks away. It offers a combination of prayers and activities. Some to challenge and some to help you relax and clear your mind and always to encourage you to hear the 'still, small voice'.
  • £3.99

    The Love Is Activity Book

    This little book contains meditations, prayers and activities about Love, inspired by the verses in the book of Corinthians. In Paul's first letter to the Christians of Corinth in Greece, he spends a long time instructing, advising, challenging and encouraging the young church there. He hasn't visited for a few years and he knows of the immorality in the wealthy pagan city and the divisions that have emerged within the church. Although he aims not to diminish the message of the cross with 'wisdom and eloquence', he gave us, in chapter thirteen, some of the most powerful and well-known verses of the New Testament.
  • £12.00

    My times are still in Your hands 210mm square print

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    Lynda Owen-Hussey, a companion with the Northumbria Community, is a mixed media artist living on the shores of the West Coast of Ireland in County Kerry, close to the birthplace of St Brendan. These days, her work is inspired by the many gifts of the sea she encounters on walks along the shore, often pondering the life of St Brendan and the many monks of old who inhabited this land. In describing this original artwork Lynda says:

    Painted whilst on retreat at Nether Springs, the Mother House of the Northumbria Community, this artwork is inspired by a verse in Northumbria Community’s Brendan Liturgy:

    I will trust in the darkness and know that my times are still in Your hand. 

    Brendan and his companions spent years on the sea as they searched for, and eventually found, the promised land. In Psalm 31, King David in the midst of difficulty places his trust in God recalling that his times are in God’s hands. Likewise we are called to trust God in the dark and difficult desert days we can find ourselves in.

  • £10.99

    Streams of Living Water

    Isn't it a shame that the rich tapestry of Christian belief and practice has so often been rigidly carved up, crammed into denominational boxes and padlocked shut? Richard Foster addresses this by identifying six major strands of Christian spirituality within the worldwide church that have contributed at various times and places across the centuries. They are: The Contemplative tradition - or the Prayer-filled life, The Holiness tradition - or the Virtuous life, The Charismatic tradition - or the Spirit-empowered life, The Social Justice tradition - or the Compassionate life, The Evangelical tradition - or the Word-centred life, The Incarnational tradition - or the Sacramental life, Foster's celebration of spiritual life incorporates history's most significant Christian figures and movements. It serves as a refreshing example of how real peopl have evaded preconceived ideas and lived wonderful Christ-centred lives in spite of constricting labels.
  • £12.99

    Learning to Walk in the Dark

    New from best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor, perhaps best known for An Altar in the World, comes Learning to Walk in the Dark. In this hardback book she writes with wisdom, grace and beauty as she seeks to rehabilitate what we have learned to fear - the dark. Here she reflects on how our lives do not only work when everything is brightly lit; twilight and deep darkness have treasures of their own waiting to be discovered. Babara Brown Taylor writes: 'Darkness is shorthand for anything that scares me - either because I am sure that I do not have the resources to survive ti or because I do not want to have to find out. If I had my way, I would eliminate everything from chronic back pain ti the fear of the devil from my life ad the lives of those I love. At least I think I would. The problem is this: when, despite all my best efforts, the lights have gone off in my life, plunging me into the kind of darkness that turns my knees to water, I have not died. The monsters have not dragged me out of bed and taken me back to their lair. Instead, I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light. Learning to Walk in the Dark is a wise spiritual companion and guide for those times in life when we don't have all the answers. Recognising our tendency to associate all that is good with light, and all that is evil and dangerous with darkness, Barbara Brown Taylor asks whether God doesn't work at night too? With her characteristic grace and generosity, she invites us to put aside our fears and anxieties and to discover all that the darkness has to teach us. She takes us to underground caverns, subterranean chapels, basement night clubs and unlit cabins in the woods on moonless nights. Through darkness, we begin to see the world and sense God's presence around us in new ways, guiding us through things seen an unseen, and teaching us to find out footing in times of uncertainty. Like seeds buried in the ground, we will find how darkness is essential for our own growth and flourishing.
  • £3.99

    Facing Death: Bible readings for special times

    This collection of 18 undated reflections draws comfort and encouragement from the Bible and from the author's own experience for those going through life-limiting illness and for their family and carers. With moving vulnerability and without denying the difficult reality of the situation, Rachel Boulding suggests a way to confront terminal illness with faith and hope in a loving God. Facing Death grew out of the overwhelming response to Rachel's Bible notes in New Daylight (May-August 2016). Readers recognised in her comments her courage to be authentic in the face of terminal illness, her appropriate vulnerability and her faith.
  • Multicoloured Contemplations
    Multicoloured Contemplations

    Multicoloured Contemplations

    A pocket collection of designs by Mary Fleeson to colour in. Use Multicoloured Contemplations for relaxation, prayer or meditation, on holiday or retreat.
  • Ancient Paths
    Ancient Paths

    Ancient Paths CD

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    Anna's first solo album includes some of her 'signature' pieces as well as some songs of her own. Some of you will recognise familiar words from the Complines in Celtic Daily Prayer drawn from Carmina Gadelica and other traditional sources. Here they are set to Anna's own music which has emerged over the years of saying and singing these night-time prayers with her children, Joel and Martha. Anna says, 'I hope you will want to play this album often and that it will capture something of the rhythm of the tides, the sounds of the island and also its stillness.'
  • Money Sex and Power
    Money Sex and Power

    Money Sex and Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life

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    Money, Sex and Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life asks how we can apply the classic Christian vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a modern world that seeingly rejects these values. ‘Foster follows a road few in recent years have travelled, and does so with depth, wit and down-to-earth wisdom. Don’t assume for one moment that this book is anti-money, anti-sex or anti-power: the author has a healthy respect and admiration for all three as sacred gifts of a loving creator. What he does urge us to do, though, is to “live rightly” in respect of these key areas, and so to be freed into a life of creative celebration’. (Gerard Kelly)                                  
  • Sanctuary of the Soul
    Sanctuary of the Soul

    Sanctuary of the Soul: A Journey into meditative prayer

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    Richard Foster, bestselling author of Celebration of Discipline and founder of Renovare, has written this book for all who hunger to go deeper into prayer but don’t know where to start. Sanctuary of the Soul gently guides you along the path of meditative prayer, so that you too can know a deeper fellowship with God. Weaving together quotes and stories from the lives of the mothers and fathers of the faith as well as powerful encounters with God from his own life, Foster describes the riches to be gained through quietening your mind and heart in order to listen to and obey God more closely. Along the way, at his clearest, most practical best, he also provides the biblical teaching and step-by-step help you need to begin to find this sanctuary of prayer yourself.      
  • Waymarks

    Waymarks: Songs for the Journey CD

    14 songs that mark the Community's journey - alone yet together. This music is recorded in normal Audio CD format and can be played on any CD player (or computer with a CD drive). This album is also available as an audio download. To purchase Waymarks as an audio download please visit one of these options: Purchase Waymarks via iTunes Purchase Waymarks via Amazon (MP3) [playlist images="false" ids="8707,8709,8711,8713,8715,8717,8719,8721,8723,8725,8727,8729,8731,8733"]
  • £8.99

    The Awesome Journey: Life’s Pilgrimage

    Drawing on a lifetime of Christian pilgrimage, David Adam reflects on biblical encounters with the divine. God's question to Adam, 'Where are you?' is relevant to us all; Abraham's long journey of hearing and obeying (and learning the art of having no agenda) is ours too; Jacob's great discovery – that heaven is found on earth and earth is raise to heaven – helps us to become aware that we often already possess what we think we're searching for. Moses' desert experiences of grief and glory encourage us to press on to the Promised Land; Elijah's powerlessness reminds us that God often call us out of darkness and weakness, and that we may need stillness to hear him. The story of the prodigal son's return is a disarming reminder of the welcome that awaits each one of us; while Paul's call to rejoice inspires us to be present fully to each day. As we continue to move forward, these profound insights – on grief and glory, emptiness and fulfilment, repentance and forgiveness, loving and being loved will transform the way we live and the way we relate to God, here and now.
  • £4.49

    Multicoloured Seasons

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    A collection of sixteen images to colour based around the Church Year, two images for each season starting at Advent, then Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and Harvest with mediations on the reverse of each image.
  • Multicoloured Meditations
    Multicoloured Meditations

    Multicoloured Meditations

    A beautiful collection of 16 outlines to colour in, designed by Mary Fleeson, companion of the Northumbria Community, and produced by the Lindsifarne Scriptorium.